Bedlam Raiders

The Bedlam Raiders were a group of marauders based on the planet Koboh during the Imperial Era, although they shared their name with the mysterious planet Bedlam. They were led by the Gen'Dai Rayvis and the fallen Jedi Master Dagan Gera.

They were originally formed of many disparate bands of bandits and guns-for-hire, brought together by Rayvis through violence and persuasive diplomacy.

As of 9 BBY, the Bedlam Raiders' main base of operations was a crashed core ship of a Lucrehulk-class Battleship Primacy on Koboh, although they also had a presence on the planet's Shattered Moon. The raiders commanded an army of B1-series battle droids, B2-series super battle droids, BX-series droid commandos, droidekas, IG-100 MagnaGuards and vulture droids in stasis, from the Clone Wars.

In 9 BBY, surviving Jedi Knight Cal Kestis crash-landed on Koboh and quickly learned about the nearby Koboh Abyss and its potential access to Tanalorr, which seemed like a perfect safe haven for fugitives from the Galactic Empire. On his quest to find passage through the Koboh Abyss, Cal decimated the Bedlam Raiders and killed their leaders Gera as well as Rayvis. Soon after, the surviving Bedlam Raiders and their remaining battle droids allied with Jo the Cannibal and the Haxion Brood to kill Cal and avenge their leaders, but Cal succeeded in killing them all, including Jo. The resulting power vacuum on Koboh was quickly filled by the Empire, which increased its military presence on the planet.


  • Star Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire



