
Tenebrae—known to the Old Sith Empire as Vitiate, his reconstituted Sith Empire as the Sith Emperor, and his Eternal Empire as the Immortal Emperor, Valkorion—was an ancient dark-side entity of enormous power who manipulated galactic affairs for nearly 1,500 years.

Born in 5113 BBY as the illegitimate Sith son of Lord Dramath in the Old Sith Empire, Tenebrae carved a path of destruction across the planet Medriaas, torturing and massacring thousands by the age of ten. When Dramath confronted him, Tenebrae severed his father's power and imprisoned his spirit for millennia of torment. Eventually, the Dark Lord of the Sith Marka Ragnos recognized Tenebrae's power and christened him as Lord Vitiate—the new ruler of Medriaas. Later historians ascribed the title of Darth Vitiate to Tenebrae during this period, though he himself did not use the title during it. Vitiate renamed the world Nathema and ruled it for the next century, distancing himself from Sith power struggles. Following Naga Sadow's defeat in the Great Hyperspace War, Vitiate lured the remaining Sith Lords to Nathema and, in an elaborate ritual, drained their life essence and that of the entire planet, increasing his powers and prolonging his life.

Shedding his identity as Vitiate, the self-proclaimed Sith Emperor led the scattered Sith survivors to Dromund Kaas and established a new Sith Empire. As the Empire secretly expanded over the next thousand years, the Emperor discovered the lost world of Zakuul and the Eternal Fleet—an ancient armada with unmatched technology. Dissatisfied with Sith ideology, the Emperor divided his consciousness into a Zakuulan warrior named Valkorion and created a vast civilization known as the Eternal Empire. The Emperor desired absolute immortality to experience the pleasures of life and expand his new creation across galaxies, so he plotted to initiate a war between his Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. The deaths caused by the conflict would fuel a new ritual that would allow him to consume almost everything in the galaxy and become an all-powerful god.

As the Emperor's plans neared completion, he orchestrated the Mandalorian Wars as a preliminary invasion of the Republic, but two powerful Jedi KnightsRevan and Malak—defeated the Mandalorians and tracked down his Sith Empire. The Emperor dominated their minds, but the pair soon broke free from his control and established a separate Sith Empire, betraying the Emperor—and each other—in the resultant Jedi Civil War that nearly destroyed the Jedi Order. A redeemed Revan waged a mental war against the Emperor, delaying the Great Galactic War by three centuries. The Sith Empire still nearly conquered the Republic, but Revan further influenced Vitiate—distracted by the births of his three children to the Zakuul Knight Senya Tirall—to sue for peace instead, prompting a decade-long Treaty of Coruscant.

As hostilities resumed, Dark Councillor Darth Baras lured the Emperor to the planet Voss, trapping him in the domain of the dark-side entity Sel-Makor until he was rescued by the second Emperor's Wrath. Freed, the Emperor attempted to initiate his galaxy-wide ritual, but a powerful Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython thwarted his efforts and destroyed his host body in battle on Dromund Kaas. His wounded spirit went into slumber on Yavin IV until a returned and crazed Revan attempted to resurrect the weakened Emperor to a physical form to permanently destroy him. Although Revan's plans were foiled and the Emperor excommunicated by the Empire, Vitiate's spirit fed off the battle and reawakened, then struck against his former Empire and consumed the planet Ziost to return to full power.

Reassuming the visage of Valkorion, he revealed the Eternal Empire to the galaxy as his twin sons—Arcann and Thexaninvaded Imperial and Republic space and captured a famous champion later known as the Outlander who had opposed him in the Battle of Yavin IV and Invasion of Ziost. Judging the Outlander alone to be a worthy adversary, Valkorion orchestrated his death at the hands of Arcann and embedded his consciousness within the Outlander's mind. The Immortal Emperor counseled and shaped the Outlander into a vessel of supreme power as the champion defeated Arcann, then his daughter Vaylin, and disabled the Eternal Fleet. Valkorion sought to take over the champion's body and rule the galaxy under the guise of a heroic liberator but, in a final clash of wills, the Outlander and Valkorion's own family banished the ancient entity into the void.

Simultaneous with the expulsion, the former Emperor's Wrath Scourge and the Jedi Knight Kira Carsen destroyed the Emperor's original body, dooming his spirit to Chaos. However, the act released a final, disparate vestige of his essence, imbued into his flesh centuries earlier, which soon took hold of Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan and her Jedi followers. Drawing off their memories and power, the imprint slowly reformed itself into a duplicate of Tenebrae and threatened to use Shan as his new host. Many of history's greatest champions, including the Outlander and Revan, along with the souls of all those ever wronged by Tenebrae, joined within Shan's mindscape and destroyed the Immortal Emperor once and for all.

Childhood on Medriaas

Tenebrae was born during the Old Sith Empire, under the rule of Marka Ragnos.

Tenebrae was born during the Old Sith Empire, under the rule of Marka Ragnos.

The Sith Pureblood named Tenebrae was born in 5113 BBY on Medriaas, a planet at the edge of the Sith Worlds. The illegitimate son of Medriaas' ruler Lord Dramath and a poor farm woman, Tenebrae's eyes were said to be as black as the void of space, and even as an infant he showed no emotion, nor did he ever cry. Animals avoided him, and his voice seemed to carry power and weight beyond his years. Around the age of six, Tenebrae began to manifest signs of strength in the Force, which raised the suspicions of his farmer stepfather, as neither he nor his wife were Force-sensitive.

Tenebrae's stepfather confronted his wife in front of a six-year-old Tenebrae, and he proceeded to attack her in anger after she admitted to having had an affair with Lord Dramath. However, Tenebrae fed off the man's anger to fuel his own strength in the dark side, and he used his newfound powers to telekinetically break the farmer's neck. Tenebrae then tortured his mother for months with the Force before killing her for betraying their family, and began to subjugate the other members of his village with his powers. Over the course of the next four years, Tenebrae's influence and reputation grew as he conquered neighboring villages and raised legions of followers. Some followed the child out of fear of his immense power, while others served out of fanatical loyalty. Tenebrae massacred thousands during his rise to power, and tortured people for days in public executions as he fed off their suffering.

Lord Dramath, Tenebrae's father

Lord Dramath, Tenebrae's father

Lord Dramath heard rumors of his son's activities, but because they occurred on the remote northern continent—and also due to the fact that he had forgotten about his affair with Tenebrae's mother—the Sith Lord believed that the events were of no concern to him. When Tenebrae was around the age of ten, Dramath decided to investigate the rumors of the boy's activities and determine whether he should be killed or become one of his servants. However, the Sith Lord underestimated his son's abilities; after revealing his true parentage, Tenebrae stripped Dramath of his power in the Force and drove the man insane before killing him. Tenebrae then embarked on a campaign to conquer the rest of Medriaas while his elder half-brother, Dramath the Second, fled the planet to hide from his half-brother on Rekkiad. It took the child three years to subjugate the world, and any of Lord Dramath's subordinate Sith Lords who attempted to seize the throne fell quickly before Tenebrae's power.

Sith Lord of Nathema

Tenebrae in his original form.

Tenebrae in his original form.

After his conquest of Medriaas was complete in 5100 BBY, Tenebrae traveled to the Sith Empire's throneworld of Ziost and came before Marka Ragnos, the Dark Lord of the Sith and ruler of the Sith Council. Acknowledging the thirteen-year-old's power, Ragnos granted Tenebrae the right to rule Medriaas as his own and elevated him to the rank of Sith Lord, bestowing the title of Lord Vitiate upon him. Returning to Medriaas, which he renamed Nathema, Vitiate proceeded to build a palace upon the site of his childhood home and ruled the planet for one hundred years, spending much of that time studying the secrets of the dark side. Early in his reign, many young Sith flocked to Vitiate, and he taught his new followers to restrain their emotions and draw on their inner anger in order to increase their power.

When Ragnos' death in 5000 BBY prompted a struggle to determine who would succeed him, Vitiate chose not to involve himself or his world in the battle between the competing Sith Lords Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh. Vitiate also refrained from participating in the crusade upon which the victorious Sadow embarked against the Galactic Republic, instead watching from Nathema as the Sith Empire battled the Republic and their Jedi protectors in the Great Hyperspace War. Vitiate had never participated in any battles or conquests during his reign, and had a reputation of being a reclusive scholar. However, when the Empire met its ultimate defeat in battle above the holy tomb world of Korriban, Vitiate put his plans to seize power into action.

Zildrog aided Vitiate in destroying all life on Nathema.

Zildrog aided Vitiate in destroying all life on Nathema.

Broadcasting speeches across the Empire in 4999 BBY describing how the Jedi Order would destroy the Empire and massacre its people once they discovered the rest of the Sith, Vitiate stoked the Empire's fears and carefully drove the people into a panic—a sensation that only increased when the Republic invaded the Empire and destroyed any Sith sacred sites and artifacts it could find on the orders of Supreme Chancellor Pultimo. Assuming a leadership role, Vitiate called all remaining Sith Lords to Nathema in order to aid him in performing a ritual, promising them that it would unleash the full power of the dark side beyond anything they could imagine. At the same time, Vitiate's historians and scientists searched for the location of Dromund Kaas, one of the Empire's original colonies.

Just before the other Sith Lords arrived, the researchers finally theorized a new hyperspace route that led back to Dromund Kaas but also prevented the Jedi from following. Three days after the lead researcher presented the team's findings, Vitiate announced the commencement of his ritual. But when the eight thousand Sith who answered Vitiate's call arrived at his palace, he dominated their minds and bound their wills to his, forcing the Sith to participate in the ritual. The ritual took ten days to perform, with the entire planet frozen in the grip of the dark-side sorcery, and upon its completion, all life on the surface of Nathema was annihilated, save for Vitiate. The man absorbed the life force of the entire world, stripping the Force from the very fabric of reality on Nathema and gaining both unimaginable power and immortality as a result. At that moment, the man shed his identity as Vitiate and became simply the Emperor, a figure of immense power and wisdom in the eyes of his fellow Sith.

Rebuilding an empire

The Sith Emperor speaks to his people upon arriving on Dromund Kaas.

The Sith Emperor speaks to his people upon arriving on Dromund Kaas.

Blaming the destruction of Nathema on the Jedi, the self-declared Emperor drove the people of the Empire further into a panic while simultaneously offering them hope. Traveling to Korriban, he promised to lead his people to salvation and safety from the Jedi, and he soon led a great exodus from the Sith Worlds into the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. Despite knowing the location of Dromund Kaas, the Emperor led his people in a series of blind hyperspace jumps, causing the exodus to last for twenty years while the Sith people became more and more dependent on his guidance. Finally, in 4980 BBY, a scout vessel under orders of the Emperor located Dromund Kaas. When the vessel returned to the Sith fleet, the Emperor led his people to the long-lost world, and upon reaching the surface he addressed the Sith. Amidst the wild jungles of Dromund Kaas, he declared a new Empire that would rise from the ashes of the old, and offered both the Sith people and their non-Sith servants the chance to build an orderly and powerful society: an Empire that would one day return and gain their revenge upon the Republic.

The people, who had come to see the Emperor as a kind of god, fervently agreed and set to work building their new Empire. At first, the Emperor appeared in public often and dictated much of the Empire's policies and actions, but over time he appeared less and less. Not long after arriving on Dromund Kaas, he created the Dark Council—a group of twelve Sith Lords who served as the primary ruling body of the Empire—and the council soon took over much of the day-to-day running of the Empire. The Emperor retreated into seclusion in the newly constructed Imperial Citadel situated in the heart of Kaas City. One of his first actions was to select twelve Force-sensitive pureblood Sith to become his Hand: twelve Servants who shared their master's longevity in exchange for allowing him to draw on their strength in order to sustain his powers. The Hand's leader, Servant One, was the first to be bound to the Emperor, while his constant companion Servant Two gained prophetic powers through a close connection to the Emperor's mind at the expense of his own sanity. The shadowy organization was known only to a few members of the Dark Council throughout the centuries, as they operated from obscurity to fulfill their master's will.

