Talk: Brules

Ranc Gang emblem

Hey Brules, when you have a moment, could you recreate the emblem of the Ranc gang from the ninth issue of the Poe Dameron comic (link to image)? It's worth noting that the emblem is on a banner, so it's not 100% straight. Thanks! Cevan (talk) 23:59, January 5, 2017 (UTC)

  • Thanks Brules, it looks great! Cevan(talk) 14:27, January 6, 2017 (UTC)

Two new logos for your collection

Howdy, my friend! Once again, I come to you with a new Vector request, just in case you've got a few idle minutes and feel bored. ;-) They both come from Rogue One Rebel Dossier: the symbol of Mon Mothma, and what appears to be the logo of the Rebel Alliance Intelligence Service. I realize that the latter is very small, but it's all I could obtain from the ebook, unfortunately; do you think that's still manageable? Cheers! -- 08:51, January 10, 2017 (UTC)

  • Thanks! You're doing us a favor by crafting those Vectors, so you don't need to hurry. Take your time. :-) -- 09:06, January 10, 2017 (UTC)


I was wondering if you could remove the tan border of this file (from the page I scanned it from) and straighten it bit? Thanks! - AV-6R7 05:40, January 11, 2017 (UTC)

  • Thanks! Looks great! - AV-6R7 06:26, January 11, 2017 (UTC)

2.3 Expansion/rewrite

Why are you not allowing tactical analysis sections for the Star Wars Commander game units? You've started deleting such sections that I've been adding. Every single videogame wiki in existence gives guides on the use of in-game units or abilities. Only having a basic background description is less than useless. Kiljaedenas (talk) 06:08, January 12, 2017 (UTC)

You're kidding, right? That's a videogame unit. In fact by the current data on your own page it is ONLY found in a videogame. Videogame wikis always have tactical analysis on the in-game units/classes/abilities etc, whatever is relevant given the type of game. There's nothing "behind the scenes" about it, this isn't story canon. I'm putting the sections back but I'll change how they're titled to more clearly show that they are info on the in-game unit abilities. Kiljaedenas (talk) 07:09, January 12, 2017 (UTC)

Then don't even put video game references on your wiki. This is a Wikia. Wikia pages about videogames ALWAYS include tactical analysis, and I've done thousands of edits among dozens of game wikias that were fully accepted; your refusal of these edits is borderline abuse of administrative power and I know this because I've busted someone for this before. Wikia wikis are easier to edit than many other types which is why a lot of people like doing game wikis on it. You seriously need to loosen up about this and accept the fact that if you put any mentions of Star Wars videogames on a Star Wars wiki, users will want to add articles discussing how to do those games and how each unit/power/class/etc works best. Kiljaedenas (talk) 07:29, January 12, 2017 (UTC)

CT:Essential Atlas placements still valid until proven otherwise

I've added specific legalese to my proposal in Forum:CT:Essential Atlas placements still valid until proven otherwise; please review. - AV-6R7 00:49, February 1, 2017 (UTC)

  • Added another bit on where this would be amended to in our canon policy. - AV-6R7 01:07, February 1, 2017 (UTC)

Tierfon Yellow Aces emblem

Hey Brules, when you have a moment, I was wondering if you could do a tiny bit of vector work for me. You see, in TFA the Tierfon Yellow Aces emblem seen on Dosmit Ræh's helmet appears as a New Republic starbird (this one), however the current file for it, File:Tierfon Yellow Aces.svg|here, has it as a Rebel Alliance starbird. Whenever you have a moment, could you possibly change the color of the NR starbird to the yellow seen on the current Tierfon emblem and reupload it (you may need to add in the black border around the emblem as well)? Here's a link to an image of the Tierfon emblem on Ræh's helmet should you need it. Thanks! Cevan (talk) 16:21, February 4, 2017 (UTC)

  • Thanks Brules, it looks great! Cevan(talk) 16:53, February 5, 2017 (UTC)


Say, you're good with images! Would you be able to upload a better version of File:Galactic_Defense_Cradossk.png? (The source image is here.) That irritating glow threw me for a loop, and I kinda butchered it. - Cwedin 18:02, February 4, 2017 (UTC)

  • That looks fantastic! Thanks! - Cwedin 05:28, February 5, 2017 (UTC)


Hey, I was wondering if you could remove the background of File:G2-7T.jpg|File:G2-7T for me; thanks in advance! - AV-6R7 03:48, February 6, 2017 (UTC)



