Stybla family

The Stybla, being one of the Great Families, made up for their lack of political power within the Ascendancy through extensive knowledge and information on everything they could lay their hands on. Stybla'rsi'omli was a Junior Commander in the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet, stationed aboard the Vigilant, and Supreme General Ba'kif had been part of the Stybla family before he got promoted to a flag officer military rank.


The Stybla family was once a Ruling Family in the Chiss Ascendancy, renowned for its military might. According to legend, it had once been the sole Ruling Family of the Ascendancy. By the time of the Nikardun campaigns, the Stybla were known as merchants and shippers, and had run the Universal Analysis Group on Sposia for decades.

The Stybla family held a ceremony for those who have guarded the Stybla from any threat. The ceremony added the suffix "odo" to the end of the Chiss name which meant "guardian" in the Stybla's extinct native tongue: Tybroic. The ceremony has been the Stybla family's tradition for around five-thousand years.

As part of his duties in the Chiss Syndicure, Syndic Prime Mitth'urf'ianico of the Mitth family negotiated a deal with the Krovi family to help the Krovi transport their crop surplus in exchange for one percent of the surplus yield. Speaker Mitth'ykl'omi initially chastised Thurfian because she believed he could have procured a higher yield, but Thurfian responded that in actually he would place Mitth family spies among the Krovi, who were also being helped by the Stybla family. In doing so, Thurfian told Speaker Thyklo that he would ensure that the Mitth would learn some of the Stybla family secrets of logistical efficiency, bringing great value to the Mitth in the future.

Mid Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo, along with Syndic Mitth'ras'safis were at one stage offered to Stybla Patriarch Stybla'mi'ovodo by Mitth Patriarch Mitth'oor'akiord to assist the Stybla family in reclaiming a section of an extremely dangerous ancient alien weapon, Starflash.

Behind the scenes

The Stybla family first appeared in the 2021 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good, the second book of The Ascendancy Trilogy by Timothy Zahn.


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