The Emperor spent that time studying even further the mysteries of the Force, unlocking powerful secrets of the dark side. In the early years after the arrival on Dromund Kaas, the Emperor ordered the expansion of the edifice known as the Dark Temple on the outskirts of Kaas City. An ancient structure that contained the tombs of pre–Hyperspace War Sith Lords such as Aloysius Kallig, the Temple was originally intended as a burial place for the Emperor's enemies, but the Emperor performed powerful dark-side rituals to steal the knowledge and life essences of his enemies in the structure's depths and transformed the area into a nexus of dark Force energy. Those rituals soon also affected Dromund Kaas's atmosphere, causing the skies to be filled with perpetual rainstorms and lightning. One of the Sithspawn created during the rituals escaped deep underground, becoming known as Akure, the Ghost in the Darkness. The Emperor also maintained chambers within the Sith Sanctum, the headquarters of the Sith Order in the Imperial Citadel, though only the Dark Council and the Emperor's personal guard were allowed into the lower levels of the Sanctum.

The Dark Council handled the day-to-day running of the Empire, but ultimately answered to the Emperor.

The Dark Council handled the day-to-day running of the Empire, but ultimately answered to the Emperor.

The Imperial Guard, as those elite warriors who served the Emperor were called, were a group of non-Force-sensitives who served the Emperor with fanatic loyalty and unmatched combat prowess. Trained in academies on dark-side worlds, each member of the Guard was brought before the Emperor and bound to his will, making their loyalty absolute. Moreover, the Guard answered only to the Emperor—the Dark Council had no control over the group's activities, despite the Guard's roles as protectors of the Sith Sanctum. Once the Empire reclaimed the Sith Academy on Korriban over a thousand years later, the Guard also took on the role of guardians for the Academy. Sometime during his reign, the Emperor also ordered the construction of a personal space station in orbit of Dromund Kaas, which he used as a temple fortress for meditation and experimenting with the dark side.

Around 4606 BBY, a Sith named Kel'eth Ur began to preach Jedi sentiments of peace and serenity while also utilizing the dark side, but the Emperor killed the heretic and sealed his spirit in the Dark Temple—a fate that befell many of the Emperor's enemies. Another Sith Lord named Vodal Kressh attempted to challenge the Emperor's rule less than four centuries after the Great Hyperspace War, breeding a race of slaves to serve as an army on the planet Athiss. However, Kressh's plans never advanced beyond Athiss, and when the mad Sith died, the Emperor declared Athiss forbidden. Several centuries into the Emperor's reign, a Dark Councilor named Darth Lokess summoned her fellow Council members to a secret meeting in the midst of a violent storm. With an army of loyal Sith outside of the meeting ready to kill any Dark Councilor who refused, Lokess described a plot to overthrow the Emperor and lead the Empire into war against the Republic once more—a plot that all eleven Councilors agreed to join. However, the Emperor learned of the Council's conspiracy and allowed their plans to unfold, but when the twelve ascended the steps of the Citadel to confront him the Emperor delivered his punishment. Lokess' eleven co-conspirators died in a flash of light on the Citadel steps, and Lokess disappeared forever into the bowels of the structure as the Emperor tortured and then finally killed her.

The Emperor delivers his orders to the Dark Council via hologram.

The Emperor delivers his orders to the Dark Council via hologram.

During the Emperor's reign, six Sith Lords—Raptus, Bestia, Brontes, Calphayus, Styrak, and Tyrans—meditated together and developed a powerful variation of battle meditation that allowed them to induce fear in entire armies. When Bestia approached the Emperor to share their insights, he conferred the title of Dread Master upon her and the others for their abilities, and they went on to serve the Emperor for centuries as prophets, advisors, and generals.

Another one of the Emperor's experiments in the Dark Temple led to the creation of the Ravager, a device that consumed its victims' minds and forced them to reveal their greatest secrets as they died. Not even members of the Dark Council could withstand the Ravager, but the Emperor eventually locked it away in the Dark Temple with other experiments both failed and successful. The Dark Temple itself was sealed after a few centuries and remained so for most of the Emperor's reign. Yet, when Kaas City's power grid was expanded into the tunnels beneath the Temple, devices such as the Ravager that were stored in the Temple had the unintentional effect of driving thousands of slaves mad.

Testing the Republic

Mandalore the Ultimate, the Emperor's unknowing pawn

Mandalore the Ultimate, the Emperor's unknowing pawn

At the founding of his Empire, the Emperor had promised to return and destroy the Republic, but over time that goal grew less important to the people of the Empire. However, the Emperor still planned to invade—but for reasons beyond revenge. In his studies, he discovered a way to magnify the ritual he had performed on Nathema so that it would affect the entire galaxy, and he intended to use war with the Republic as a way to fuel that ritual. Around 4043 BBY, the Dark Councilors Darth Qalar and Darth Victun fought a vicious Kaggath, a Sith ritual duel, that tore apart the Imperial Citadel. When the dust settled, the two were still standing, but the other ten members of the Council combined their powers to obliterate the two. The Emperor surprised the Dark Council by emerging from seclusion and contributed to the designs for the new Citadel, charging the Sith Lord Darth Nostrem with completing the building exactly as the plans specified. After the Citadel's completion, the Emperor locked Nostrem in the depths of the Citadel to test the structure's labyrinthine defenses, and was gratified when the Sith Lord perished, unable to find an exit.

A few decades later, several members of the Dark Council discovered Nathema and learned what the Emperor was truly planning. Those Dark Councilors, among them Darth Nyriss and Darth Xedrix, began a conspiracy to unseat the Emperor and save their Empire and the galaxy from annihilation. Not long afterward, around 3978 BBY, the Emperor sent a Sith Pureblood emissary to Mandalore the Ultimate, the leader of the Mandalorian culture of warriors. The emissary explained to Mandalore that his master had driven a Sith Lord named Dramath the Second into exile, and convinced the warrior to help him search for Dramath's tomb on the snowy world of Rekkiad. Breaking into Dramath's crypt and recovering the Sith Lord's remains for his master, the Sith also told Mandalore of a vision that the Emperor had received—one of the Mandalorians crushing the Republic in a glorious victory. However, the Emperor's emissary was also manipulating Mandalore with the power of the dark side, binding the warrior and convincing him to launch a war against the Republic in order to test its strength.

That conflict, which later become known as the Mandalorian Wars, began two years later and raged for a total of sixteen years. The Mandalorians initially had the upper hand until a young Jedi Knight known as Revan took command of the Republic Military with his friend and unofficial apprentice Malak in 3962 BBY. Under Revan's leadership, the Republic gained more and more ground until they finally forced a confrontation at the Battle of Malachor V in 3960 BBY. Revan challenged Mandalore the Ultimate to single combat and won, striking down the warrior just as the Jedi's lieutenant Meetra Surik activated a superweapon known as the Mass Shadow Generator. As Mandalore lay dying, the Emperor's spell was finally broken, and the fallen warrior told his victorious opponent of how he had been manipulated. Revan had already encountered Sith ruins on Korriban and Malachor V before the battle and unknowingly drew the Emperor's attention in the process, and the Emperor reached out to Revan and Malak. Subtly manipulating them, the Emperor watched as the pair retraced Mandalore's steps to Rekkiad and discovered the existence of his Empire.

Revan and Malak confront the Emperor.

Revan and Malak confront the Emperor.

Examining a datacron belonging to the Emperor's half-brother within Dramath's tomb, Revan and Malak discovered the location of Nathema and traveled to the barren world, where they learned the location of Dromund Kaas and witnessed the Emperor's power. Leaving the Republic fleet that they had brought with them, the pair traveled to Dromund Kaas in secret and spent months infiltrating the Imperial Citadel with aid from one of the Imperial Guard—but what they did not suspect was that each member of the Guard was bound to the Emperor's will and would never betray their master. When Revan and Malak finally infiltrated the Emperor's throne room in an attempt to kill him, the Sith dominated their minds just as he had done so many years ago to the Sith Lords on Nathema.

Breaking their wills, the Emperor forcibly converted the pair to the dark side and declared them Darth Revan and his apprentice, Darth Malak. After prying information about the Republic from their minds, the Emperor sent his new disciples to recover the Star Forge—a space station of unimaginable power constructed by the ancient Rakata—to use in a new war against the Republic. Publicly, the Emperor informed his people that a pair of assassins had attempted to kill him and that they had been executed as a result. However, the newly converted Sith were stronger than he expected, and they broke free of the Emperor's conditioning. Revan decided to declare his own Sith Empire, determined to conquer the Republic and unite it against the Emperor, and proceeded to battle the Republic in what came to be called the Jedi Civil War.


The Sith Emperor personally intervened in Nyriss' affairs, disrupting her plans.

The Sith Emperor personally intervened in Nyriss' affairs, disrupting her plans.

Revan was eventually betrayed by his apprentice during a Jedi attempt to capture him, and Malak seized control of their Empire, while Revan's mind was wiped clean by the Jedi Council. Revan went on to destroy the very Empire he had created and defeated Malak aboard the Star Forge, but in the years after the war he was plagued by memories of Dromund Kaas. At the same time, the conspirators against the Emperor began to suspect they were on the verge of being discovered. Therefore, Darth Nyriss arranged for several assassination attempts against herself in 3954 BBY as a way of framing the aged Human Darth Xedrix. However, the Emperor interfered with her plans by "suggesting" that she bring in outside assistance in the form of the Sith Lord Scourge.

Nyriss led Scourge through a series of elaborate tests and deceptions as part of his investigations, culminating with Scourge's murder of Xedrix. At that point, Nyriss revealed the conspiracy to Scourge, and in order to convince him to join their cause, she took him to Nathema. However, at the same time Revan had been retracing his steps with the help of his ally Canderous Ordo on Rekkiad. Discovering the existence of the Empire and the location of Nathema, Revan traveled there with his droid companion T3-M4 aboard their ship, the Ebon Hawk. Both Sith and Jedi arrived simultaneously, though Revan did not detect Nyriss' ship at first. The Dark Councilor and Scourge, now entirely believing in the conspiracy's cause, shot down the Ebon Hawk and captured the Jedi Master, whom Nyriss identified as Revan.

Revan was held in captivity by Nyriss for four years, tortured under the direction of Scourge, until Revan's former lieutenant Meetra Surik—better known as the Jedi Exile—followed her friend's trail to Dromund Kaas with T3-M4 in 3950 BBY. Scourge, who had come to trust Revan during the last four years, decided to join forces with him and Surik to destroy the Emperor. As part of their plan, Scourge approached the Emperor and exposed Nyriss' conspiracy, careful to exclude his role in the plot, so that the Emperor would take action against the Dark Councilor. However, the Emperor did not act as Scourge expected: instead of simply eliminating the conspirators, the Emperor decided to purge the entire Dark Council.

Revan attacks the Emperor.

Revan attacks the Emperor.

The Emperor summoned nine members of the Council, seven of whom were loyal and two who were conspirators, to his chambers in the Citadel and killed them. Only hours later, he dispatched the Imperial Guard to destroy the estates of the three remaining Councilors, whom he had not expected to answer his summons on account of their treachery, with the full force of the Imperial Military. The three members of the Dark Council were caught entirely by surprise, and the Guard decimated their entire power bases as well as the power bases of the other two conspirators. However, Revan was freed by Scourge and Surik during the chaos, and the trio prepared to end the threat that the Emperor posed once and for all. Revan, Scourge, Surik, and T3-M4 infiltrated the Imperial Citadel and fought their way past the Imperial Guard, facing the Emperor in his throne room. Revan and his utility droid charged their enemy, causing the Emperor to blast the Jedi Master with the Force. Advancing on his opponent, the Sith attempted to dominate Revan's mind once again, but the Jedi opened himself to both the light and dark sides to unleash the Force in its purest form, an attack that sent the Emperor flying backward.

When Revan attempted to charge the distracted Emperor, the Sith unleashed a blast of Force lightning that sent him screaming to the floor, and blasted T3-M4 into shrapnel when the droid attacked with his flamethrower. Picking up his fallen foe's lightsaber, the Emperor attempted to kill Revan with the weapon but was stopped when Surik knocked it out of the Sith's hands with her own weapon. Faced by Surik, Revan, and Scourge, the Emperor expressed his disappointment with the latter—who was suddenly overcome with visions of the future. Realizing that it was not their destiny to defeat the Emperor, but was in fact the fate of another, Scourge chose to betray his allies by stabbing Surik in the back and distracting Revan enough for the Emperor to blast the Jedi Master with more lightning.

Testing Scourge's loyalty, the Emperor ordered him to kill Revan, but stopped him just before the lightsaber reached its mark. The Emperor decided to imprison Revan, prolonging his life indefinitely through a combination of Sith alchemy and technology, and placing him in a specially constructed prison in the heart of the impossible-to-navigate Maelstrom Nebula. Scourge, who claimed to have deceived the two Jedi in order to bring them before the Emperor, was rewarded with the position of Emperor's Wrath, his personal enforcer, and the same immortality that Revan received. Surik's spirit survived the death of her body, however, and remained faithfully at her friend's side while the Emperor fed off Revan's strength and knowledge. With the strength Surik lent him, Revan fought the Emperor's control and even influenced the Emperor in return, tempering the Sith leader's desire to restart war and postponing the renewal of conflict with the Republic for almost three centuries.

Final preparations and a new empire

The Emperor's Voice during the early Great Galactic War

The Emperor's Voice during the early Great Galactic War

Despite Revan's influence, the Emperor's will could not be stopped, only slowed. Over the next 200 years, the Emperor advanced his plans for a new invasion. However, Revan's plot and near-successful assassination attempt unsettled the Emperor immensely, and as a result, the Empire's ruler delved into further studies of the dark side. In his studies, the Emperor discovered the rare technique of essence transfer to preserve his physical form from harm. Using the technique to transfer his life force between bodies, he created the position of Emperor's Voice—the host body of his consciousness and the ultimate extension of his will. Throughout the next three centuries, the Emperor utilized many Voices as the ravaging effects of the dark side took their toll upon the host bodies. Those hosts varied widely, including the bodies of a young Human female and an elderly Sith Pureblood, but they always possessed the same emotionless, cold male voice. The Emperor's mental link with Revan also enabled the Emperor to torture the captured Force user, and both the Emperor and the Dread Masters spent centuries attacking Revan's mind, trying to break him and turn him to the dark side once more. Revan resisted, but the stress caused his mind to fracture, and he separated himself from the pain, concentrating only on the Force.

Around this time, the Emperor decided that he was tired of the galaxy as it existed, and of the limits that Sith teachings and his empire placed upon him. Resolving to free himself of such restraints, Vitiate heard rumors of an ancient and unstoppable fleet of warships operated by sentient droids that had nearly wiped out all of Wild Space. A powerful ship known as the Gravestone purportedly stopped the entire "Eternal Fleet" at a backwater planet called Zakuul, and so Vitiate chose Zakuul as the world upon which he would build a new empire—a truly Eternal Empire. Vitiate took on a Human male body as a new Voice that went by the name "Valkorion," though he split his mind and energy between the Valkorion body and the numerous Voices that oversaw the Sith Empire's march to war. Zakuul's native Humans were a superstitious and nihilistic people who worshipped the ruthless Old Gods, and so "Valkorion" claimed to be the Demon Savior of Zakuulan prophecy—an immortal god of gods who would topple Izax the Ultimate Devourer and the rest of the Old Gods, and thus usher in a new age.

Vitiate as Immortal Emperor Valkorion

Vitiate as Immortal Emperor Valkorion

Uniting the nomadic tribes of Zakuul, Valkorion declared himself the Immortal Emperor of a new Eternal Empire, and established a city amid the swamps as he accelerated the Zakuulans' technological advancement. However, the city was not grand enough for Valkorion, and his rapidly growing civilization became based in the Spire, a golden metropolis that sprawled outwards from atop the Old World, as the first city became known. He repurposed the three tribal leadership roles—Matriarch, Champion, and High Shaman—into the Knights of Zakuul, an order of Force users who were considered protectors of the people and were fanatical in their devotion to their Immortal Emperor. A subgroup of the Knights, the Scions of Zakuul, specialized in seeing the future and were obsessed with the idea of fate. Valkorion used this to his advantage, using the Scions' Force visions to find the dormant fleet. To control the fleet, he gathered Zakuul's greatest minds and set them to work building the Eternal Throne: a throne in the starscraper that topped the Spire whose technology gave the Immortal Emperor control over the GEMINI units that operated the fleet. The throne took generations to complete, finishing around two centuries after the Jedi Civil War, but for some reason Valkorion kept the Eternal Fleet within the Unknown Regions for the centuries that followed.

Meanwhile, the Emperor's plans for war in the greater galaxy continued, as he sought to use such a conflict to fuel himself as he did on Nathema. The Force-sensitive Ovair family was installed in the Jedi Order at his request, giving him a family line of Sith spies within the ranks of his enemies. Around 3756 BBY, the Emperor became aware of the tomb of Naga Sadow on the moon of Yavin 4. Viewing Sadow's powers as a potential threat to his planned invasion and his position as ruler of the Sith, the Emperor ordered his agent, Jedi Master Barel Ovair, to eliminate any remnant of the Sith's spirit. Ovair and his Padawan Eison Gynt traveled to the moon on behalf of the Jedi Order with the purpose of ridding it of dark-side energies, but the pair were attacked on their mission by the descendants of Sadow's Massassi warriors. Ovair eventually returned to the Republic weeks later without his Padawan, but Sadow possessed Gynt and resurfaced several years later in a failed attempt to kill the undercover Sith. The Jedi historian Gnost-Dural deduced centuries later that Ovair had been in fact been targeted by Sadow's spirit because he was a servant of the Sith Emperor, and that the infiltrator had used Gynt to draw out and eliminate Sadow's spirit before the Empire invaded.

With Naga Sadow's spirit vanquished, the Emperor took Yavin 4 for his own, and established the Imperial Guard Academy there to guard the Temple of Sacrifice, an ancient Sith edifice that held a powerful Sith artifact. With the accompanying ritual, the artifact would allow the Emperor to absorb all life on the moon, and thus it was kept as a failsafe plan in case the Voice was slain. One of the Imperial Guardsmen who underwent training at Yavin 4 was the hardened slave Iven, whose unchecked, murderous rage allowed him to resist the Emperor's indoctrination process longer than any other Guardsman—but his resistance caused his mind to snap. Now permanently in the Emperor's thrall, the insane Iven became the most ruthless and devoted of the Emperor's Guard.

Around the turn of the thirteenth century of his rule, the Emperor became the Sith Master of Exal Kressh, a hybrid Human–Sith descendant of Ludo Kressh. He also began to experiment with learning and combining different Force techniques in an effort to extend his reach and sight beyond the capabilities of his Hand alone. During her apprenticeship, Kressh was sent to a monastery on Ambria, where the Emperor experimented on her and prepared to make her a vessel for his mind. He also spent decades installing infiltrators in positions of power throughout the galaxy. Throughout all of this, Vitiate secretly maintained two Voices: the Human Valkorion body in the Unknown Regions, and the various bodies that served as the Voice in the Sith Empire.

A renewed war

Exal Kressh, the Emperor's apprentice

Exal Kressh, the Emperor's apprentice

Finally, in 3681 BBY, the Emperor announced that the Sith Empire would return to the known galaxy and launch its assault on the Republic. His meticulously calculated plans, in collaboration with the Imperial Military, resulted in a series of victories against the Republic in the Outer Rim Territories, including the successful capture of the Aparo sector following his activation of his agents in the governments of Ruuria, Sernpidal, and Belkadan. As the Imperial Army and Imperial Navy conquered planets such as Sluis Van, Imperial troops massacred anyone who would not swear loyalty to their new Emperor, and troopers of the Republic Military were simply killed on sight.

By the third year of the Great Galactic War, as the conflict soon became known, the Emperor was advancing his plans to spread his influence throughout the galaxy. Through centuries of experimentation, he was developing a combination of mental domination and transference of his consciousness that would allow him to create his "Children"—the ultimate agents of his will, as the Children would be extensions of his mind who would only be aware of their true allegiance when he allowed them to be. In the depths of the Sith Academy on the recently reclaimed Korriban, the Emperor's servants were completing the machines and rituals necessary for the process, and his servants were scouring the galaxy for young initiates. To that end, he dispatched Kressh to the ash world of Lenico IV to learn from Ortolan colonists. The colonists' legends spoke of shamans who lived on through their descendants, something that was of interest to the Emperor's plans for his Children.

Massacring the Ortolan colonists on her master's orders after her mission was complete, Kressh returned to the Empire and was sent to the Kathol Rift. However, the Ortolans' stories opened Kressh's eyes, and she realized that the Emperor intended to hollow out her mind and possess her as the first of his Children. Fleeing her duties and traveling into Republic space, she began to feed the Republic information, and then locked herself in stasis aboard the medical space station Colony Blue above Lenico, where the Emperor could only sense her dreams. Not long after her betrayal, the Emperor witnessed a vision of the Sith Lord Nankrang emerging victorious over the Jedi in the Mid Rim, and he personally chose the banner that the Sith Lord's forces would carry into battle.

Desiring to bring his wayward apprentice back under his control, the Emperor ordered the Dark Council to retrieve her, and the Council summoned the Sith apprentice Teneb Kel to Dromund Kaas. There, Kel was brought before the Emperor—whose current Voice was a young Human male—and ordered to find Kressh in the Lenico system. The Sith assassin Kel chased Kressh across the galaxy, encountering her aboard Lenico Colony Blue, but failing to capture her until he finally killed her, in the depths of the Sith Academy on Korriban, where he stopped her from destroying the Emperor's plans. After he learned why Kressh had fled the Emperor, Kel returned to the Council and demanded to be elevated to Lordship in exchange for the information. The Council accepted and granted Kel the title of Darth Thanaton, and in return they learned of the existence of the Children of the Emperor. In revenge for his apprentice's betrayal, the Emperor declared the very name Kressh an abomination and ordered all evidence of the family line across the Empire be destroyed. The Kressh family was obliterated from the history and fabric of the Empire, ensuring that the relatives of the Emperor's rebellious apprentice would never rise up against him.

A child is prepared for the Emperor's rituals in the depths of the Sith Academy.

A child is prepared for the Emperor's rituals in the depths of the Sith Academy.

At the orders of the Emperor, Force-sensitive children of many species were taken from their families and entered in a special group at the Sith Academy. Those children came from many different places and backgrounds: Syo Bakarn was a member of a noble house on Corellia, Augin Blaesus was from the Core World of Erigorm, and Kira Carsen was born on Dromund Kaas. At different points during their training, each of the children spent weeks undergoing various rituals and processes in the depths of the Academy, culminating in an audience with the Emperor where they were infused with the Emperor's strength and bound to his mind and will. Bakarn became the Emperor's First Son, shielding the other Children from detection while also serving on the Jedi High Council, and the Children were sent out into the galaxy as the ultimate undercover agents.

Unless the Emperor willed it, his Children knew nothing of their connection to the Sith or even their Force-sensitivity, and they became high-ranking individuals with influence across the galaxy. Some were planetary representatives, others members of the Republic Military, and some even became members of the Jedi Order. Kira Carsen escaped Imperial space before the process could be completed when the ten-year-old realized what the Emperor was doing to her, though she would eventually draw the Emperor's attention during her time as a member of the Jedi Order.

As the war continued, the Empire scored victory after victory against an unprepared Republic, claiming worlds such as Utapau and Agamar in their second main offensive. The Imperial capture of the Seswenna sector in 3671 BBY was countered when the Republic won a resounding victory at the First Battle of Bothawui, and the heroic last stand of Jedi Master Belth Allusis and his men at the second battle inspired the Republic to fight back against the seemingly unstoppable Imperial advance. Only a few years later, a Republic strike team led by Jedi Knight Jaric Kaedan captured the Dread Masters, depriving him of his advisors' powerful fear-inducing battle meditation abilities. A further blow to the Imperial war effort came when a much smaller Republic force defeated the Imperial invasion forces at the Battle of Alderaan in 3667 BBY, but the Republic's resurgence was broken with the disastrous naval conflict known as the Battle of Hoth in 3665 BBY.

