Eclipse (Harrower-class)

The Eclipse appears in the Jedi Knight class mission "Mutual Assured Destruction", although it is visible to all classes atop a building in Capitol Square. Prior to Game Update 2.0 of Star Wars: The Old Republic, the Eclipse was erroneously depicted as a large Imperial military transport with altered dimensions, while a holo-image of the ship during "Mutual Assured Destruction" correctly showed a Harrower-class dreadnought linked to a docking tower.

Behind the scenes

The Eclipse appears in the Jedi Knight class mission "Mutual Assured Destruction", although it is visible to all classes atop a building in Capitol Square. Prior to Game Update 2.0 of Star Wars: The Old Republic, the Eclipse was erroneously depicted as a large Imperial military transport with altered dimensions, while a holo-image of the ship during "Mutual Assured Destruction" correctly showed a Harrower-class dreadnought linked to a docking tower.



