Mission to Castle Serenno

The Count of Serenno

Dooku, a scion of the ruling family of the Outer Rim planet Serenno, was given up to the Jedi Order as a child due to his Force sensitivity. He eventually discovered his heritage and rose to the rank of Jedi Master, but grew dissatisfied with his position as a Jedi. After returning to his homeworld and overthrowing his corrupt brother, Dooku stepped down from the Order and reclaimed his ancestral title of Count of Serenno in 42 BBY.

Having been fascinated by the dark side of the Force, Dooku eventually came to the attention of Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith. The ancient enemies of the Jedi, the Sith had been believed extinct for a millennium after their defeat in the Jedi-Sith War. Having been secretly operating under the Rule of Two which limited their numbers, the Sith had worked from the shadows towards their goal of controlling the galaxy. Sidious recruited Dooku as an agent, and eventually his apprentice, by promising that they would bring about change in the galaxy and make it a better place, Dooku's disillusionment with the Jedi having come about in part due to their inaction at corruption within the Galactic Republic.

The Clone Wars

Sidious—publicly Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine of the Republic—and Dooku worked to incite a large-scale conflict which would achieve the Sith's goals. Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, a former friend of Dooku, had been removed from the Jedi High Council after his Force visions of the coming war led him to advocate for the creation of an army. Undeterred, Dyas contacted the cloners of the remote planet Kamino and ordered an army from them. The Sith found out about his efforts and had him murdered before taking over the project. Under his Sith name, Tyranus, Dooku persuaded the Kaminoans to implant the clone troopers with inhibitor chips engineered to cause the clones to execute the Jedi when activated, although the cloners did not know their true purpose.

When the Clone Wars began at the First Battle of Geonosis, the Jedi were forced to accept the clones as the Grand Army of the Republic very quickly. The war would rage for another three years, until 19 BBY. As the leader of the breakaway Confederacy of Independent Systems, Dooku plundered both Serenno and other worlds to build a war chest of wealth with which to fund the war. He was eventually believed to be the wealthiest person in the galaxy. Palpatine disposed of Dooku during the Battle of Coruscant in the final days of the war, having his next prospective apprentice, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, execute him. Days later, when the Jedi discovered Palpatine's true identity, he turned Skywalker and issued the secret command Order 66, which forced the clones to turn on their Jedi commanding officers. The majority of the Jedi Order was killed in the assault.


Palpatine transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire. The Empire began targeting and occupying important former Separatist worlds, including Serenno. A city near Dooku's home, Castle Serenno, was destroyed by orbital bombardment, and surviving Serennians were forced into hiding on their own planet. The Empire was particularly interested in Dooku's war chest, and began making plans to seize the wealth for itself. Clone Captain Wilco was placed in charge of the operation.

Only a very few clones were able to resist the effects of the inhibitor chips, including most of the members of Clone Force 99, an irregular clone commando squad. They deserted Imperial service shortly afterwards, taking Omega, a young enhanced clone who was of particular interest to the Kaminoans' cloning program with them. Initially wanted by the Empire, the "Bad Batch" began working as mercenaries for the information broker Ciddarin Scaleback out of Ord Mantell City. Hunter, the squad's leader, was uneasy about including a child in their work, although Omega valued being a part of the team and was upset when she was forced to sit missions out.

The Bad Batch was hunted by their former teammate, Crosshair, who had not been immune to his inhibitor chip, until Hunter was captured during a mission to the planet Daro to rescue Gregor, a clone deserter. Crosshair brought Hunter to Kamino, where the Empire was conducting an operation to seize the Kaminoans' cloning science before destroying their cities and facilities. The rest of the Bad Batch followed to rescue him, and when their actions caused Crosshair to lose control of the situation, Vice Admiral Rampart, who was in control of the operation, opened fire on Tipoca City with the clones still inside, leaving them to die together. Bringing Crosshair with them, the Bad Batch was able to escape after a dangerous underwater journey through what remained of Kamino's infrastructure. They left Crosshair behind on a remaining landing platform after he turned down a chance to leave with them, choosing the Empire.

A future

Crosshair was not recovered by the Empire for thirty-two rotations, and was placed on medical leave afterwards. The Empire listed the Bad Batch as dead. The success of the Kamino operation, including the apparent demise of the troublesome rogue clones, benefited Rampart's career in the eyes of his superiors, including Governor Wilhuff Tarkin. In the months afterwards, the Bad Batch prioritized low-level jobs which would not draw Imperial attention, such as the Crab Heist.

The pirate Phee Genoa, a trusted friend of Scaleback's, informed her of the Empire's actions on Serenno regarding Dooku's war chest. When the Bad Batch returned from the crab job, for which Genoa had been the client, they were informed of their next mission. Hunter flatly turned it down, not wanting to attract Imperial attention. However, Scaleback was able to persuade the other adult clones in the team—Echo, Tech, and Wrecker—of the worth of seizing some of the wealth, and they voted to go on the mission. When Hunter rejoined the conversation, he was apprised of the others' decision but was still skeptical. Scaleback said they could take enough wealth to be free, brushing aside Hunter's assertion that they already were by retorting that he clearly had not been paying attention to the Empire's spread. She noted she would have to close up her operation if the Empire came to Ord Mantell, and even a small portion of the war chest would be enough to set the team up for life and guarantee them a future. The argument finally persuaded Hunter on the job, for Omega's sake.