Valkorion observes the training of his sons, Arcann and Thexan.

Valkorion observes the training of his sons, Arcann and Thexan.

With the offensive going well once more, the Emperor became distracted by something else in the Unknown Regions—around that time, a young Knight named Senya Tirall joined Valkorion's elite guard, and the Immortal Emperor had begun to phase out Humans from the Eternal Empire's military in favor of droids such as the new Skytrooper battle droid. Tirall spoke out against the change, catching Valkorion's attention; her willingness to speak her mind earned her a permanent posting to Valkorion's elite guard, and the two began a secret affair two years later. They were happy for a time until Tirall bore twin sons, Arcann and Thexan. As they grew, the two boys adored their father and were indifferent to their mother's affections, but Valkorion himself grew increasingly distant as the war against the Republic drew his attention. The Valkorion body barely acknowledged the presence of his family for weeks at a time as he concentrated his power and focus elsewhere. By 3660 BBY, the Emperor was growing restless, and the breaking of the Imperial-sponsored Mandalorian blockade of the Hydian Way did nothing to help the chances of ending the war. Not long after the blockade, a resilient Republic struck at Ziost, although the Empire eventually defeated the attackers in a battle lasting more than a month. The Republic assault was foiled again at the subsequent Battle of Ashas Ree, but the Republic's success at the earlier Battle of Ord Radama angered the Emperor enough to demand that the Empire retake the world. Spurred on by their Lord's command, Lords Darth Malgus and Darth Angral led Imperial forces to a costly victory in the Reconquest of Ord Radama.

The Great Galactic War marked the first time in centuries that the Emperor personally directed the Empire's actions.

The Great Galactic War marked the first time in centuries that the Emperor personally directed the Empire's actions.

As the war neared the end of its third decade, Revan's influence on the Emperor resulted in something that many Sith found surprising: plans for peace. Both the Emperor and the Dark Council were desperate for an end to the brutal war, which as it dragged on was forcing the Empire to strip entire worlds of their resources and peoples to fuel the Imperial war machine. Around the same time, Tirall gave birth to a daughter she named Vaylin, but the child inherited her father's immense power—she made furniture move while still in the womb, and tore apart droids as a toddler. Tirall was horrified when her daughter crippled a guard after dropping a ball she had tossed, and went to Valkorion for help. Though distracted, Valkorion had been paying some attention to his children, and the similarities between himself and his favorite child both pleased and frightened the Sith entity.

Valkorion observes his daughter Vaylin's training incident.

Valkorion observes his daughter Vaylin's training incident.

When Tirall came to him and begged him to help their daughter, Valkorion's "solution" was to install mental blocks that separated Vaylin from most of her powers and suppressed her violent and sociopathic tendencies, but also damaged her personality. Tirall attempted to flee with her children, but they rejected her concerns and scorned her affections, so a broken-hearted Tirall returned to service in the enforcement division of the Knights on the outer fringes of the Empire, never to speak with Valkorion again. In her absence, Valkorion remained emotionally distant from his children, teaching them his philosophy that one could achieve anything if they were willing to sacrifice, and changing their guards regularly to prevent them from becoming attached. Doing so reminded his children that while the Knights of Zakuul served his children, the Knights considered the three of them to be merely extensions of Valkorion's will. However, he later came to regret his indifference towards Tirall, considering his letting her leave to be a mistake.

While some of the seven surviving Dark Councilors wanted to continue the war, the Emperor's plans were put in motion around 3654 BBY after he gave them consolation: each of the seven would receive their own star system from the Republic as part of the upcoming treaty. At the Emperor's request, the Sith Lord Darth Baras led a delegation to approach the Republic with an offer of peace in 3653 BBY. Yet while negotiations were underway on the planet Alderaan, an armada under Darth Angral attacked the Republic capital of Coruscant and held it captive. Using Coruscant as a bargaining chip, the Empire forced the Republic to sign the Treaty of Coruscant and end the Great Galactic War. The Treaty forced the Republic to immediately withdraw all of its military forces from battlefields across the galaxy and redrew the galactic boundaries, effectively granting the Empire control of those parts of the galaxy that lay to the west and north of the Core as well as north of the Corellian Run. However, after the Treaty's completion, the Emperor retreated back into seclusion and left the Empire under the control of the Dark Council.

Cold War

The Emperor took an interest in the Voss after learning of their prophetic abilities.

The Emperor took an interest in the Voss after learning of their prophetic abilities.

The signing of the treaty began a period that soon came to be called the Cold War, where both the Empire and the Republic rebuilt their strength and engaged in various minor proxy engagements to test their enemy's readiness. The Emperor retained an iron grip on the hearts and minds of his people despite his seemingly apathetic role in governing them, and the Dark Council continued their typical power plays and maneuvering as they ran the Empire. Around 3645 BBY, a new world named Voss was discovered by the Empire, and reports delivered by Darth Baras on the Force-sensitive Voss species intrigued the Emperor. The species was ruled by a group of Mystics whose prophecies were always accurate, and the Emperor desired to have one of them as his Voice. As a result, an Imperial force attacked the planet while the Emperor's Hand kidnapped a Mystic from the surface, although the attacking force was destroyed by the machinations of the Star Cabal. The Emperor studied his captive's abilities throughout the Cold War, utilizing the Voss's prophetic powers to see visions of the future.

A decade after the Treaty of Coruscant, the former apprentice of Jedi Master Orgus Din drew the ire of Darth Angral when the Jedi Knight killed the Sith's son Tarnis on Coruscant. Driven mad with grief, Angral waged war against the Republic using stolen superweapons, which caused the Emperor to take an interest in the subject of Angral's wrath. When Angral encountered the Knight's apprentice Kira Carsen on the planet Ord Mantell, the Sith Lord was surprised to learn that the Padawan was a former Child, and he informed the Emperor almost immediately. Desiring to control Carsen once again, the Emperor sent her former fellow Child Valis to retrieve her.

On the Emperor's orders, Valis lured Carsen and her Master to an abandoned mining facility and battled the pair in an attempt to recapture Carsen. When Carsen and the Knight finally faced Angral aboard his flagship Oppressor, the Emperor chose that moment to take control of her. On the Emperor's orders, Angral battled the Knight to the death, and the Emperor took full control of Carsen when Angral fell to the Jedi's blade. However, with help from her Master, Carsen summoned a wall of light to permanently sever her connection to the Emperor. The loss of Carsen angered the Emperor, but he soon became suspicious of the Knight, who became known as the Hero of Tython after the battle with Angral, and grew wary of the Jedi's power over the next year.

The Jedi threat

The Emperor's ancient space station above Dromund Kaas

The Emperor's ancient space station above Dromund Kaas

In 3642 BBY, the tenuous peace brought by the Treaty of Coruscant began to collapse as a result of various proxy conflicts, Angral's campaign among them. However, the Empire did not truly commit itself to a renewed war until the Emperor's hold on Revan was broken. The Force ghost of Meetra Surik enlisted the aid of the Jedi Master Oteg and an elite strike team composed of Republic soldiers and Jedi to free the imprisoned Jedi from the heart of the Maelstrom, and for the first time in centuries the Emperor was freed from Revan's mental manipulations—and no longer hindered by Revan's desire to protect the Republic. Without Revan's influence, the Emperor accelerated his plans for galactic annihilation and fueled the flames of war across the galaxy, and the Empire began to make war upon the Republic in force. When the Emperor learned that the former Dark Councilor Sajar—now the Padawan of Jedi Master Tol Braga—was on the planet Quesh, the Emperor dispatched his Wrath to capture Sajar.

Lord Scourge failed, however, when he encountered the Hero of Tython and recognized the Jedi as the one he had seen in his visions three hundred years ago. Knowing of the Emperor's interest in the Hero, Scourge returned empty-handed to his master and delivered the news that the Knight had joined a strike team that Tol Braga was assembling—a strike team with the purpose of capturing and redeeming the Emperor. The Emperor sent a detachment of the Imperial Guard, under the command of Guardsman Lassicar, to follow the Jedi to the planet Hoth, and Lassicar soon reported that the strike team intended to infiltrate the Emperor's space station. On Balmorra, the Hero and Jedi Master Warren Sedoru had already recovered the prototype of the cloaking device shielding the fortress, and Lassicar's men failed in their attempts to capture the Hero and prevent the acquisition of the fortress' schematics on Hoth. The Emperor also activated one of his Children, Augin Blaesus, in an attempt to kill the royal family of Sarkhai—an action that would have severely damaged the Republic's relationship with the Rift Alliance splinter government and harmed the Republic's war effort—but Blaesus' efforts were foiled by the Jedi Master known as the Barsen'thor.

When the strike team landed aboard the Emperor's fortress, they were forced to fight through the Imperial Guard—as well as Sithspawn known as Harrowers—to reach the Emperor, and the first Jedi to enter the Emperor's throne room were the Hero and Kira Carsen. While the Emperor watched from his throne, Scourge battled the pair in a fierce duel, but the Wrath was ultimately defeated by the two Jedi. At that moment, Braga, Sedoru, and the Jedi Knight Leeha Narezz arrived in the throne room, and Braga approached the Emperor's throne to request that he accompany the Jedi back to Tython. Leaping down from his throne, the Emperor mocked the Jedi Master for his pride and self-righteousness, surprising the strike team with his knowledge of their identities.

The Emperor easily overpowered Master Braga's strike team.

The Emperor easily overpowered Master Braga's strike team.

The Emperor let loose a blazing storm of violet lightning that sent Narezz and Sedoru crashing to the floor while Braga, Carsen, and the Hero struggled to deflect it. It was not long before Braga and then Carsen succumbed to the Emperor's attack as well, leaving only the Knight to advance slowly against the storm. The Emperor then summoned a ball of Force lightning in his hands and unleashed his full power against the Hero, throwing the Jedi to the floor as the Emperor began to dominate the minds of his fallen enemies. Informing them that they were now his slaves and weapons, he unleashed another blast of lightning that sent them all into unconsciousness.

True to his word, the Emperor bound the Jedi to his will and turned them to the dark side. His servants spent several months retraining them as Sith, transforming the fallen Jedi into the Emperor's loyal agents, and the Hero was placed under the tutelage of Overseer Chaskar. However, the Knight was finally freed from the Emperor's control by the spirit of Orgus Din, and the Hero escaped back to Tython with the help of Scourge. The former Emperor's Wrath revealed to the Jedi Council that the Emperor intended to complete the life-consuming ritual again on a galactic scale, but the ritual required a sacrifice of billions of simultaneous deaths to start. To that end, the Emperor sent the high-ranking Executor Krannus and his death cult to the recently discovered Republic prison world of Belsavis. Knowing that the fanatically loyal cult would gladly sacrifice their lives for him, the Emperor orchestrated an Imperial attack to serve as a distraction so that Krannus could detonate the planet's power core; the resulting explosion would ripple through hyperspace and consume all of the neighboring systems. The Emperor also awoke S. Geland, a Child who was on Belsavis, in order to prevent the Barsen'thor from acquiring an army in the form of the Esh-kha species.

Voices and pawns

During the Cold War, the Emperor utilized a Voss Mystic as his Voice.

During the Cold War, the Emperor utilized a Voss Mystic as his Voice.

While the Hero and Scourge rushed to Belsavis, the Emperor was baited into traveling to the planet Voss by Darth Baras. Baras had alerted his leader to the presence of a dark-side entity known as Sel-Makor on Voss, and the Emperor traveled there to see if Sel-Makor's secrets could aid him in completing the ritual. However, Baras was manipulating the Emperor—when the Voss body that the Emperor was occupying entered Sel-Makor's resting place in the ancient Sith ruins known as the Dark Heart, the Emperor discovered that he could not leave. Sel-Makor began to fight the Emperor for control of the Voice, silencing the Emperor and cutting him off from the Hand.