Regarding your Workplace edits for Super Empire Strikes Back, can you create the Spinner article, assuming of course it hasn't already been created under another name? Weedle McHairybug (talk) 10:32, February 11, 2017 (UTC)

ROTJ Rebel tec hat patch

Hello Brules. Once again, I came to sollicit your talents. See, I have recently discovered that the Rebel technicians in ROTJ had a special symbol on their caps (one that appears nowhere else), and I wonder if it would be possible at all to recreate it. Here is the reference picture, and here's a fan recreation. What do you think? -- 11:05, February 15, 2017 (UTC)

  • Even a month or two if you like! ;) -- 08:08, February 16, 2017 (UTC)

TIE Reaper image

Your'e probably right regarding my source being pirated. I must've gotten the dates wrong, as I believed Rogue One was already out an DVD and Blu-Ray, therefore thinking the youtube video I got it from legit. Sorry for the confusion.

Fan26 (talk) 11:55, March 22, 2017 (UTC)


I was wondering if you could do a vector of the triangular patch on the jacket of this Viper Sensor Intelligence Systems employee, preferably just the triangle since the other bits seem to be part of his jacket. Sorry for the small image. Thanks! - AV-6R7 05:30, March 23, 2017 (UTC)

  • Exactly, thanks! - AV-6R7 05:53, March 23, 2017 (UTC)

AT-ST driver

Hey Brules! Do you think that, at some point, you might be able to "clean up" this image a bit? I could upload it that way (for the AT-ST driver), but it wouldn't look very good as is. -- 17:52, March 26, 2017 (UTC)

  • Oh, right! I forgot to mention it's from the [[Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded. Thanks, mate! :-) -- 07:14, March 31, 2017 (UTC)

Venator-class Star Destroyer vandalism removal

Thank you, Brules. --Cloneablestar (talk) 21:44, April 5, 2017 (UTC)

Battlefront II pilot insignia

Hello Brules, I was wondering if you could help me out with an image. On the Wars Battlefront II website, if you give it a second to show the main title, there is a TIE pilot with an insignia on the left of their helmet. It's at a bit of an angle here, so ([1]) this may be better, although there is some text in the way. A clear image of the insignia would be great for Unidentified female TIE pilot, as well as her squad's page, whether that be Inferno squad or something else. Thanks in advance. - Tommy-Macaroni 12:45, April 15, 2017 (UTC)

  • That is amazing, thanks so much! - Tommy-Macaroni 20:46, April 15, 2017 (UTC)

Wide-beam lasers


I realize it will take a while for you to finish up with the Super Empire Strikes Back workbench, so no rush there, but can you at least make sure the Wide-beam lasers article is written up soon? It's the only redlink left in the article. Weedle McHairybug (talk) 17:30, May 26, 2017 (UTC)

Image caption punctuation

Hey Brules! Thanks for uploading and adding the image to the Anakin Skywalker article. Please note that per the Layout Guide, image captions should only end with a period/full stop when they use complete sentence(s). Cheers, Imperators II 05:47, June 3, 2017 (UTC)


Hi, which card has this specific image[2]? I've checked out before doing that and didn't found any card with thatimage. Thanks --DarthRuiz30 (talk) 00:49, June 13, 2017 (UTC)

Cobalt Squadron emblem

Hey Brules, when you have some time would you mind making a vector of the emblem for Cobalt Squadron, courtesy of Ello Asty's helmet in Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary? Here's another image of it from LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens if that's of any help. Just so you're aware, the correct orientation of the emblem should have that center yellow rod pointing straight upwards. Thanks a bunch! Cevan (talk) 21:26, July 30, 2017 (UTC)

  • Awesome, thanks Brules! Cevan(talk) 02:06, July 31, 2017 (UTC)

Millius Prime

Hey, Brules, I was wondering if you could crop the moon from this image and place it against a black background so we can have a new infobox image for Millius Prime. Thanks in advance! - AV-6R7 20:03, September 1, 2017 (UTC)

  • Thanks again! - AV-6R7 21:09, September 1, 2017 (UTC)

Clan Vizsla emblem

Hello there! I don't know if you're still around these days, and if you're busy right now, let me apologize in advance for bothering you. Since you've been our vector magician for some time, I wondered if you could try and whip up a correction version of the Clan Vizsla symbol that's appeared in the latest Rebels episode, the one that looks like a branch with two red cinquefoils on it (see here and here for reference). I know the source image is ludicrously small, though. So if it's too much of bother, don't hesitate to decline my request! :-) Cheers, mate. -- 09:24, October 17, 2017 (UTC)

