
Rayvis was a male Gen'Dai warrior who served as the leader of the Bedlam Raiders, a marauder group based on Koboh. A powerful warrior who had slain many Jedi during the High Republic Era, Rayvis served as an enforcer and servant of the renowned Jedi Knight Dagan Gera after Gera bested him in single combat. His loyalties remained strong even after Gera was placed in stasis for two centuries, and—after breaking free of imprisonment of his own—he rescued his old friend in 9 BBY, restarting Gera's quest to return to the planet Tanalorr.

Rayvis was subsequently confronted and defeated by the Jedi Knight Cal Kestis, who granted Rayvis the honorable warrior's death the Jedi before he had refused to do, after yielding to him after their bout.

Era of the High Republic

Rayvis was a Gen'Dai warrior who was born sometime before the High Republic Era. He was known as a famed killer of Jedi, and kept the lightsabers of those he had killed as trophies of his victories. He would later hand out these lightsabers to his most trusted lieutenants.

At some point before the Nihil's assault on Tanalorr, Rayvis dueled the Jedi Knight Dagan Gera, who defeated him in single combat, a feat no other Jedi had been able to accomplish in Rayvis's lifetime. The Gen'Dai subsequently swore a life debt of loyalty to Gera, who spared Rayvis's life.

Following Gera's betrayal of the Jedi Order, the fallen Jedi was placed into a bacta tank, where he would remain in stasis. Rayvis subsequently interrogated and killed several Jedi in a cavern on Koboh, searching fruitlessly for information on his master's whereabouts. Some time after, he was subdued by a multitude of Jedi Masters, who once again spared his life, placing him too in prison for centuries. Rayvis never forgave the Jedi for this perceived dishonor, believing they had denied him a warrior's death.

Imperial Era

Following the demise of the Jedi Order, Rayvis managed to escape his imprisonment. He quickly began searching for Gera once more, as time had not dampened his loyalty to the fallen Jedi Master. To further this goal, Rayvis formed the Bedlam Raiders, a group of marauders cobbled together from various subjugated Koboh bandit groups and supplemented by former Separatist battle droids. He searched for a way to find and revive Gera for years, but never made much progress toward this objective.

In 9 BBY, however, circumstances brought the Jedi Knight Cal Kestis to Koboh. Rayvis first met Kestis outside of Pyloon's Saloon while ordering one of the Raiders, Zeik, to kill Turgle, who had sold to Rayvis a fake version of the relic that the Gen'Dai required to awaken Gera. Kestis defended Turgle, killing Zeik after Rayvis ordered him to kill the Jedi. Rayvis applauded Kestis before leaving the Rambler's Reach Outpost in peace.

By a stroke of luck, however, Kestis managed to obtain the true relic, a tuner carried by the droid ZN-A4, or "Zee." Zee subsequently tasked Kestis with completing her mission and awakening Gera, and Rayvis followed secretly. After Kestis managed to awaken his master, Rayvis arrived and spirited Gera away to the Bedlam Raiders' base.

Rayvis later found Kestis infiltrating the Raider base and grabbed him, reacting with amusement when the Jedi attempted to stab him in the chest. Quickly disarming Kestis, Rayvis then confiscated the tuner from him before attempting to punch him, only for Kestis to summon his lightsaber back to his hand and slice off Rayvis's left forearm, causing him to drop his captive. After reattaching his limb, Rayvis attempted to charge Kestis, only for BD-1 to slam him through the wall with a large container.

Deciding not to pursue the Jedi, Rayvis focused on duplicating the tuner's frequencies to allow them access to any site Santari Khri may have sealed before presenting the device to Gera. Upon informing Gera of Kestis' escape, he was mocked for letting the years of incarceration dull his edge. He rebuffed that Kestis was Gera's equal, prompting Gera to threaten to cut out his tongue if he repeated it; Ravyis was unfazed, given his own regenerative capabilities. He nonetheless stressed that Kestis was a threat to their plan, but Gera dismissed him, who ordered him to go to the Shattered Moon to activate the array there, believing he knew where Khri had hidden the final Abyss compass, a device necessary to reach Tanalorr. Rayvis informed the former Jedi that he would consider his oath of loyalty fulfilled after Gera obtained the compass. He then mused that he was unsure of what he would do after his oath ended, believing there were many wars, but no honor to be won in them. Gera suggested they dream up a new war on Tanalorr, and Rayvis considered the option.