The Emperor's last instruction was for the Hand to recruit the apprentice of Darth Baras as his new Wrath. Baras' apprentice had been betrayed by the Sith Lord on the planet Quesh, and the Hand sent the new Wrath to eliminate Baras' sister Darth Ekkage before she could escape her prison on Belsavis. In a moment of strength, the Emperor was able to send a message to the Hand that explained his predicament. As a result, the Emperor's Wrath located him in the Dark Heart, and after driving Sel-Makor from the Emperor's host, the Wrath fulfilled the Emperor's request and killed the Voice. That allowed the essence of the Emperor to return to his Hand, who aided their master in inhabiting the body of a Human male. Sometime after the Wrath's appointment, the Emperor had his servants construct droids known as the Opticrons—arcane fusions of ancient and modern technology that were hidden from sight—in order to keep track of his Wrath's every move in order to prevent another betrayal like that of Scourge.

A prominent voice used by the Emperor during the Galactic War

A prominent voice used by the Emperor during the Galactic War

One of the Emperor's first actions after being freed was to send the Sith Lord Fulminiss, a renowned Sith sorcerer who excelled at mass extinction through Sith magic, to Voss so that he could start the ritual. On the Emperor's orders, the fallen Narezz set a trap for the Hero of Tython using her lover Jomar Chul on the Korriban's Flame space station, but the Hero defeated the Nautolan Jedi and broke the Emperor's control over her. Through the eyes of another Child named Sophia Farash, the Emperor learned that the Barsen'thor was securing the aid of the Voss species, but Farash's attempt to kill the Jedi Master ended with the Child's death.

The Hero also halted Fulminiss' plans on Voss, preventing the Sith from using Sel-Makor to unleash a plague of madness across the planet, and defeated Warren Sedoru after the fallen Jedi Master captured the Republic flagship Valiant. Unconcerned with the recent losses, the Emperor dispatched Tol Braga to the embattled world of Corellia, where the Kel Dor Dark Jedi began to aid the Imperial military in the Battle of Corellia. However, Braga's true assignment was to cause massive civilian casualties in order to start the Emperor's ritual, and the Jedi Order soon marshaled all available Jedi and placed them under the Hero's command on Corellia to combat Braga's plans. Upon learning from his First Son that the Jedi had entrusted the Guardian Holds, several vital fortresses on Corellia, to his unknowing Children, the Emperor also activated those Children in order to take control of the Holds and damage the Republic's war efforts on Corellia.

The Emperor was seemingly unconcerned when the Hero of Tython foiled his plans across the galaxy.

The Emperor was seemingly unconcerned when the Hero of Tython foiled his plans across the galaxy.

After the Hero's forces foiled Braga's attempts to massacre civilians, the Emperor ordered the Kel Dor to detonate the Imperial battle cruiser Eclipse above the Government District of Corellia's Coronet City. The corrupted Jedi Master—who had long ago accepted his fate and now served the Emperor willingly—complied with his master's instructions, but the Hero of Tython boarded the cruiser and disabled the ship's engines before detonation. In the process, the Knight also defeated Braga and drew him back to the light side after refusing to end the Jedi Master's suffering. The Emperor was further weakened by the loss of his First Son, who was defeated by the Barsen'thor before Bakarn overwhelmed and imprisoned the First Son within his own mind. With the First Son's defeat, the shroud protecting the other Children from detection was lifted, allowing the Jedi Order to track down the Emperor's entire network of spies.

A doomed confrontation

One of the Emperor's duplicates charges the Hero.

One of the Emperor's duplicates charges the Hero.

After learning of the Emperor's location on Dromund Kaas from Braga, the Hero embarked on a mission to confront the Sith in the Dark Temple, while an invasion force under the command of Grand Master Satele Shan attacked the Imperial capital. Well aware of his enemy's presence and intention, the Emperor waited in the depths of the Dark Temple as the Hero and the astromech droid T7-O1 fought their way through the Imperial military and the Temple's defenses. As a droid, T7-O1 was the only one of the Jedi's companions who could safely confront the Emperor without falling under the Sith's control, but the Hero and T7-O1 were forced to rescue one of the other members of their crew when the companion was pinned down by Imperial forces.

When his enemies arrived in the Dark Temple's throne room, the Emperor arose from his throne and unleashed a bolt of violet lightning after mocking the Jedi for sacrificing strength to rescue an ally. The Hero intercepted the attack with a lightsaber, and the Emperor summoned three mindform duplicates of himself to attack the Knight as he slowly descended the steps from his throne. The Jedi and T7-O1 made quick work of the phantoms by the time he reached the bottom, and the Emperor remained unfazed when his opponent's weapon was raised in a guard stance. The Hero questioned the Sith's desire to consume the galaxy, but the Emperor warned the Knight that his mind and abilities were beyond the Jedi's comprehension, and his goals were his to decide.

Claiming that he would outlast everything and that his will could not be stopped, the Emperor summoned more duplicates of himself and drew his own lightsaber. Both the Emperor and his phantoms utilized Sith magic and lightning as they battled the Hero and T7-O1, vanishing and reappearing within the dimly lit chamber to toy with his opponent's senses. But to the Emperor's surprise, the Jedi slowly but surely gained the upper hand in their battle, cutting down the duplicates one by one and battering away at the Emperor's defenses. Finally, the phantom Emperors dissolved into swirls of dark-side energy, and the Hero's true opponent fell to his knees before the steps. However, when the Knight approached the seemingly injured Emperor, the Sith unleashed an explosive blast of Force lightning that sent his opponent sliding back across the floor.

The Emperor acknowledged his enemy's immense power, but mocked the Jedi's limiting adherence to the light side of the Force before unleashing a second, more powerful blast of lightning. The Hero caught the attack on the blade of a lightsaber, and the two opponents advanced across the room toward each other as the Emperor continued to blast the Jedi with lightning. As they reached each other, the Knight spun to the side and delivered a devastating strike to the Emperor's waist. The Sith fell to the floor, but lightning continued to crackle around him as he tried and failed to rise, and he defiantly declared that he would never be redeemed or contained. Brushing off the Hero's claims that he would face justice, the Emperor again attempted and failed to rise to his feet. Under the belief that the Emperor was dead, the Jedi contacted Lord Scourge to report success, and the former Emperor's Wrath informed his ally that the Emperor was not yet defeated.

The Emperor's essence left his fallen Voice and warned the Hero that he would take the Jedi with him if he had to die, releasing a massive amount of dark-side energy from the body of the Voice as a final defiant act. The energy rippled through the Dark Temple and began to collapse the structure, so the Jedi and T7-O1 fled the structure and returned to their ship.

A restless sleep

The Emperor's essence outlived his host and retreated to Yavin 4 in order to recuperate.

The Emperor's essence outlived his host and retreated to Yavin 4 in order to recuperate.

The Emperor's essence returned to the care of the Hand and entered a deep slumber on Yavin 4 in order to recuperate, as the battle with the Hero had grievously wounded his spirit. Yet the rest of the Empire believed that their leader had fallen. Darth Malgus took advantage of his absence to steal the Emperor's space station and declare his own New Empire, though the false Emperor would be defeated in battle with both Republic and Imperial forces on Ilum. Hidden among the dark-side energies of Yavin 4, the Emperor slowly recovered from the devastating injury that the Hero had dealt him by killing the Voice. Vitiate slowly recovered from the injuries his essence had sustained during the battle with the Hero of Tython.

The Imperial Guardsmen on the moon were tasked with preparing the device in the Temple of Sacrifice for use in restoring the Emperor, and the Emperor's spirit rested in a nearby temple. In his slumber, the Emperor's injured mind reached out to his Children and whispered to them, raging at the Knight and issuing contradictory orders as his consciousness moved quickly from thought to thought. Some Children, such as Tannac, were able to block out the incoherent commands of their master, but others like Suri were almost driven mad by his rage and constantly shifting thoughts. The Emperor's slumber also had the unintended consequences on Vaylin—with the bulk of the Sith entity's power locked away on Yavin 4, Valkorion's mental blocks within Vaylin's mind broke down, and her powers reemerged. Vaylin did not strike back against her father, however, instead choosing to bide her time.

Without the Emperor's commands directing their actions, the Dread Masters—who had recently been freed from their prison on Belsavis after twenty-seven years of confinement—decided to become independent, as they considered the Emperor as the only one worthy of their loyalty. Manipulating the Trandoshan warlord Kephess on Denova as well as other events across the galaxy, the six turned against both the Empire and the Republic to become a third power in the new war. During that time, the Emperor's Hand was instructed to appoint Darth Acina as the successor to Darth Karrid, the head of the Sphere of Technology, and Acina was ordered by the Hand to oversee the Arcanum—the Emperor's storehouse of powerful Sith artifacts.

Awakened once more

The Emperor is reawakened on Yavin 4.

The Emperor is reawakened on Yavin 4.

Not long after the Dread Masters' defeat at the hands of the Empire and the Republic, a new power arose in the ongoing war—the Order of Revan, a fanatical cult dedicated to the return of Force user Revan, who had returned from death after being defeated by the Empire in an earlier battle. Driven mad with hatred, Revan became determined to rid the galaxy of the Emperor, and learned of both the Emperor's presence on Yavin 4 and the ritual that could restore him to a physical form. After his attempts to remove the Republic and the Empire from the battlefield failed, Revan decided to proceed with his plans anyway, and his Revanite forces quickly took control of Yavin 4.

Revan prepared to restore the Emperor and then kill him, but before he could begin the ritual, a coalition of Imperial and Republic forces confronted the Revanites and waged war against the cultists on the moon. The machinery in the Temple of Sacrifice was destroyed before the ritual was completed, but Revan—still determined to destroy the Emperor at any cost—retreated to the Emperor's sanctuary, hoping to confront the Emperor's spirit. He was pursued and ultimately defeated in battle by the Imperial and Republic forces, who had become temporary allies in the face of the threat that a returned Emperor posed, but it was too late—unbeknownst to all, the Emperor had been feeding off of the death and chaos generated by the battle on Yavin 4, and now had the capacity to flee the moon. Declaring his intention to retake the galaxy, the Emperor's essence vanished from Yavin 4 without taking a physical form or possessing a body.

The Emperor consumed Ziost to fully revitalize himself.

The Emperor consumed Ziost to fully revitalize himself.

Vitiate, as the now-former Emperor was known to the Empire that rejected him, soon resurfaced on the planet Ziost, an ancestral world of the Empire. Extending his influence across the globe, he began to possess the planet's population, and fed off of the chaos and death that his puppets caused—allowing him to become stronger and possess more of Ziost's population. When the Sixth Line, a covert team of Jedi recruited by Agent Theron Shan of the Republic Strategic Information Service, arrived to investigate the activity on Ziost, Vitiate took them as his pawns and made their leader, Master Surro, his favored puppet. Agent Shan and Sith Intelligence Minister Lana Beniko joined forces on Ziost to combat Vitiate's plans, but they were unable to prevent Supreme Chancellor Leontyne Saresh from launching an invasion of Ziost, giving Vitiate hundreds more puppets. Using electrostatic gun technology, Vitiate's enemies disrupted the Sith entity's control over his puppets, and Vitiate's forces swarmed the People's Tower in the city of New Adasta in order to prevent them from generating a massive electrostatic blast using the tower.

The Emperor fully embraced the Valkorion persona after his revitalization.

The Emperor fully embraced the Valkorion persona after his revitalization.

The allied Republic and Imperial forces activated the electrostatic field and broke Vitiate's hold on most of the city, but his control hold over Surro was so strong that he immediately reasserted control. His possession of her was only broken after a fierce battle, but it was not long afterwards that the effects of the electrostatic field faded to the point where Vitiate was able to possess the population again. Ziost's population was evacuated as quickly as the Empire and Republic could manage, but only a fraction were off-world by the time Vitiate made his final call: a wave of dark-side energy rolled across the globe, turning all living things to ash and leeching the Force from the world to revitalize him. The only things that survived Vitiate's hunger were the Monoliths, a new breed of Sithspawn that Vitiate created using dark-side energy rather than by manipulating existing creatures. Believing himself to have finally passed beyond death's reach, Vitiate decided that he had transcended the link between flesh and identity, and thus no longer required vessels such as his Voices and Children. His hunger sated, the Force entity departed the now-barren world and vanished into the Unknown Regions, where he consolidated his entire essence into the Valkorion body, abandoning the name Vitiate and severing his ties to the Sith Empire, even going so far as declaring it a failed experiment.