Interdictor-class Star Destroyer

Hi Brules, if you're not too busy would you mind getting a new image form Card Trader? It's card #35041 (The Interdictor), from the Star Wars Rebes: Retro series. It's just because we're now using this image on four interdictor-related pages, and I think it would be nice to get some variety in. Don't worry if you can't, it was just a thought. Thanks in advance! - Tommy-Macaroni 13:17, October 20, 2017 (UTC)

  • Brilliant, thanks Brules! - Tommy-Macaroni 07:02, October 21, 2017 (UTC)

Crest of Alderaan

Hello there, pal! As part of your vector gallery project, have you considered tackling the Crest of Alderaan? As far as I can tell, canon material has only featured a gray/silver version of it (as can be seen here or here). -- 16:22, November 14, 2017 (UTC)

  • Beautifully executed as usual! :D Since then, it has appeared in Star Wars: The Rebel Files – Deluxe Edition. As you can see here at 04:19. -- 08:03, January 14, 2018 (UTC)

Dark Empire

Hey, Brules, I was wondering if you could make a vector of the Dark Empire insignia from this image. One with the cyan, and one with the blue area of the logo transparent instead. Thanks! - AV-6R7 02:04, March 11, 2018 (UTC)

  • Actually, I've found the crest the cyan one was based on, so I only need the cyan one the original one. - AV-6R7 23:33, March 11, 2018 (UTC)

Picture rights

Hey Brules, may I use your pictures of Vlex Onopin, Sirro Argonne and Ames Uravan for Jedipedia (german version of Wookieepedia)? CanePlayz (talk) 15:46, April 5, 2018 (UTC)

SW Authentics

Hello there, Brules! :-) I wanted to know: how do you manage to extract high-res versions of the Star Wars Authentics images? -- 07:38, September 14, 2018 (UTC)

Corellia and Vandor Pics

Do you remember what you did to Kessel, Savareen, and Mimban. You gave them better images and brighter images. Can you do the same to Corellia and Vandor. It would be very helpful.

Thank you for adding good images to Solo: A Star Wars Story planets. I really appreciate it. Please remember to sign your comments with four tildes: ~~~~Jpercy (talk) 00:09, September 28, 2018 (UTC)

Timothy Zahn's Interview

Hi Brules,

I just wanted to notify you that I will be seeing if I could make an interview to Mr. Timothy Zahn. I have yet to ask him via his Facebook account if he will accept, but I'm sure he will want to share his time with us. Back to the matter, I just wanted to ask you if you would like to ask him some question so I can ask it to him during the interview.

Naberrie family

Hey Brules, I notice you are a miles time better at working with the family trees than I am, so I was wondering if you could do me a favour please? No source as of right now (that I'm aware of) says that Ryoo and Pooja Naberrie are daughters of Sola Naberrie, so would it be possible for you to edit the tree to reflect this but still keep them part of it? Hope that makes sense, thanks --Lewisr (talk) 04:20, December 11, 2018 (UTC)

  • That looks good with me, thank you! --Lewisr (talk) 00:47, December 12, 2018 (UTC)

Phoenix Home

Hey Brules, as our resident image wizard I was wondering if you'd mind cutting out the background and removing the annoying glow from this File:Imperial_Light_Cruiser_topps_card.jpg|image, if you have time? Cheers, Tommy Macaroni 15:25, December 26, 2018 (UTC)

  • That's excellent, thanks a bunch! 11:14, December 27, 2018 (UTC)

Image fix

Hey Brules! I added the twitter image [[File:PabloHidalgoBrahatokclassGunship.pdf]] for a tweet in the Braha'tok-class gunship article but it's very small. Can you fix it for me please? Braha'tok enthusiast (talk) 15:24, February 12, 2019 (UTC)

Image source

At no point in the trailer does it show her full helmet at the top in that scene. As that image is not from the trailer, please update the source to the specific location you got File:Second Sister HS JFO.png from. Thank you. - JMAS 00:50, April 14, 2019 (UTC)

{{Cite web|url=|title=''Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order''™ for Xbox One||dateaccessed=2019-04-13|quote=A galaxy-spanning adventure awaits in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order™, a new 3rd person action-adventure title from Respawn Entertainment.|archivedate=2019-04-14|archiveurl=}} Thanks. - JMAS 01:02, April 14, 2019 (UTC)


Hi Brules, just an administrative reminder to exclude main-space categories from workbenches. Please either remove them or use <nowiki></nowiki>. Thanks, Tommy Macaroni 21:22, June 16, 2019 (UTC)

  • Got it. Brules 21:35, June 16, 2019 (UTC)

R0-GR image request

Hey, I saw that you uploaded a new image for the Firefighter battle droid page using an image from Droidography. I know that the book has an image of Roger holding a tray of cookies on one of its last pages, so I was wondering if you could upload that image? If you can’t upload it, no problem.

