Darth Ekkage

Darth Ekkage was a female human Dark Lord of the Sith and Dark Councilor in the times of the Great Galactic War. She was the sister of Darth Baras and one of the greatest Sith assassins to have ever lived.


Ekkage under lock and key.

Ekkage under lock and key.

During the Great Galactic War between Galactic Republic and Sith Empire, Darth Ekkage was a member of the Dark Council and commanded both the Sith infiltrators and the Red Legion, and personally branded members of the Legion during a celebration in Kaas City on Dromund Kaas in 3678 BBY.

However, Ekkage was betrayed and handed over to the Jedi by one of her own—a Sith assassin who renounced the dark side and sought refuge among the Jedi Order. Many believe Darth Ekkage was as powerful a weapon as the Sith have ever had, and that their victory over the Republic would have been completed long ago if Ekkage had not been captured by Baras's old rival Jedi Master Nomen Karr. Darth Ekkage and her infiltrators were imprisoned on Belsavis.

After learning about Ekkage's survival during the Galactic War, Darth Baras sent Lord Melicoste to free her, knowing that her return would solidify his claim as the Voice of the Emperor. However, Melicoste was pursued by Baras' former apprentice - now the Emperor's Wrath - who was on a mission from Servant One to stop Ekkage's release. The Wrath managed to learn Ekkage's cell number and killed her assassins before they could be sprung. When Melicoste finally reached Ekkage and severed her bonds, she sensed the loss of her assassins and killed Melicoste for his incompetence, taking his lightsaber.

Ekkage murders Melicoste shortly after her release

Ekkage murders Melicoste shortly after her release

As Melicoste fell, Baras' apprentice came out of hiding, remarking that Ekkage was much like Baras, betraying someone so loyal to them. Ekkage claimed it to be family trait and then asked who the Sith was. Just then, Jedi Master Somminick Timmns, whom Ekkage recognized as "Nomen Karr's sad little whelp", appeared, claiming that the Sith was with him. Ekkage accused the Sith of being a fool and a traitor for working with a Jedi. In turn, the Sith announced themselves as the Emperor's Wrath, sent by the Emperor's Hand to kill her and stop her brother. Lamenting that the Hand had stooped as low to work with the Jedi, Ekkage engaged the two. Despite being a Dark Councilor, Ekkage was defeated and subsequently executed

Powers and abilities

Darth Ekkage was powerful enough to gain a position on the Dark Council, and many in the Sith Empire believed their victory over the Republic would have been completed long ago if she had not been captured by the Republic. When released from her prison, she was able to sense the loss of her assassins and effortlessly killed Melicoste for his incompetence with Force lightning. However, she was killed by the combined forces of the Emperor's Wrath and Jedi Master Timmns.

Behind the scenes

Darth Ekkage is a character introduced in the 2011 Star Wars: The Old Republic video game as part of the Sith Warrior class's Chapter III story on Belsavis. Ekkage's fate can be decided in three ways: the Sith Warrior can kill her, force Timmns to do it, or reimprison Ekkage.

Ekkage was first mentioned in the comic The Old Republic, Blood of the Empire Act 1: Shades of the Sith. Like many elements of the game's multimedia project that were released prior to the game, Shades of the Sith has some continuity errors with the final release state of The Old Republic—the comic spells it as "Ekage" and incorrectly refers to her as male.


  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia






