Unidentified Human Emperor's Voice (3678 BBY)

A Human was used by the Sith Emperor as his Voice during the early years of the Great Galactic War between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. Through the Human, the Emperor oversaw the creation of the agents known as the Children of the Emperor and ordered the Empire's ruling Dark Council to hunt down his traitorous Sith apprentice Exal Kressh, though the Human was eventually replaced by the time of the subsequent Cold War.


A Human was used as the host, or Voice, of the Sith Emperor's essence during the first years of the Great Galactic War between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. In 3678 BBY, the Emperor's host was present in the Imperial Citadel on the Empire's capital of Dromund Kaas when he requested that the Empire's ruling Dark Council find him someone to hunt down his wayward apprentice Exal Kressh. When Darth Marr, a member of the Empire's ruling Dark Council, brought the Sith apprentice Teneb Kel before him, the Emperor informed the boy that he would find Kressh in the Lenico system. Ignoring Kel's attempts to speak, the Human then reached out to place his fingertips upon the apprentice's forehead, causing Kel to collapse at the touch of the Emperor's mind as the Sith ruler sifted through his consciousness. The Human eventually died and was replaced sometime before the Cold War, when the Emperor took a member of the Voss species as his Voice.

Personality and traits

A bald Human with tan skin and yellow eyes, the Voice spoke with the Emperor's own emotionless voice, and their original personality was entirely wiped away by the Emperor's possession of their body.

Behind the scenes

The Human thought to be the Emperor first appeared in Blood of the Empire Act 1: Shades of the Sith, an issue in the webcomics relating to the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. First published on April 23, 2010, the comic featured the first image of the Emperor, though the 2011 novel The Old Republic: Revan contradicted the issue by stating that he was a Sith Pureblood. However, the Sith Warrior class story in The Old Republic resolved this by explaining the mechanism of the Voice, and the 2012 reference guide Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia further clarified the situation by stating that the Sith Pureblood body seen in the novel was the Emperor's original body, as he only began to use Voices after the events of the novel.