I’m asking because I thought it could work in my Workbench.--Editoronthewiki (talk) 23:31, November 19, 2019 (UTC)

Skikkesk images

Is there any chance you can remove the speech bubble captions from the images in Skikkesk? Many thanks in advance. Braha'tok enthusiast (talk) 07:45, December 17, 2019 (UTC)

  • My mistake, all I need is the bubbles blackening out in the profile image. That gives me less to ask for. Braha'tok enthusiast (talk) 16:42, December 17, 2019 (UTC)

Image cleanup

Hi, Brules. Can I ask you to please clean up some parts on File:PrettyLittleLeyli.jpg|this image? If you look closely, you will see along the left edge of the image and near the bottom center of the image (inside the character's collar), where the original uploader attempted to whiten and blacken out, respectively, the speech bubbles in those two spots. But the editing job wasn't very good, as the mismatching discoloration is still quite visible (you may need to place your screen at an angle to see it clearly). Thank you for your help. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 23:22, December 17, 2019 (UTC)

Wef infobox

Hi, is it possible for you to remove the speech bubbles from Wef's infobox image? UberSoldat93 (talk) 03:16, January 9, 2020 (UTC)

  • Thanks a lot for your help. The edit looks fine. UberSoldat93 (talk) 18:48, January 9, 2020 (UTC)

R9-19 and Vharn

Hi, is it possible for you to remove the text box from File:R9-19.jpg? UberSoldat93 (talk) 17:29, January 26, 2020 (UTC)

  • I've got another request as well. Can you remove the background elements from File:Vharn.jpg? Preferably with the blue background intact, but you can remove it if it causes too much trouble. UberSoldat93 (talk) 19:40, January 27, 2020 (UTC)

Speech bubbles

Is there any chance you can clear the speech bubbles in the infobox images in these two articles please? Many thanks in advance. Braha'tok enthusiast (talk) 19:00, February 14, 2020 (UTC)

Vector request

Hey there Brules. I just updated the Wookieepedia Anonymous source file that I created by making the internal letters their Aurebesh equivalent. The previous user who converted it to a Vector image for me is no longer active on the Wook. I believe you are able to trace and create Vector images, correct? If so, can you take the new source PNG and then update the current vector image to match? Thanks in advance. - JMAS 17:44, June 17, 2020 (UTC)

  • Thanks. Appreciate it. - JMAS 00:42, June 18, 2020 (UTC)

Image type category

Just a heads up. For images, such as File:Forcepike-SWCardTrader.png the image type category should be Category:Promotional prop photographs and not Category:Live-action images. Please use that going forward for images from Star Wars: Card Trader that are of objects - tools, weapons, etc. Thanks. - JMAS 03:50, July 28, 2020 (UTC)

Darth Vader's starship

Is it possible for you to fix the redirect listed in User:Ressor/Workbench, please? Mr Star Wars AminoRepublic (talk) 19:40, December 6, 2020 (UTC)

Besadii vector request

Hi Brules, hope you're doing well. Whenever you have the time, I was just wondering if you might be able to create a vectorized version of the Besadii emblem. Thank you! DwartiiDelver (talk) 01:38, 21 December 2020 (UTC)

Update Fulcrum vector request

Hey there, Brules. The Star Wars Book has updated the color for the Fulcrum symbol. Here is the image from that source. The current color shows how it is seen in a hologram. The new image shows the true, unfaded color of the symbol. I can save the file and update the color in GIMP, but it doesn't have the ability to resave the file. I can only convert it to PNG. Thanks. - JMAS 04:30, 1 March 2021 (UTC)

  • Thank you! - JMAS 04:49, 15 April 2021 (UTC)

Your vote

Thank you for participating on Wookieepedia! Please note that your vote on Forum:CT:Amendment to naming policy for real-world transgender individuals has been struck, since you are currently ineligible. Only registered Wookieepedians who have made at least 50 main namespace (article) edits in the six months prior to the start of the vote may participate, as outlined in our Voting eligibility policy. However, you may continue to participate in the comments part. If you have any questions, please let me know. Happy editing! 1358 (Talk) 17:34, 29 March 2021 (UTC)