Onboard the team's shuttle, Marauder, while en route to Serenno, Echo confronted Hunter over his motivations. Stating that he knew full well why Hunter had agreed to go, Echo said they could be doing more with Dooku's wealth than merely hiding. Hunter retorted that Omega deserved more than a life full of violence and being on the run, but Echo snapped back that their life was like that because of her. He clarified that removing Omega from Kamino had been the right decision, and he would do it again, but the galaxy's broader situation made fighting the Empire a moral priority, as there were others out there who needed the Batch's help. Omega overheard the conversation and misinterpreted Echo's remarks, leading her to feel guilty and leaving her determined to secure the war chest in order to repay the rest of her team.

The lie of the land

Arriving at Serenno, the Marauder landed in daylight in the vicinity of Castle Serenno. After the squad disembarked, Wrecker asked where the palace was, and Tech responded that the city was on the other side of the mountain range they had landed in. Setting out, when the Batch reached the far side, they were met with the grim sight of the ruins of the city near the castle. Omega asked what had happened, and Echo identified it as caused by Imperial orbital bombardment, as had happened on Kamino.

When the team reached a spot overlooking Castle Serenno, they found that three class four container transports loaded with cargo containers were lined up in front of the complex. The first transport took off as they watched, and Tech noted their window of opportunity to steal anything was closing rapidly. Handed Tech's macrobinoculars, Echo saw Wilco and members of his company patrolling the area and moving cargo, informing the others that there were more than forty troopers down below. Wrecker was confident the Bad Batch could handle them, but Omega reminded him they were trying to be stealthy. Two V-wing starfighters launched from a landing platform next to the palace to escort the transport, which Tech noted was standard protocol for high-value cargoes. Hunter ordered the rest of the team to get to a container and grab what they could, stating he would act as the eyes on the ground and create a diversion to buy them time if necessary. The Bad Batch split up and headed downhill towards the castle.

Echo's team snuck through the trees to a point where they could see the castle grounds. As the second transport launched, Echo reported they were in position and the starship's departure. Approaching the V-wing landing area, Hunter ordered the rest of the Batch to stay alert due to roving Imperial patrols. As the second starfighter escort pair departed, Hunter snuck onto the landing platform and, avoiding patrolling troopers, planted an explosive on one of the two remaining V-wings.

Entering the container

Echo let another clone patrol pass by before ordering the others to follow him onto the palace grounds. The group snuck up to a large, open cargo container on the bottom right of the third transport behind a row of smaller containers. In view of the open door, which revealed a room full of seized wealth, they let another clone trooper pass by pushing a cart before running across the open space and jumping into the container. Wrecker boosted Omega up before remaining by the door to keep watch. He saw a patrolling trooper, CT-8801, approach, and ducked against the wall. While walking alongside the container, CT-8801 heard noises from inside, being stunned by Wrecker the instant he turned to look. Wrecker hauled him inside the container and set him next to the door. He was proud of having done so quietly, but Tech pointed out that the other soldiers would notice when the unconscious trooper failed to report in. Echo responded that they had to be gone by then, and Wrecker told the others to start loading up while he kept watch. Omega was impressed by the size of the hoard, and Tech noted that it was only a fraction of it, and that their priority had to be items of high value. Echo simplified it that she should go for anything shiny or heavy.

In the palace courtyard, Wilco ordered his men to retrieve the remaining containers from the building and to stay on schedule. Hunter watched the captain from a distance, still hiding under the V-wing. He took the opportunity to move on to the other starfighter undetected, planting a bomb on it as well as an announcement was made that the final launch would be soon. Hunter's movement as he rolled under the V-wing from one side to the other was heard by two patrolling troopers, but when they went to investigate, he was no longer there, and they assumed it was nothing. He snuck back into the trees.

In the cargo container, Tech found a crate of credit chips and scanned them with his datapad. Omega opened another crate full of metal pieces and jewels, calling Echo over to see. Tech came over to look as well as Echo confirmed the crate's contents would definitely qualify as high-value. Inspecting the riches, Omega asked how one person could own so much, and Tech stated Dooku's fortune had likely come from the worlds he controlled and exploited in the name of his war effort, Echo adding that that was what corrupt people did. Omega asked if that wasn't what they were doing, and Echo responded that it depended how they used it.


Wilco was checking a datapad when he was informed that CT-8801 had failed to report in, and he attempted to radio the trooper, growing increasingly irritated. Hearing the unconscious clone's comlink squawking, Echo called Hunter and said they were about to have company. As Wilco ordered his men to find the missing trooper, Hunter asked Echo if he was clear. Echo responded that they were still inside the container and that they could use his diversion. Responding in the affirmative, Hunter detonated the explosives, blowing up both V-wings. Two troopers patrolling the deck were thrown clear of the blast, and one reported the explosion, requesting damage control. Wilco immediately set out for the landing area with backup, ordering the to hold their positions. As the Imperial clones converged on the landing area, the area by the remaining transport emptied.