The Outlander

Valkorion receives trophies from his sons' conquest.

Valkorion receives trophies from his sons' conquest.

Not long after Ziost, Valkorion was approached by his sons, who proposed a plan to test the strength of the border worlds between the Eternal Empire and the eastern galaxy. Now fully devoted to ruling the Eternal Empire, Valkorion sanctioned the attacks, but only permitted Thexan to lead the Eternal Fleet. Arcann disobeyed the command and accompanied his brother anyway, striking at worlds such as Tython and Korriban. During the attack on Korriban, Arcann was seriously injured in battle, losing an arm and suffering severe wounds to his face. When Thexan reported on the battle to his father, Valkorion was uninterested in his son's wounds, believing it to be fair price for his defiance. When the two returned from the raids, they presented trophies of lightsabers and banners to their father at the foot of the Eternal Throne. Valkorion responded with silence and turned away, infuriating an already resentful Arcann; Valkorion's son was overcome with anger and leapt at his father, intending to kill him with his lightsaber. Thexan reached out with the Force and pulled his brother back in mid-leap, and Arcann—still caught up in his anger and the dark side—engaged in a furious but brief lightsaber duel with Thexan that ended with Arcann slaying his own twin. As his horrified son came to his senses, a seemingly unmoved Valkorion approached him and commanded Arcann to come with him.

The assassination of Valkorion

The assassination of Valkorion

In the aftermath of the Eternal Empire's attacks, Darth Marr led a joint Republic–Imperial expedition into the Unknown Regions in pursuit of both the Sith Emperor and the mysterious attackers. As they approached Zakuulan space, Arcann reported their approach to his father atop the Spire, and Valkorion—who was well aware of the visitors—deployed the Eternal Fleet. Marr's expedition was wiped out, but Arcann's forces captured Marr and a second figure who had been involved in the war and the hunt for the Emperor. At his father's command, Arcann brought the two to Zakuul and before the Eternal Throne, where the foreigners recognized Valkorion as the former Sith Emperor. Amused by Marr's rage, Valkorion offered to share his power and influence with his prisoners, and killed Marr with an enormous blast of lightning when the Sith Lord stole a Zakuul Knight's lightsaber pike and attacked him. Vaylin ordered everyone out of the throne room, leaving only Arcann, Valkorion, and the remaining prisoner, to whom Valkorion repeated his offer. However, Arcann betrayed his father at that moment and Valkorion was struck down—but the Force entity simply shifted his essence into the prisoner's mind.

Valkorion converses with the Outlander during the latter's carbonite imprisonment.

Valkorion converses with the Outlander during the latter's carbonite imprisonment.

Sensing his father's survival, Arcann quickly had his father's newest host body frozen in carbonite to contain him, and publicly blamed the "Outlander" for Valkorion's death. Claiming the throne of the Eternal Empire, Arcann took control of the Eternal Fleet and launched a campaign that overran both the Republic and the Sith Empire. Though he was locked within the Outlander's mind, Valkorion did not possess his host's body. He instead manipulated the Outlander's dreams within their shared carbonite prison, attempting to convince the Outlander that he sought only to aid his host in taking the galaxy for their own and continuing to offer to share his power. The Outlander was imprisoned for five years until Lana Beniko and her allies launched a rescue mission, and Valkorion watched as the Outlander and Beniko's group escaped the Spire and discovered the Gravestone—the ship that could battle the Eternal Fleet—in the Endless Swamp.

Valkorion appears to his host as a Force spirit.

Valkorion appears to his host as a Force spirit.

Valkorion was intrigued when Senya Tirall joined the Outlander and Beniko's group, helping to raise the Gravestone so that the group could escape Zakuul, and his presence within the Outlander was revealed to the Outlander's companions when the remaining Scions of Zakuul put the Outlander through a series of trials on the shadowport Asylum. As the Outlander gathered allies to fight against Zakuul, Valkorion continued to offer his power and aid to his host, seemingly sincere in his claims that he wanted only to aid the Outlander; the Force entity sought to stop Arcann from destroying all that he had built. After a confrontation with Arcann at the Battle of Asylum, the Outlander's team escaped the Eternal Fleet and journeyed to the remote planet of Odessen, where the Outlander established an Alliance against Arcann's Eternal Empire with support from elements in the Republic and the Sith Empire.

Valkorion attacks and pretends to abandon his host.

Valkorion attacks and pretends to abandon his host.

Later, on the advice of Lana Beniko, the Outlander wandered into the jungles of Odessen to converse with Valkorion on any strategy the latter might possess. Valkorion mocked his host, claiming that they were weak and that his children possess power that surpass those of Jedi or Sith. Valkorion told the Outlander that their knowledge within their aspect of the Force was masterful but they need to extend their boundaries and transcend to a new level of power. He began a brief skirmish with the Outlander. When the skirmish ended, Valkorion showed disappointment on the Outlander's performance and felt a disturbance in the Force. He then seemingly left his host.

During the Battle of Odessen, Arcann attempted to speak to Valkorion through the Outlander, but was met with silence. Nonetheless, his subsequent assault proved that Valkorion had left at least some of his power within the Outlander, who drew on it to defeat Arcann at last. In the aftermath of the battle, Valkorion returned once again, claiming that the Outlander was now ready.

Reclaiming the Eternal Throne

Valkorion's spirit on Dromund Kaas, the world he deemed a failed experiment

Valkorion's spirit on Dromund Kaas, the world he deemed a failed experiment

Valkorion continued to push the Outlander towards bringing down Vaylin. During Vaylin's takeover of the Gravestone, he awakened Vaylin's mental conditioning by speaking the trigger words, and giving the Outlander another weapon to use against her. The trail led from there to Iokath, where Vaylin regained control of the Eternal Fleet from SCORPIO's free will; then back to Zakuul, where the Outlander and Theron Shan crashed Vaylin's Grand Festival; and then finally to Nathema, where Valkorion had sent Vaylin to be "properly conditioned." Due to the void in the Force on Nathema, and the unleashing of power as Vaylin broke through the mental cage Valkorion had put her into, his presence in the Outlander's mind appeared to be fading in and out at regular intervals. Despite this, he maintained enough of a grasp to attempt to warn against intrusion into the vaults beneath the Sanitarium. The reason became clear to the Outlander soon enough: it contained a holocron that held the Force essence of Valkorion's father, Lord Dramath, who had been imprisoned since his illegitimate son (then known as "Tenebrae") had usurped him more than a millennium before. Dramath offered the holocron as a means of defeating Valkorion once and for all.

Valkorion reveals to his host what his plans for them have been all along.

Valkorion reveals to his host what his plans for them have been all along.

After Vaylin unleashed a full-scale assault on Odessen, she confronted the Outlander with her full powers, cracking the walls of the Alliance base. Despite this, the Outlander vanquished Vaylin, but—as Valkorion soon revealed—her death left the Eternal Throne without a master, causing the Eternal Fleet to revert to its original purpose of extermination. To stop the rampage, the Outlander had to seize the Eternal Throne. Accompanied by two others, the Outlander fought through the lines of Knights, skytroopers and others barring the way up into the Spire, before entering the throne chamber. The Outlander sat upon the throne, becoming immobilized in agony as the power of the throne pulsed through their body; when it was done, the fleet had stopped firing at last. Valkorion appeared before the Outlander, congratulating them for finally becoming ruler of Zakuul and master of the Eternal Throne...before lashing out with his power, trying to force the Outlander to submit to his will. He revealed that he intended to hollow out the Outlander as a new vessel for his immortal spirit, just as he had done to the original Valkorion centuries before, and take the Throne back for himself. Though the Outlander tried to resist, Valkorion shattered the mind of his unwilling host, forcing their very being into the depths of their own psyche.

Valkorion orders Vaylin to vanquish the Outlander.

Valkorion orders Vaylin to vanquish the Outlander.

The Outlander resurfaced in the void of their own mind, wearing the form of Valkorion. Guided by their own voice to find Dramath's holocron, the Outlander-as-Valkorion relived the memories they had shared, including the confrontations with Arcann and Vaylin on Odessen, as well as his apparent "abandonment" of the Outlander in the wilds on Odessen—which had been in fact a ruse, to see how the Outlander would function without his counsel. The Outlander soon regained control, facing off against Valkorion, who admitted to being impressed with his foe's persistence. Holding the Emperor at bay, the Outlander used Dramath's holocron to break whatever hold he had over his children, who then allied with their onetime foe to destroy Valkorion. When the Outlander appeared to gain the upper hand, Valkorion pulled the holocron from the Outlander's grip and destroyed it, boasting that even if they conjured a hundred more holocrons, it would not be enough to stop him. But the Outlander, now in full control of their own mind again, spoke the words "kneel before the Dragon of Zakuul"—the trigger words for Vaylin's conditioning. To Valkorion's utter shock, thinking that only Vaylin was vulnerable, he became powerless before his enemy; twisting the dagger further, the spirit of Vaylin spoke the same words with gleeful vengeance.

The apparent end of the Immortal Emperor

The apparent end of the Immortal Emperor

Reeling, Valkorion turned towards the throne, only to be confronted by Senya, who declared that Valkorion had turned his back on his family for the last time, and struck him with her lightsaber. Raving that "a god has no family," and that without him, they were nothing, Valkorion rose to strike at the Outlander, only to be immobilized by Senya and their children. Valkorion told the Outlander to "remember [him] when [their] Alliance burns to ash" and tried to lash out one last time, but was struck down on the spot by the Outlander. With a great burst of dark-side energy, the Immortal Emperor was gone, seemingly never to return.

Attempted rebirth

Due to his obsession with immortality and the subsequent use of the Emperor's Voice, Vitiate kept his original body locked in stasis where it was unable to be harmed by neither nature nor outside interference, and its location kept secret among only his most trusted servants, including the first and former Emperor's Wrath: Lord Scourge.

Vitiate, at an unknown period, carved an ancient Sith ritual into his original body to act as a last resort in the event his body was harmed, infusing his body with a portion of his essence, which would immobilize the attacker(s) by putting them into a coma. The plague would spawn an entity that would feed on the victims by connecting their minds and merging into an even stronger entity. However, despite the effectiveness of the plague, anybody who was previously granted a portion of Vitiate's power was rendered immune to the plague's effects due to the past power acting as a vaccine.

Tenebrae's plague contained a mental imprint of his three most prominent personas.

Tenebrae's plague contained a mental imprint of his three most prominent personas.

Lord Scourge and Kira Carsen discovered the location of Vitiate's original body and they destroyed it at practically the same time the Alliance Commander destroyed Valkorion's spirit in their mind during the Battle for Zakuul. This event led to the plague being released and rendering Scourge and Kira comatose for more than a year. Satele Shan and her followers learned of this and rescued the duo; however, they unknowingly doomed themselves in the process without having any sort of vaccine similar to what Scourge and Kira possessed. The duo trapped the now-plagued Satele Shan and her followers in a transport programmed to travel a random course throughout unsettled sectors of the Outer Rim, with a few med-droids to tend to them. Scourge and Kira later learned that the plague unleashed an entity that was connecting the minds of Satele and her followers and merging into a stronger, united hivemind.

They sought the aid of the Alliance Commander first by testing them on Mek-Sha to ensure that Valkorion was truly dead and no trace of his power remained in their mind, mainly due to the Emperor being a master deceiver. Upon the Commander passing their test, Scourge and Kira revealed their plan to the Commander: they would send a signal to the transport in order to bring it to an empty sector closer to Odessen. Upon its arrival, they would board the transport, connect their minds through the Force, and attempt to destroy the entity. If this did not work, their last resort would be destroying the transport.

Satele Shan's ship, the location of Tenebrae's curse

Satele Shan's ship, the location of Tenebrae's curse

The Commander agreed to this proposal, and Kira stated that it would be a while before the transport came into range. Until then, Scourge and Kira offered their aid in any mission the Commander requested. Much to Scourge's increasing frustration, however, the ship disappeared, not appearing at its next expected rendezvous point. To hunt it down, they suggested the Commander send droids, as they would not become corrupted by Vitiate's power.