Kamino security emblem

Hi Brules, I hope all is well. If you ever have the time, I was wondering if you might be able to make a vector of the Kamino security emblem. Unfortunately there is no concept art containing it so there isn't a "flat" image, however there was a figure released of the trooper that gives a pretty good look at it—here are some close-up shots. Additionally, I snapped just a few images of it in the episodes it shows up in ("Conspiracy" and "Fugitive"). The emblem is curved slightly due to camera angles and the fact that it's on shoulder pads, however it appears to really just be a circle. Additionally, it is mirrored on both shoulders however the "correct" version should be the one seen in the first image I took, where it moreso matches the Aurebesh letter "S." No worries if you can't do this, or if you are able to but it'll be a while. Thank you! DwartiiDelver (talk) 22:11, 1 June 2021 (UTC)

Chiss Ascendancy canon symbol

Hey Brules, since you do vectors, can you please fix image with making it SVG format and have proper tracing? The source is the title page of Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising such as this image, cheers. —Tomotron 06:53, 2 July 2021 (UTC)


Hey Brules, nice to see your name on the Recent Changes. I was wondering if you'd perhaps be interested in joining the Discord server. We'd love to have you! JediMasterMacaroni(Talk) 02:46, 10 November 2021 (UTC)

Vector request



I have a request for our Vector guru. Can you create a vector image for this Star Liner Travel logo? Of course, it will need to be slightly tweaked as I had to rotate it and the screenshot was at a slightly skewed angle. Thanks in advance. - JMAS 20:39, 30 January 2022 (UTC)

  • Much appreciated. - JMAS 23:32, 30 January 2022 (UTC)

Nightsisters and Nightbrothers symbol

Hey, Brules! I saw that you've done great work on svgs for various articles and I was wondering if you could get a couple for the and Nightbrothers' symbols from Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order? I saw you had managed to get the Haxion Brood's symbol and I was trying to get a high quality version of these symbols but I couldn't manage to do it. They're located in the Fallen Order Databank under Dathomir. It would mean the world if you could get those for me! Thanks. Mr Star Wars AminoRepublic (talk) 2:02, 16 January 2023 (UTC)

  • Thank you so much! Your help means a lot. Take your time getting the Nightbrothers symbol. It means a lot that you're getting anything at all. Mr Star Wars AminoRepublic (talk) 2:22, 7 February 2023 (UTC)

SWTOR Chiss Ascendancy "Welcome to Copero" symbol

The Chiss Ascendancy has a different symbol that is only seen with the Chiss Banner in the game, in the "The Chiss Ascendancy and the Eternal Empire" codex, and partially obscured in the NYCC Chiss poster at the . Could you trace this image with limited angles the codex has or would I need to look for it in SWTOR? --Goodmind (talk) 15:24, 24 May 2023 (UTC)

Grand Inquisitor symbol

Hey, I've seen that you've made many great SVG symbols. I was wondering if it's possible for you to redone the current symbol of Grand Inquisitor. The current one is very uneven and crooked. Cheers! Bonzane10 00:11, 25 May 2023 (UTC)

  • Thank you so much for your help with the vector! 23:39, 25 May 2023 (UTC)


I, JediMasterMacaroni, award Brules with the Image Mastery Award for his image uploads and contributions on Wookieepedia

I, JediMasterMacaroni, award Brules with the Image Mastery Award for his image uploads and contributions on Wookieepedia

Your SVG work is known throughout the land and does not go unnoticed! JediMasterMacaroni(Talk) 04:30, 25 May 2023 (UTC)

High Republic crest

Hey again, I hope you're doing well. I'm here once again to ask is it's possible for you to make the SVG of the High Republic crest? Cheers! Bonzane10 11:03, 7 June 2023 (UTC)

  • Thanks again for your help! 04:10, 9 June 2023 (UTC)

Stybla family crest

Hello! Can you make a SVG of the Stybla family crest from the File:LesserEvil-BN.jpg. It's the four-point wheel dark-green symbol above Thrawn. --Goodmind (talk) 13:22, 29 June 2023 (UTC)

New Droid Army Images

Hey Brules! I was wondering if you had the original versions of the Saato and Raala Ponchar infobox images. I was told for my Saato GAN, that images shouldn't be upscaled. If you can find the non-upscaled versions, please let me know and thank you in advance. AmazinglyCool (talk) 20:28, 20 July 2023 (UTC)
