
Hello, , I'm Editoronthewiki or simply Editor for short. You can find me on my my talk page or the Wookieepedia discord. I am currently the leader of The Clone Wars WookieeProject.

If memory serves, I first encountered Star Wars when I was a rather young child; I was up past my bedtime and walked into the family living room, where I found my father watching Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. I remember the lights of Coruscant and its billboards, most likely meaning it was one of the scenes involving bounty hunters Zam Wesell and Jango Fett. That night kicked off what has become a life-long love for this science fantasy series.

I'm not quite sure how soon after that I saw the rest of the then-six films in the Skywalker saga, but I know I watched them all, again and again. Episode VI Return of the Jedi came to be my favorite, which remains true to this day. I also quickly got involved in the merchandise side of this fanbase. One Christmas I was gifted a small group of Hasbro Power of the Force figures—I recall General Han Solo, Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine, a cold weather assault stormtrooper, a stormtrooper, Luke Skywalker in Coruscant Guard armor, and undercover Chewbacca being amongst the figures—and a Millennium Falcon. They were hand-downs from some cousins, but I did not care. Those few figures started a collection of Hasbro figures that steadily grew over the years. In the modern day, I have mostly stopped collecting Hasbro figures, but I respect the work other fans have done in gathering massive collections or armies. Personally, I only pick up a figure if it really catches my eye, such as the Vintage Collection Darth Vader based on Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Something I do continue collecting to this day is the LEGO Star Wars line. My first set was an All Terrain Scout Transport, followed by the original clone trooper and battle droid battlepacks. Over the years, I have accumulated quite the collection. My focus is not on getting every set released, instead focusing just on major starships and events depicted in LEGO form, along with other sets which catch my eye. In particular, I keep an eye out for new AT-STs, given that walker got me into the LEGO line.

When I first got into Star Wars, I recall I preferred the Galactic Civil War to the Clone Wars. I enjoyed the Prequel trilogy, and I still do today, but something about the Original trilogy spoke to me. While it is true that, to this day, I prefer the "OT" to the Prequel and Sequel trilogies, my favorite era of Star Wars changed forever with the beginning of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. I saw the film in theaters, loved it, and watched every episode of the series live over the course of its run. Man, it was a great time to be a kid who liked Star Wars. To this day, The Clone Wars remains my absolute favorite Star Wars property. I was enthusiastic when Season Seven was announced, and the 2020 series finale to the series, "Victory and Death," is my all-time favorite piece of Star Wars content.

While speaking about The Clone Wars, I feel the need to discuss Clone Captain Rex, who quickly became my favorite character as a kid, taking the place Luke Skywalker had held. To this day, Rex remains my favorite character; he is not just my favorite Star Wars character, but my favorite frictional character in general. The Twelfth Doctor is my second. As a kid, I liked Rex because his clone trooper armor was blue. As an adult, I relate to Rex's development on questioning who he is as life changes around him, questioning if he should listen to what he's been told or do what part of him says is best. He's an excellent character, to say the least. Ahsoka Tano, too, is one of my favorite characters, along with General Grievous, whose characterization in The Clone Wars I actually like.

As the story goes, in 2012, Lucasfilm Ltd. was sold to The Walt Disney Company, and the Sequel Trilogy was announced. I am more than aware of the, to say the least, contentious nature of these films, but I will throw my hat into the ring to give my opinion. Personally, I quite enjoyed Episode VII The Force Awakens, Episode VIII The Last Jedi remains my favorite of the trilogy, and I disliked Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker immensely. Now, that is not to discredit anyone who did enjoy it, it simply was not for me. Additionally, I enjoyed Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and Solo: A Star Wars Story.

I also enjoyed Star Wars Rebels greatly. I do admit that, at first, I did not want to like it because of the then-cancellation of The Clone Wars, but the fact that I've come to love it is a sign of its good writing. I also have quite enjoyed Star Wars: The Bad Batch, though I fully admit my The Clone Wars bias could be effecting both my enjoyment of and dislikes towards parts of it. Meanwhile, Star Wars: Andor is as excellent as Star Wars content can come. I also think Star Wars: The High Republic is some of my favorite Star Wars as well.