The droid T7-O1, piloting a starfighter, located the ship and transmitted coordinates to Odessen. This also uncovered the continued existence of the Emperor's Hand, Vitiate's innermost circle of fanatics. As they had been vessels of the Emperor's power and thus could resist his corruption, the Commander, Scourge, and Kira intended to travel alone to the ship, but were joined by others from Odessen, who provided fire support when the Emperor's Hand attacked them in a shuttle. Teeseven had gotten aboard the ship and sabotaged its systems enough for the Commander and their allies to board; Kira shut down the ship's engines and defenses, while Scourge joined the Commander to launch the escape pods and jettison the Servants' shuttles, in order to prevent the curse from getting off the ship. As they explored the ship, however, the Commander and Scourge discovered that the Servants had been engaged by another force: the Scions of Zakuul, whose late leader Heskal had prophesied their return "when it was time to die."

The three faces of Tenebrae attempt a full rebirth.

The three faces of Tenebrae attempt a full rebirth.

After clearing the bridge, the Commander and Scourge were approached by the spirit of Revan, who had been guiding Scourge to stop the Emperor's rebirth. Though thought to have become one with the Force on Yavin years before, Revan explained he could not rest until he knew Vitiate's spirit was banished forever, and warned that Vitiate was using his possessed victims to remake himself. With the ship disabled, Kira rejoined the Commander and Scourge in the medical bay, where they confronted the leaders of both the Servants and the Scions, the latter of whom was killed by the former. After dispatching the Servant leader, Kira found that while Satele lived still, two of the possessed Jedi were dead, and the others close to death.

As planned, Kira connected to the others via the Force to enter Satele's mind, where they encountered all three of the Emperor's known guises: first Valkorion, then Vitiate, and finally his original form, Tenebrae. Kira realized that the ritual carved into Tenebrae's original body was not a plague, but an imprint, an echo of his original self. Tenebrae condemned the version of him they knew as too complacent, distracted by "mortal concerns"—empires, wars, and even (in Valkorion's case) a family—and declared he would succeed where his original self had failed. The Vitiate form separated the Commander from their allies; however, they were soon joined by Revan, who stood with the Commander against Tenebrae's shades. While the three forms all declared themselves endless, they were confronted first by Meetra Surik, whom Tenebrae mocked for her failure to kill him once before, and then by Scourge, who reminded him that he had saved the Emperor from her the first time, and would not do so again.

Tenebrae unleashes his power.

Tenebrae unleashes his power.

The Tenebrae form again lashed out to separate the Commander from the others. The Commander then encountered Darth Marr, the Dark Councilor who had been killed at the Commander's side on Zakuul by Valkorion years prior. Marr explained that the new Tenebrae only knew of his past deeds from the memories and impressions of Satele and her students, but had gained none of the wisdom from those experiences. Marr warned that if he was not stopped now, there would not be another opportunity, and called upon the Commander to "break the chains he uses to ensnare us all."

Tenebrae was finally destroyed within the mindscape of Satele Shan.

Tenebrae was finally destroyed within the mindscape of Satele Shan.

Finally, the Commander reached the center of the mindscape, a recreation of the Jedi Temple on Tython, and encountered Satele within. The Emperor's three forms boasted that Satele could not resist for long, and that when her mind was destroyed, only Tenebrae would remain. Satele awoke and mocked Tenebrae for his ego: he could have dominated any one of her students, but instead chose to dominate them all, as well as their master, all to prove he was still powerful. As Satele spoke, those whom the Emperor had manipulated and killed over the centuries, all who knew his true weakness—his pride and vanity, and his fear of death—began to manifest, standing behind the Commander, the one who had the power to destroy him once and for all. In the end, Tenebrae's power was not enough to save him, as the Commander and their allies withstood the power of the Emperor's many forms. Defeated, the other two guises of the Emperor were petrified and the Tenebrae form reached out defiantly one final time, before he too turned to stone and crumbled to dust, just as his victims on Nathema and Ziost had done in the past. Once and for all time, the Emperor was no more.


The Emperor ruled the Empire for over 1,300 years, and during that time, he exerted an enormous psychological influence on his people. In the Empire, he was viewed as both a god and king—almost every citizen of the Empire was more than willing to sacrifice his or her life in the service of their Emperor. He was the source of many common phrases and utterances in Imperial culture, such as "Glory to the Emperor," "Long Live the Emperor," and "It's enough to wake the Emperor." He had a similar effect on the citizens of the Eternal Empire; Valkorion was considered to be essentially a god to his people, having toppled Zakuul's original religion. Zakuulans believed Valkorion to be truly immortal, guiding the Eternal Empire to prosperity for centuries.

Thousands of years after the Emperor's death, the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis—himself obsessed with achieving immortality—mused that Emperor Vitiate, as he was known to history, was the only Sith Lord in history who had come close to achieving the secret.

Personality and traits

The Emperor's three best-known faces: Tenebrae, Valkorion, and Vitiate

The Emperor's three best-known faces: Tenebrae, Valkorion, and Vitiate

Almost from birth, the Emperor was unusual in that he seemed to lack emotion and empathy—something that would remain constant throughout his life, regardless of the host body he would use. The child Tenebrae felt no affection for his mother, stepfather, or birth father, as he killed each of them without mercy, and it was not long after his powers manifested that he discovered how to feed off the fear and suffering of those around him. As a child, he was a cruel ruler, massacring hundreds simply to sate his hunger for anguish. As a Sith Lord, Vitiate became known as more of a scholar than a warrior, as he spent much of his century-long rule delving into the mysteries of the dark side.

While other Sith became feared warriors and conquered new worlds for the glory of the Empire, Vitiate was content to remain on Nathema even when the rest of the Sith Lords went to war against the Republic. However, his public persona of a scholar was merely a sham: by the time he entered the second century of his lifetime, he was calculating, manipulative, and patient enough to sit by while his plans took years to reach completion. When news of Naga Sadow's defeat reached the ears of the people, Vitiate was able to carefully drive the rest of the Empire into a frenzy of panic and herd them as he wished. He also revealed his true persona to the eight thousand Sith Lords who heeded his call on Nathema—the reclusive scholar crushed their minds and bound them to his own indomitable will.

The Sith Emperor desired the complete annihilation of all life in the galaxy.

The Sith Emperor desired the complete annihilation of all life in the galaxy.

The ritual performed on Nathema affected the Emperor beyond just his strength in the Force; the price of immortality meant that he no longer experienced any of the senses that normal people possessed. Taste, touch, smell, color, and even emotion meant nothing to him, as he lacked the capacity to experience any of them. He did not care, however, as such mortal concerns were now beneath him. His servant Lord Scourge, whom he subjected to a scientific recreation of his immortality ritual, came to realize during his three centuries of service that the Sith ruler had transcended his humanity and mortality even within his own mind—the Emperor sacrificed the ability to feel anything, separating himself from the rest of the universe in the most fundamental ways and convincing himself that he was like a god. Later in his life, his belief that he was above all things led him to desire an escape from Sith teachings and the trappings of his Sith Empire, and so he began anew in the Unknown Regions on Zakuul.

In his search for a way to completely escape death, the one thing he truly feared, the Emperor delved into many arcane and lost techniques of the dark side. Developing ways to link his consciousness with those of other beings, he soon gained a significant number of servants who were fanatically loyal to and intricately linked with their master. As the reach of his consciousness grew ever greater, he became capable of dividing his focus among multiple agents of his will across the galaxy while still maintaining complete possession of his current Voice. Because of that ability, those who received audiences with the Emperor often gained the correct impression that the Sith was listening to other conversations even while speaking.

The Emperor was determined not to die, regardless of the consequences to the rest of the galaxy.

The Emperor was determined not to die, regardless of the consequences to the rest of the galaxy.

The Emperor who ruled the Sith Empire was motivated by the only two emotions he could still feel: hunger for power and fear of losing it. Revan's subconscious manipulations of the Emperor while he was imprisoned further augmented the Sith's fear of death, pushing it to the point of irrationality and fueling his desire to become truly and utterly immortal. As his spirit had been rendered immortal by the ritual, his perception of time and his patience extended as well—something that allowed him to carefully work for centuries toward his goals. The hopes, desires, and concerns of living beings meant nothing to him, and to him all other beings were like ants; his will was utter and absolute. If the Emperor's ritual had been completed, the Sith would have spent eternity fulfilling any desire that he had. Over the course of his life, he came to desire peace for the galaxy, but peace in the form of utter and complete emptiness. When he touched Scourge with his mind, the mental contact drove the Sith Lord nearly insane despite only lasting less than a second. Scourge's perception of the Emperor's mind was one filled with indescribable horrors, with the emptiness of complete annihilation lurking beneath its surface.

As Valkorion, Tenebrae expressed a different side of his personality.

As Valkorion, Tenebrae expressed a different side of his personality.

When the Hero of Tython began to oppose him, the Emperor professed a lack of concern for the Knight's successes against his agents, but over the course of his service, Scourge had come to recognize what little emotion remained in his master, and that the emotions that the Emperor was feeling were fear and hatred. Using the powers of Revan and his Voss host to gaze into the future, the Emperor saw the possibility of his own death at the hands of that Jedi. That threat terrified the immortal ruler, and he became more and more anxious to complete the dark ritual again to ensure his survival, but the Hero was ultimately able to strike down the Emperor in battle just as he had foreseen. However, the Emperor's personality as Valkorion was remarkably different; while still relatively emotionless and supremely confident in his actions, Valkorion experienced a degree of fondness for Senya Tirall, and the two were happy for a time before his sons were born. Valkorion retained his near-universal indifference even with his children, expressing no affection for them other than designating Vaylin his favorite, although he repeatedly expressed contempt for the volatile behavior exhibited by her and her brother Arcann. Valkorion also showed no concern at the prospect of losing his children, displaying no reaction upon the death of Thexan and using Vaylin's death to his advantage by turning her spirit into his puppet. He even encouraged the Outlander to try and kill Arcann on multiple occasions.

During his observation of the galaxy during the Galactic War, the Emperor became intrigued by an individual who would become eventually known as the Outlander. After the Invasion of Ziost, the Emperor returned entirely to his Valkorion form and dedicated himself to ruling the Eternal Empire, judging that the Sith Empire was not worth saving, and the Jedi and Republic unworthy of annihilation, but even then had machinations—when the Outlander was brought before him, he offered to share his power, believing that the Outlander was unique in the way they affected the galaxy, just like himself. He expected Arcann's betrayal and used it to his advantage, transferring his power and consciousness to the Outlander's body.

Powers and abilities

Tenebrae gathers a storm of dark-side energy before releasing it as crimson Force lightning.

Tenebrae gathers a storm of dark-side energy before releasing it as crimson Force lightning.

Even as a child, the Sith Emperor possessed immense strength in the Force, and his abilities began to manifest themselves at the age of six. He used his newfound powers to snap his adoptive father's neck with a thought, and tortured his mother with the Force for months while feeding on her fear and pain. As his powers grew, Tenebrae continued to gorge himself on the fear and suffering of those whom he tortured in public executions. When he confronted his real father, the Sith Lord Dramath, at the age of ten, Tenebrae was able to strip the man of both his sanity and his power in the Force.

Tenebrae's power at the age of thirteen was great enough for Marka Ragnos, the current Dark Lord of the Sith, to acknowledge the teenager's strength and grant him the title of Lord Vitiate. Vitiate soon gained a reputation as a scholar, spending much of the next century studying the secrets of the dark side and Sith sorcery, becoming one of the most powerful practitioners of both Sith magic and alchemy throughout history, and devising complex rituals to warp reality and life itself. Another one of Vitiate's specialties was the domination of his opponents' minds, as he was able to dominate the minds of eight thousand Sith Lords and bind them to his will. He then used their combined power to perform the most complex ritual of Sith magic ever performed, ripping the Force from the entire planet of Nathema and absorbing the combined life force of every living thing on the surface. Lord Scourge suspected that the Emperor had not only absorbed the lives of those who had died in the ritual but was in fact feeding off their spirits to sustain his own throughout the centuries that followed.

