Mosey Cimmaron

Early life

Mosey Cimmaron grew up in a large family where her and her siblings often competed for attention, praise and food.

During a family outing prior to 9 BBY, she tracked a Kivaroa back to its nest. The animal had been killing the families livestock so it was decided that it needed to be put down. After finding an opening in her pursuit of the animal, Mosey played up to the fact that her family were watching and became too fancy. However, the Kivaroa nearly killed her when, after it discovered it was being hunted, one of its legs slammed down beside Mosey, inches away from cracking her spine. Her mother then stepped in and killed it with no frills. It was this moment that taught Mosey that when you corner something, it'll do what it needs to survive, and even when you have the upper hand, never underestimate your prey.

At one point, a feral caniphant destroyed the Cimmaron family barn. As caniphants cover their own tracks, Mosey used the idea of reversing the vaporators to pump the air full of moisture to bring out the pungent smells of the beast. The plan worked and the family were able to destroy the animal before it could cause further damage.

During a hunt with her sister on Farana, she encountered a creature similar to a Gorocco. On a separate occasion, she also faced a dangerous situation with an angry tentacled creature in which she used her skills to make the beast itself her weapon, throttling it with its own tentacle.

Whilst on a mountain hike with her older brother, the pair came across a tibidee. Whilst they kept their distance from the beast, it snatched her brother in its claws and took flight to its nest. Cimmaron quickly made her way up the cliff side, and though she didn't want to hurt the tibidee, she knew she had to save her brother. With her only chance, she threw her spear and it pierced the creature straight through, killing it and thus saving her brothers life.

Her mother was particularly hard on her, criticising her mistakes and techniques whenever opportunity arose. Mosey eventually came to resent this treatment and it was a primary factor in her leaving her family and travelling to Koboh.

A new life on Koboh

Cimmaron eventually ran the stables at Rambler's Reach Outpost on Koboh which offered a home to local nekkos and boglings. Not long after she settled in the Outpost, the Bedlam Raiders arrived. She believed this was the catalyst for the change in the native wildlife, specifically the shiverpedes, which she says became more hostile to locals following the upheaval brought by the Raiders. On at least one occasion, Cimmaron killed a Bedlam Raiders chief for shooting boglings for sport. She quickly came to appreciate Koboh as it gave her the belief that the frontier offered the chance for people to reinvent themselves.

In 9 BBY, she was the first to welcome Jedi Knight Cal Kestis to Rambler's Reach having seen the Stinger Mantis crash in Dredger Gorge. She warned Kestis about the presence of Bedlam Raiders in the area and instructed him to introduce himself to Doma Dendra upon entering the Outpost.

She was a regular patron at Pyloon's Saloon where she liaised with the locals, chiefly Turgle, and was aware of happenings across the planet. Her experiences with the Raiders ensured she knew to stay away from the group and its figurehead Rayvis, and she later heard rumors that Dagan Gera had assumed leadership of the group.

During conversations with Kestis, she provided information on the location of large beasts and predators across Koboh, as well as instructions on how to fend off their attacks. She would also regale him with stories of her past creature encounters.

Following Kestis ridding the Outpost of the Raiders threat and the arrival of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer over Koboh, she decided it was time to leave the planet having developed a feeling of restlessness. Before departing, she warned Turgle to keep out of Imperial business and not to cause further trouble. She then bid farewell to Kestis and told him she did not yet know where she would end up, but hoped their paths would cross again one day.

Personality and traits

A trained tracker and hunter, Mosey had a keen hunters eye. She quickly determined Cal was a skilled warrior, and told him that his friendly demeanor didn't fool her one bit. She was also trained by her mother to range with her nose and utilize all five senses whilst hunting.

When hunting large creatures, Cimmaron knew to bring along a at least another partner, if not two, in order to strengthen their position. She went by the adage that a branch of a Greel tree can be snapped in half, but a bundle of branches cannot. She also knew when to fight and when to step away, and that gaining vengeance over another only breeds further vengeance.

Cimmaron stated that she enjoyed a crowded cantina after being out in the wild, and was pleased when Pyloon's grew in popularity.


Cimmaron struck up a friendship with Cal Kestis after he arrived on Koboh and she respected his abilities and desire to keep others safe. She also developed a bond with Merrin after the nightsister complimented her axe and the pair shared a desire to put an end to the Raiders. Whilst in Pyloon's, Cimmaron spent time with Turgle and constantly cooled his outbursts, gently lowering his lofty aspirations.

She had an affinity for the wildlife of Koboh, particularly the native nekko and specifically those she named Leo and Brutus.



