Search for Dramath the Second's remains

Around 3978 BBY, the Sith Emperor—the leader of the Sith Empire—sent an emissary to the planet Mandalore to search for the remains of the Sith Lord Dramath the Second, the enemy of the emissary's master, the Sith Emperor. The emissary was tasked with convincing Mandalore the Ultimate, the leader of the Mandalorian warriors, to help in the search. After Mandalore helped the emissary find Dramath's remains on the remote planet of Rekkiad, the emissary told Mandalore of a vision his master had of the Mandalorians rising up and defeating the Galactic Republic, using the Force to manipulate Mandalore into invading the Republic.


Around 3978 BBY, the Sith Emperor—the leader of the Sith Empire—chose a Sith Lord to act as his emissary to the current Mandalore, the leader of the Mandalorian warriors, Mandalore the Ultimate. The Emperor also had the emissary search for the remains of his enemy Dramath the Second. The emissary traveled to the planet Mandalore, the homeworld of the Mandalorians, and convinced Mandalore to help in the search for Dramath's remains.

The journey led the Sith emissary and Mandalore to the remote planet of Rekkiad, where they discovered that Dramath the Second's tomb was inside the First Spear of the Twin Spears, a pair of columns of ice several kilometers tall. Inside the tomb they found Dramath's sarcophagus filled with his remains and a datacron he had created.


The Sith emissary took the remains back to his master. In exchange for Mandalore's help in finding the remains, the emissary told Mandalore of a vision his master had of the Mandalorians rising up and defeating the Galactic Republic. While spinning the tale he cast a spell on Mandalore, manipulating him into invading the Republic and testing the Republic's strength. Two years later, the Mandalorians went on to invade the Republic.

In 3963 BBY, the Jedi Knight Revan joined the war after discovering the atrocities of the Battle of Cathar, turning the tide back in the Republic's favor. In three years Revan went on to win the war at the Battle of Malachor V. In 3954 BBY, Revan told Canderous Ordo, a Mandalorian mercenary who became the new Mandalore, the truth about how the Mandalorian Wars really began.

Behind the scenes

The search for Dramath the Second's remains was first mentioned in Drew Karpyshyn's 2011 novel The Old Republic: Revan.