As a Star Wars fan, I was always aware of Wookieepedia. I read it all the time, but I never even considered editing it until late 2017, when I made an account named after Captain Rex. After sometime with that name, I elected to change it, as many other people across the internet had that name or a variation upon it. Instead, I took on the alias "Afilmfanforlife." Editing quickly became a passion, getting me into the extended universe of novels and comics as well. I would not have developed the urge to keep up with great works like The High Republic, the ongoing comics and novels, and more without this wiki.

In time, I moved on from my filmfan account. Instead, I created a new account entitled "Editoronthewiki," which may be the least creative username on this whole site, but at this point I've come to love it. Not to mention, it can simply be shortened to "Editor" in discussions :P. I should also note there is a Wikipedia editor known as "Editorofthewiki," but I have no relation to that user, though I wish my fellow "Editor" a good career.

And, so, here we are. Since 2017, between the two accounts I have had, I have made over 27,000 edits, and it feels good. Wookieepedia is, put simply, my hobby. Not to mention, editing here has improved my writing and grammar skills immensely. I'm frequently on the Discord for any questions, and I think its safe to say I'm part of this community. Thank you, everyone, for all the support and fun you've shown me over these years. I was also voted Wookieepedia of the month for July 2020—thank for you that honor, everyone!—and have made several pages go to status, including 4-A7, which became my first FAN and was done in honor of the Seventh Season of The Clone Wars.

Currently, I am the leader of The Clone Wars WookieeProject, but I take a mostly-hands off approach to my role, knowing that members of the project like to work at their own pace. However, if you have any questions about the project, feel free to leave a note on my talk page or on the Discord.

To quickly mention it, the project most people likely know me for is my ongoing expansion of the B1-series battle droid page. I'm not sure what started my obsession with it, but the project nevertheless began and is ongoing. I've been asked whether I intend to bring it to Featured article status, but my main concern at the moment is bringing it up to that quality, without bringing it to the status itself. If I were to ever FAN it, it would be several years down the line.






Introduction to Star Wars

The AT-ST remains one of my favorite Star Wars vehicles.

The AT-ST remains one of my favorite Star Wars vehicles.

If memory serves, I first encountered Star Wars when I was a rather young child; I was up past my bedtime and walked into the family living room, where I found my father watching Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. I remember the lights of Coruscant and its billboards, most likely meaning it was one of the scenes involving bounty hunters Zam Wesell and Jango Fett. That night kicked off what has become a life-long love for this science fantasy series.

I'm not quite sure how soon after that I saw the rest of the then-six films in the Skywalker saga, but I know I watched them all, again and again. Episode VI Return of the Jedi came to be my favorite, which remains true to this day. I also quickly got involved in the merchandise side of this fanbase. One Christmas I was gifted a small group of Hasbro Power of the Force figures—I recall General Han Solo, Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine, a cold weather assault stormtrooper, a stormtrooper, Luke Skywalker in Coruscant Guard armor, and undercover Chewbacca being amongst the figures—and a Millennium Falcon. They were hand-downs from some cousins, but I did not care. Those few figures started a collection of Hasbro figures that steadily grew over the years. In the modern day, I have mostly stopped collecting Hasbro figures, but I respect the work other fans have done in gathering massive collections or armies. Personally, I only pick up a figure if it really catches my eye, such as the Vintage Collection Darth Vader based on Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Something I do continue collecting to this day is the LEGO Star Wars line. My first set was an All Terrain Scout Transport, followed by the original clone trooper and battle droid battlepacks. Over the years, I have accumulated quite the collection. My focus is not on getting every set released, instead focusing just on major starships and events depicted in LEGO form, along with other sets which catch my eye. In particular, I keep an eye out for new AT-STs, given that walker got me into the LEGO line.

A galaxy divided

Captain Rex, my all time favorite character

Captain Rex, my all time favorite character

When I first got into Star Wars, I recall I preferred the Galactic Civil War to the Clone Wars. I enjoyed the Prequel trilogy, and I still do today, but something about the Original trilogy spoke to me. While it is true that, to this day, I prefer the "OT" to the Prequel and Sequel trilogies, my favorite era of Star Wars changed forever with the beginning of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. I saw the film in theaters, loved it, and watched every episode of the series live over the course of its run. Man, it was a great time to be a kid who liked Star Wars. To this day, The Clone Wars remains my absolute favorite Star Wars property. I was enthusiastic when Season Seven was announced, and the 2020 series finale to the series, "Victory and Death," is my all-time favorite piece of Star Wars content.

While speaking about The Clone Wars, I feel the need to discuss Clone Captain Rex, who quickly became my favorite character as a kid, taking the place Luke Skywalker had held. To this day, Rex remains my favorite character; he is not just my favorite Star Wars character, but my favorite frictional character in general. The Twelfth Doctor is my second. As a kid, I liked Rex because his clone trooper armor was blue. As an adult, I relate to Rex's development on questioning who he is as life changes around him, questioning if he should listen to what he's been told or do what part of him says is best. He's an excellent character, to say the least. Ahsoka Tano, too, is one of my favorite characters, along with General Grievous, whose characterization in The Clone Wars I actually like.

The days of Kylo Ren and Marchion Ro

Luke Skywalker stands against the First Order on the salt world of Crait.

Luke Skywalker stands against the First Order on the salt world of Crait.

As the story goes, in 2012, Lucasfilm Ltd. was sold to The Walt Disney Company, and the Sequel Trilogy was announced. I am more than aware of the, to say the least, contentious nature of these films, but I will throw my hat into the ring to give my opinion. Personally, I quite enjoyed Episode VII The Force Awakens, Episode VIII The Last Jedi remains my favorite of the trilogy, and I disliked Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker immensely. Now, that is not to discredit anyone who did enjoy it, it simply was not for me. Additionally, I enjoyed Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and Solo: A Star Wars Story.

I also enjoyed Star Wars Rebels greatly. I do admit that, at first, I did not want to like it because of the then-cancellation of The Clone Wars, but the fact that I've come to love it is a sign of its good writing. I also have quite enjoyed Star Wars: The Bad Batch, though I fully admit my The Clone Wars bias could be effecting both my enjoyment of and dislikes towards parts of it. Meanwhile, Star Wars: Andor is as excellent as Star Wars content can come. I also think Star Wars: The High Republic is some of my favorite Star Wars as well.

Joining Wookieepedia

As a Star Wars fan, I was always aware of Wookieepedia. I read it all the time, but I never even considered editing it until late 2017, when I made an account named after Captain Rex. After sometime with that name, I elected to change it, as many other people across the internet had that name or a variation upon it. Instead, I took on the alias "Afilmfanforlife." Editing quickly became a passion, getting me into the extended universe of novels and comics as well. I would not have developed the urge to keep up with great works like The High Republic, the ongoing comics and novels, and more without this wiki.

In time, I moved on from my filmfan account. Instead, I created a new account entitled "Editoronthewiki," which may be the least creative username on this whole site, but at this point I've come to love it. Not to mention, it can simply be shortened to "Editor" in discussions :P. I should also note there is a Wikipedia editor known as "Editorofthewiki," but I have no relation to that user, though I wish my fellow "Editor" a good career.


A B1-series battle droid, I guess you could say I know a thing or two about them

A B1-series battle droid, I guess you could say I know a thing or two about them

And, so, here we are. Since 2017, between the two accounts I have had, I have made over 27,000 edits, and it feels good. Wookieepedia is, put simply, my hobby. Not to mention, editing here has improved my writing and grammar skills immensely. I'm frequently on the Discord for any questions, and I think its safe to say I'm part of this community. Thank you, everyone, for all the support and fun you've shown me over these years. I was also voted Wookieepedia of the month for July 2020—thank for you that honor, everyone!—and have made several pages go to status, including 4-A7, which became my first FAN and was done in honor of the Seventh Season of The Clone Wars.

Currently, I am the leader of The Clone Wars WookieeProject, but I take a mostly-hands off approach to my role, knowing that members of the project like to work at their own pace. However, if you have any questions about the project, feel free to leave a note on my talk page or on the Discord.

Oh, right, the thing I'm known for

To quickly mention it, the project most people likely know me for is my ongoing expansion of the B1-series battle droid page. I'm not sure what started my obsession with it, but the project nevertheless began and is ongoing. I've been asked whether I intend to bring it to Featured article status, but my main concern at the moment is bringing it up to that quality, without bringing it to the status itself. If I were to ever FAN it, it would be several years down the line.