Tenebrae was able to summon Force lightning even without a corporeal presence.

Tenebrae was able to summon Force lightning even without a corporeal presence.

As Emperor, he spent much of his rule experimenting even further with the dark side, discovering many lost techniques and increasing his immense power even more. While his body was harmed by the ravaging effects of the dark side, the technique of transfer essence allowed him to move his consciousness, which had been made immortal as a result of the ritual on Nathema, between bodies and sustain his life indefinitely. By combining various Force techniques, the Emperor was also able to imbue portions of his consciousness into infants, transforming those Children of the Emperor into extensions of his will. He could suppress his Children's personas and even their Force-sensitivity, making them the ultimate covert operatives, and further possess them like puppets. His mind-control power at this point was strong enough to completely overwhelm the extremely strong wills of both Revan and Malak.

The Emperor's rituals on Dromund Kaas warped the planet's very atmosphere, creating perpetual lightning storms, and he became vastly skilled in telekinesis and defensive techniques. He could conjure Force barriers easily strong enough to block T3-M4's flamethrower and even strong lightsaber blows from his son Arcann, and could conjure protection bubbles to protect himself from oncoming Force assault. His telekinetic prowess and power was so great that he could effortlessly perform great telekinetic feats without using hand gestures as commonly needed, even able to send the extremely powerful Revan flying across his throne room with barely an effort, and he effortlessly blasted the astromech droid T3-M4 into shrapnel with just a thought. The Emperor was also extremely proficient in the use of Force lightning, utilizing it in the form of cackling bolts of energy and even being proficient enough to single-handedly summon Force Storms strong enough to overwhelm Revan's Tutaminis and severely injure him. The Emperor was able to summon Sith magic, which enabled him to create physical duplicates of himself while battling the Hero of Tython. When necessary, the Emperor would utilize his red-bladed lightsaber in combat and displayed adequate proficiency with it despite being so powerful that he rarely used it.

The Emperor's lightning also took on a variety of hues, being capable of summoning purple and crimson hues of lightning alike. The Emperor was also proficient in abilities such as Force drain and sever, which he used to rip the Force from Nathema.

During his first few centuries as Emperor, a conspiracy formed in the Dark Council headed by Darth Lokess. The Dark Councilors, when they arrived on the steps of the Imperial Citadel, were killed almost instantly in a flash of light. Darth Lokess disappeared thereafter mysteriously, never to be seen again.

Tenebrae was able to project his spirit from across the galaxy, possessing an entire planet and annihilating it.

Behind the scenes

The Emperor in a vision to Jedi Knight players, during the optional quest "The Trials" on Voss

The Emperor in a vision to Jedi Knight players, during the optional quest "The Trials" on Voss

The Sith Emperor and his Empire were first mentioned, albeit indirectly, in the 2004 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords as the mysterious threat that Revan had left to confront after the end of the previous game, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. His first true appearance was in The Old Republic, Blood of the Empire Act 1: Shades of the Sith, an issue in the 2010 Star Wars: The Old Republic series of comics that served as backstory for the 2011 massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic. He appeared repeatedly in the Galactic Timeline series of in-universe history videos, which explained the history of the Great Galactic War as well as the history of the reconstituted Sith Empire, and is also mentioned on several pages of the Holonet division of the game's official site.

When The Old Republic was first announced in 2008, the entertainment site IGN mistakenly reported that the identity of the Sith Emperor was Naga Sadow, though the official website was more vague on the subject. Comments by Daniel Erickson, one of the lead writers for the game, led many to believe that the Emperor had in fact been Emperor during the Great Hyperspace War, though this was later debunked and the Emperor's backstory explained in the 2011 novel The Old Republic: Revan. Written by Drew Karpyshyn, the book revealed the Emperor had been born Tenebrae on the planet Medriaas, and explained both Tenebrae's rise to power as Lord Vitiate and the origins of Vitiate's Empire. The 2012 reference guide Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia gave further information on the Sith Emperor, revealing that the position of Emperor's Voice and the creation of the Children were results of Revan's attack on the Emperor. It also gave more information on the early Empire, and referred to the Emperor as "Darth Vitiate." The Essential Reader's Companion said that the Emperor was Human, though his original body was that of a pure Sith,

The name "Tenebrae" is Latin for darkness, gloom or obscurity, while his Sith title of Vitiate is also Latin: in this case, it means "having been corrupted, defiled, or voided." The English word vitiate means to spoil, impair, weaken, or corrupt. Daniel Wallace, author of the 2012 reference book Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side, originally planned to have the Sith Emperor author a section of the book, which is represented in-universe by a group of Sith texts compiled by the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. However, the lack of information on the Emperor led Wallace to decide that Darth Malgus would author that section.

While he is mentioned throughout The Old Republic, the Emperor only appears in "person" in the Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight class storylines, and is voiced by Doug Bradley. Hall Hood, the main writer for the Jedi Knight class, brought up YouTube videos of Bradley's performance as Pinhead when the writers were discussing who they wanted to voice the Emperor, and the team decided on Bradley. He appears in "Descent," the final mission of Act II for the Jedi Knight, where the Knight boards the Emperor's space station. The attempt to capture him fails, and the Emperor turns the player to the dark side in a cutscene. However, the Sith Warrior mission "The Voice of Darkness" on Voss explains the role of the Emperor's Voice, and confirms that the Emperor had been utilizing a Voss Mystic as his Voice throughout the Cold War. In the mission, the player is forced to battle the Emperor's Voice—which had been possessed by Sel-Makor—before killing the Voice and freeing the Emperor's essence. The Emperor can also appear in a vision to Jedi Knight players if they choose to complete the mission "The Trials" on Voss, while players of other classes will receive visions of their enemies taken from their respective finales.

Star Wars: Darth Plagueis confirmed that the Emperor did eventually meet his final death.

Star Wars: Darth Plagueis confirmed that the Emperor did eventually meet his final death.

The Act III finale of the Jedi Knight storyline features a final confrontation with the Emperor on Dromund Kaas, where the Knight fights through the Dark Temple to reach him. When one of the player's companions is under attack, the player can choose to rescue their companion for light-side points, at the cost of giving the Emperor time to "increase" his strength. Alternatively, they can choose to leave their companion to die for dark-side points, but the Emperor remains the same in terms of game mechanics either way. After the Emperor is defeated, the player is presented with two light-side options and a dark-side option: tell the Emperor that he will face justice, promise the Sith that he will be redeemed, or simply kill the Emperor. The first two options give light-side points, but the Emperor still collapses and seemingly dies before exploding into dark-side energy after the player speaks with Lord Scourge.

Concept art of the Sith Emperor as Valkorion

Concept art of the Sith Emperor as Valkorion

The Emperor's Voice dies as a result of the collapsing building and wounds inflicted by the Knight, but it is revealed in a message to Sith Warrior players that the Emperor's essence survived and returned to another body, where he entered a deep sleep under the care of his Hand to recover his strength. However, the 2012 novel Darth Plagueis reveals that the Sith Emperor did in fact die a final time at some point before the book's events, which take place 3,600 years after the events of The Old Republic. In the novel, which explains the backstories of the Sith Lords Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious, Plagueis muses about Vitiate's accomplishments during the Muun Sith Lord's own research on immortality. The Emperor's fate was expanded on in the 2014 Digital Expansion Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan, which reveals that the returned Revan seeks to destroy the Emperor. The expansion's storyline on the moon of Yavin 4 deals with the joint Imperial and Republic efforts to stop Revan from resurrecting the Emperor, as they believe he will be unable to kill the restored Sith ruler, and the expansion ends with the Emperor vanishing from Yavin 4 after regaining his strength. The Emperor's story is continued in Game Update 3.2: Rise of the Emperor, which sees him possess the population of Ziost and ultimately eradicate all life on the world, and the Digital Expansion Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire introduces the Valkorion form and the Eternal Empire, with Valkorion, voiced by Darin De Paul, becoming a major character as he enters the player's mind, until his final obliteration in Chapter IX of Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne.

The 2019 Digital Expansion Star Wars: The Old Republic: Onslaught revealed the fate of Tenebrae's original body, and the existence of his plague. During the encounter in Satele Shan's mindscape, the player is confronted by three manifestations of the Emperor: the final Voice of the Emperor who was slain by the Knight, representing his appearance from Star Wars: The Old Republic to Shadow of Revan, Valkorion, representing his appearance from Knights of the Fallen Empire to Knights of the Eternal Throne and Tenebrae's original Sith body. Doug Bradely and Darin De Paul reprise their roles as the Emperor's final Voice and Valkorion respectively, while Tenebrae's original body is voiced by Anthony Skordi.

Gameplay alternatives

Valkorion shares his power with the player.

Valkorion shares his power with the player.

  • In Fallen Empire Chapter I players can either kneel before Valkorion or refuse. If the player kneels, Valkorion will begin empowering them with his energy, allowing Arcann to betray and stab Valkorion through the back, killing him. If the player refuses, Valkorion will command Arcann to execute them, but Arcann instead releases the player, allowing them to strike Valkorion down instead as he battles his son.
  • In Fallen Empire Chapter V Valkorion will again offer the player his power so that they can save Lana Beniko from a seemingly fatal blow. If the player agrees, Valkorion will unleash a massive energy wave, blowing the attackers away. If the player refuses, Beniko is struck, but suffers only a minor wound.
The Outlander releases a blast of Valkorion's power.

The Outlander releases a blast of Valkorion's power.

  • In Fallen Empire Chapter VIII Valkorion will make the offer once more during the player's duel against Arcann. If player accepts Valkorion's power, they will unleash a powerful barrage of lightning that pushes Arcann off the platform and kills many refgees fleeing Asylum. If player refuses, Arcann overpowers and stabs them, although they will survive the ordeal.
  • In Eternal Throne Chapter I players have the option to mortally wound Senya Tirall. If so, she asks to speak to Valkorion one last time, and he will appear to her with a song he used to sing on Aivela's Crest. Senya asks Valkorion why he ignored his children in their attempts to gain approval from him, but he vanishes without answering.
Valkorion dominates the spirits of both of his children.

Valkorion dominates the spirits of both of his children.

  • In Eternal Throne Chapter VI Arcann is killed by the player if he was never killed or redeemed. If so, Arcann will curse his father his with dying words, and Valkorion will appear only to dismiss him and call him a child before he dies.
  • In Eternal Throne Chapter IX if Arcann was previously killed, his spirit will be controlled by Valkorion alonside Vaylin's until the player releases them using Dramath's holocron. If the player previously refused to release Dramath's spirit, he will join the fight as well, assisting the player against Tenebrae's children. Dramath will then attack Valkorion directly, who obliterates his spirit but is weakened by doing so.

Cut content

Several Codex entries within The Old Republic were present in the beta release of the game, but were cut for unknown reasons. Two of these—"The Phobis Devices" and "Blade of the Sith Executioner"—relate specifically to the Emperor's history.

At some point during his reign, the Emperor also discovered the three Phobis devices—powerful Sith artifacts that allowed their users to command fear itself. The devices' mere presence was enough to instill crippling fear in the minds of many Sith, and it was not until six Sith Lords—Raptus, Bestia, Brontes, Calphayus, Styrak, and Tyrans—meditated together on the Phobis devices that the power of the artifacts was harnessed. However, the Emperor acknowledged their power as a potential threat, and locked one of three Phobis devices—the Phobis Core—away in the depths of the Dark Temple as a way of limiting the six's powers.

The Sith Lord Koval Renge served as the Emperor's personal enforcer during his lifetime, utilizing his ceremonial executioner's blade to dispatch hundreds of his master's enemies. Renge, who was granted the title of Sith Executioner, eventually became fearful of his master's continually increasing power, and his attempt at betrayal was foiled—the Sith Lord's own blade was turned on Renge, striking him in the chest and breaking off. A splinter of the blade was left in Renge's body after the Emperor ordered the healing of his wounds, and the former Executioner was then cast into the Dark Temple as the ultimate punishment.

Non-canon sources

  • LEGO Star Wars: The Dark Side
























































































