Rayvis dueled Cal Kestis on the Shattered Moon

Rayvis dueled Cal Kestis on the Shattered Moon

Rayvis proceeded to the Shattered Moon per Gera orders and was confronted by Kestis once more. Kestis asked him where the compass was, but Rayvis instead informed him of how the Jedi of the High Republic Era had dishonored him by denying him a warrior's death. The Gen'Dai then challenged Kestis to a duel, claiming that he would only give Kestis the information he sought if he proved himself worthy in combat.

After a hard-fought duel, Rayvis yielded to Kestis, and—true to his word—told Kestis that the final compass was held in Khri's personal observatory on Koboh. While Kestis requested that Rayvis fight by his side to defeat Dagan, the Gen'Dai warrior denied his request, instead demanding that Kestis give him his warrior's death. Rayvis then charged at Kestis, forcing the Jedi to cut Rayvis's arm off. Rayvis then bowed his head in acceptance, allowing Kestis to sever his core nerves and granting him the honorable death that had been denied of him for centuries.

Personality and traits

Gen'Dai warrior Rayvis.

Gen'Dai warrior Rayvis.

Rayvis was a towering Gen'Dai, a species with immense regenerative properties with a reputation of being almost impossible to kill.

Despite his brutality and leadership of the cruel Bedlam Raiders, Rayvis was an honorable warrior, holding firm to the Gen'Dai species' strict code of honor. He swore an oath of loyalty to Dagan Gera, the first individual to ever best him in single combat, and his loyalty toward Gera did not diminish after two centuries of separation from his master. He was also charismatic and persuasive, as he was able to cobble together the Bedlam Raiders from a variety of different bandit groups from across Koboh. He held a deep hatred toward the Jedi, as he believed they had dishonored him by denying him a warrior's death. His loyalty to Dagan Gera also contributed to this, as he believed the Jedi had betrayed Gera, when in fact Gera had betrayed the Jedi.

He described the Jedi teaching of patience, peace, and humility as empty mantras. He believed the galaxy would remember the brutality of the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars, not the diplomacy they wished to be known for. He also believed that the Jedi that fell to the Empire were a pale shadow of those from Dagen’s age, despite Kestis persevering.

Rayvis believed that power was everything and that it also represented freedom. He also loved the thrill of battle and enjoyed fighting opponents that gave him a challenge. During his final duel with Cal Kestis, he told the Jedi he would show him no mercy and expected none in return. He claimed to love the burn of a lightsaber wound, as it was more potent than any blaster.

Skills and abilities

Rayvis was a fearsome warrior, despite his lack of sensitivity to the Force. His natural regenerative abilities made it nearly impossible to hurt him, as even a lightsaber stab to the chest did not faze him. In combat, he was proficient in the use of his hybrid mace and flail, a weapon that he was capable of swinging around with little effort. He was also capable of wielding a blaster to great effect.

Rayvis's skill was such that he was able to kill multiple Jedi, whose lightsabers he handed out to trusted lieutenants, such as Drya Thornne. In addition, when recalling the battle that led to his imprisonment during the High Republic Era, Rayvis claimed it had taken many Jedi to subdue him. Although Rayvis was still formidable in combat in 9 BBY, his skill as a warrior had been reduced during the centuries he had been imprisoned since his capture by the Jedi, something noticed by both Dagan Gera and Rayvis himself.


Rayvis, being a Gen'Dai, required a set of armor to maintain a humanoid shape. His armor was specially modified with back-mounted missile launchers, and was somewhat resistant to lightsabers. His primary weapon was a deadly hybrid between a mace and a flail, which could be swung around one-handed or used to strike at range by using a cord inside the handle to launch the weapon's spiked tip at enemies. Rayvis also wielded a large repeating blaster.

Behind the scenes

Rayvis was created for the 2023 video game Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, in which he serves as the tertiary antagonist.

He first revealed in the teaser trailer for the game, which was shown at the 2022 Video Game Awards on December 8, 2022. He was first confirmed to be a Gen'Dai and identified as Rayvis in an article published by IGN on February 15, 2023, entitled "Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Meet the Gen'Dai | IGN First." Rayvis was also talked about by the Director of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor in Star Wars Celebration Day 3 and he was confirmed to be the leader of the Bedlam Raiders.




