Kamino security

During the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic maintained a security force on the clone trooper homeworld of Kamino by the time of the Battle of Ringo Vinda. The security force remained active during the proclamation of the New Order, when the Republic transitioned into the Galactic Empire.


A highly-efficient military force was active on Kamino during the Clone Wars. Clone troopers of the unit wore phase II clone trooper armor that bore similar markings to those of the clone shock troopers of the Coruscant Guard. Distinctly from the Coruscant Guard, however, the color scheme of the Kamino security clone troopers was that it was a shade of gray, rather than red, and the Kamino security logo was featured on their shoulder pad armor.

As a military unit, they were led by a Clone Captain and Jedi General Shaak Ti who oversaw clone trooper training. Chief Medical Scientist Nala Se also had authority over security forces. When the Tipoca City Military Complex was in a state of alarm, Kamino security forces protected the Kaminoan Prime Minister Lama Su. They were armed with DC-15A blaster rifles and DC-15A blaster carbines.

Service to the Republic

The Kamino security forces were placed on alert following a false alarm placed by CT-5555.

The Kamino security forces were placed on alert following a false alarm placed by CT-5555.

During the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance, the Republic-world of Kamino fell under attack by Separatist forces, culminating in the Battle of Kamino. Kamino was a crucial world, as it housed the facilities of the Grand Army of the Republic that trained, garrisoned, and produced the clone troopers of the Republic. Forces that defended Kamino in the battle consisted of the 501st Legion and the Rancor Battalion.

By the Battle of Ringo Vinda, however, Kamino maintained its own security force. They were present throughout Tipoca City when Advanced Recon Commando CT-5555 "Fives" and CT-5385 "Tup" were given examinations due to an incident where Tup murdered a Jedi General, but was believed that the cause was a medical issue. When Fives created a false alarm in order to examine Tup himself, the Kamino security forces sprang into action at the command center, while a contingent escorted Kaminoan Prime Minister Lama Su and Chief Medical Scientist Nala Se.

The security group once again sprang into action during Fives' escape from Tipoca City, when Fives rebelled and decided to keep investigating the matters surrounding Tup and overall biology of clone troopers, as he believed the entire Grand Army was compromised. This time, the security force's clone trooper officer was more involved, and directly reported to Shaak Ti. Eventually, the security forces were in a brief standoff with Fives, and after Shaak Ti listened to Fives' evidence, the situation was defused.

Service to the Empire

Kamino security troopers stood in formation as they listened to an address given by Emperor Palpatine.

Kamino security troopers stood in formation as they listened to an address given by Emperor Palpatine.

The security forces on Kamino remained active through the rest of the Clone Wars, and remained active during the proclamation of the New Order when the Galactic Republic transformed into the Galactic Empire. The troopers of the Kamino security group were in formation alongside other clone brethren, including Clone Force 99, when Galactic Emperor, formerly Supreme Chancellor, Sheev Palpatine gave his declaration.

Behind the scenes

The Kamino security force first appeared in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Conspiracy," although they were not identified.



















