Mission to rescue ZN-A4

In 9 BBY, Jedi Knight Cal Kestis and gunslinger Bode Akuna took a mission to the crashed Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 cargo freighter Primacy in the Viscid Bog of the planet Koboh to rescue High Republic Era droid ZN-A4 from the Bedlam Raiders. There Kestis encountered Rayvis and Dagan Gera, the raiders' leaders, who took the frequencies from Kestis's Republic tuner device. After dueling with Gera, the fallen Jedi fled, and Kestis and Akuna escaped with ZN-A4.


In 9 BBY, Kestis, Akuna, and the Nightsister Merrin learned of ZN-A4's kidnapping from Koboh natives Turgle and Mosey Cimmaron by the raiders after returning from a mission on the moon Jedha. Kestis and Akuna decided to rescue her from the Primacy while Merrin protected Rambler's Reach Outpost. Kestis and Akuna suspected that the droid was kidnapped by the request of fallen Jedi Dagan Gera, who was allied with the raiders, for information about the planet Tanalorr still in her databanks.

The mission

Upon arrival, the two decided to enter through the ship's gantry, Kestis having to navigate the swamp to get there. Once inside, Kestis and Akuna faced many battle droids and raiders before spotting ZN-A4 in a turbolift at the ship's core. Akuna caused a distraction by blowing up Armored Assault Tanks but Kestis was unable to find a way to the turbolift. Looking for another way up, Akuna and Kestis carried on, discussing Kestis's blooming relationship with Merrin.

While Kestis tinkered with a console they found on the ship, Akuna encouraged Kestis to follow his heart and pursue a relationship with Merrin. After being forced apart from Akuna by a laser gate, Kestis continued exploring the ship until he was found by Rayvis, the Bedlam Raiders' Gen'Dai leader, who took Kestis's Republic tuner device before trying to kill the Jedi. Kestis managed to temporarily get away by cutting off Rayvis's arm, but the Gen'Dai reattached it and came after him again. This time, Kestis's droid BD-1 caused a large crate to slam into Rayvis before he could attack, but inadvertently sent Kestis tumbling down a long shaft, slicing his lightsaber along the wall to slow his fall.

After having a flashback about his time with his Jedi Master Cere Junda in which she used the Force to lift and drop an elevator, Kestis was inspired to do the same to bring down turrets on the ceiling that were attacking him and to open gates. Concerned that the tuner stolen from him would allow the raiders and Gera to access High Republic Jedi Master Santari Khri's work and help them find the way to Tanalorr, Kestis resolved to reclaim the tuner as well. After traversing through the ship more, Kestis finally reached the central area where he had seen ZN-A4 from afar. Kestis overheard a conversation between Gera and Rayvis, the latter revealing that he already copied the tuner's codes and frequencies. Gera then sent Rayvis to the Shattered Moon to find the last Abyss compass, which would allow them to reach Tanalorr. Rayvis told Gera that after he had completed that mission, he would consider his oath to him fulfilled. Kestis also heard that Gera wanted ZN-A4 to be reprogrammed into working for him.

After searching around more, Kestis found ZN-A4 strung up in restraints nearby. As he freed her, however, Gera arrived. Kestis urged Gera to abandon his obsessions from his past, but Gera took that as a prompt to slash at ZN-A4 with his lightsaber. Kestis blocked the blow and engaged with Gera in combat. Kestis then took the tuner back from Gera using the Force, but the fallen Jedi threw Kestis and ZN-A4 out the window with the Force. Gera followed Kestis down to where he landed and the two began a lightsaber duel. Eventually, Gera occupied Kestis by forcing him to hold up a large crate so that it would not crush him. However, Akuna arrived and fought Gera briefly until Kestis could get rid of the object. After damaging the platform they were on, Gera fled.

Akuna prevented Kestis from falling off of the platform by catching him with his jetpack and bringing him to safety. He then offered to use it to free ZN-A4, who had ended up suspended up in tubes after being pushed out the window. As they all made their way out, they decided that they needed to go to the Shattered Moon to stop Rayvis from getting the last Abyss compass. They then used escape pods to flee the ship with ZN-A4 in tow.