Hunter reported to the rest of the Bad Batch that he was heading in their direction and to be ready. Echo told the others to speed things up, ordering Wrecker to carry out the crate full of credits first. Wrecker hoisted up the crate and checked for nearby troopers before exiting the container and heading into the nearby forest. At the landing area, Wilco was informed that the damage had been contained, but both escort ships had been destroyed. Wilco asked what caused the blast, and was told they did not know, as both ships' systems had been normal beforehand. Immediately alarmed, the captain ordered Transport Three to secure its cargo and prepare to launch, and for all squads to return to the courtyard and hold the perimeter. The troopers piloting the transport sealed its cargo containers, sealing Omega, Echo, and Tech inside as they were preparing to load up and leave. As they turned on flashlights, Tech stated the development was concerning.

Echo plugged his cybernetic scomp link into a socket in the container wall and began investigating. In the forest, Wrecker was met by Hunter, who asked where the others were. Setting his crate down, Wrecker responded that they were still inside the container. Seeing the transport begin to vent steam, Hunter contacted Tech and told him the ship was taking off and they needed to get out of there. Inside, Omega exhorted Echo to hurry, but he responded that the container was externally sealed and he could not open it. Omega told Hunter to hurry as they were trapped, and he responded that he was on his way. Seeing troopers taking up position around the edge of the courtyard, Wrecker said it seemed they knew something was up, and Hunter said they were done hiding. He and Wrecker burst out of the woods, stunning the enemy clones. Wilco saw the disturbance and reported the perimeter breach, ordering the transport to launch immediately.

Split up

Hunter and Wrecker ran around the side of the cargo container while stunning their pursuers, climbing onto a ladder running up its side as Transport Three lifted off. The two exchanged blaster fire with enemy troopers briefly, but Hunter lost his grip due to enemy fire. He fell, but was able to grab on to the bottom rung of the ladder, leaving him dangling one-handed. Wrecker, who was afraid of heights, began to lose his nerve and said he was regretting where he had ended up. Hunter holstered his blaster pistol to gain a better grip as Transport Three turned and began to fly alongside the palace. Seeing the ship was passing near the castle's main tower, Hunter told Wrecker they had to go. Wrecker was confused as to where, but let go when Hunter ordered him to jump. The two clones fell onto the top of Castle Serenno's main tower, sliding down its steeply curved roof. Hunter used his combat knife to slow his fall, before the two landed on a flatter part of the roof. Wrecker complained that their new position was not any better as Hunter pulled him up from another ledge.

As Hunter turned to watch the transport fly away, Omega contacted him, demanding to know where he was. He apologized, stating he had been "sidetracked" before stating the others needed to get off the ship before it jumped to hyperspace. Tech suggested that they could commandeer an escape pod if they took control of the ship's main hold, and Hunter ordered them to do so, stating he and Wrecker would return to the Marauder and recover them. Seeing activity below, Wrecker commented that it was going to take a while as Imperial clones began firing on them. As they ducked low to avoid the fire, Hunter ordered Wrecker to follow him inside quickly. Wilco ordered the area locked down, leading the inside to flush out the thieves.

Hunter and Wrecker take cover within the Great Hall of Dooku's palace.

Hunter and Wrecker take cover within the Great Hall of Dooku's palace.

Hunter and Wrecker made it to the castle's great hall, entering through one of the side catwalks and descending to the main level. Wrecker stated the room creeped him out. The hall's main door opened to reveal a squad of enemy clones, who quickly began firing. Hunter and Wrecker responded with stun blasts as they retreated, taking cover behind the desk at the far end of the room. Wrecker's weight shifted a floor panel behind the desk which was part of a turbolift leading to a hangar below.

Onboard Transport Three, Tech opened a hatch leading into the rest of the ship. He revealed that the closest escape pod was five corridors away, and the three set out, Echo and Tech carrying a crate of loot with Omega in point position. They moved through the ship with caution, avoiding patrolling clones on different levels who might spot them through the floor grating. At one sealed door, the trio stopped and put the crate down so Tech could open it. As they passed through the door, Echo dragging the crate behind him, another door opened to reveal a clone patrol. The leader yelled for the intruders to freeze, and Tech and Omega responded with fire while Tech asked Echo to find another route to the pod. Wilco, who was rushing to deal with the intruders inside the castle, was informed of the presence of thieves onboard the transport by its pilots. He ordered them to release the escape pods, as it was the thieves' only way off of the ship.

Cargo release

When Echo reported the pod release, Tech knocked out the remaining enemy clones with an EMP grenade before rushing over to the computer panel, stating there had to be another way off of the ship. Echo asked him if he had any ideas other than overtaking the vessel entirely. Omega, who had been studying the ships of the Imperial fleet as part of her education, noted that class four transports had cargo containers equipped with reentry thrusters, suggesting that they launch the ship's cargo complement to get away. Tech was impressed, but noted that the ejection had to be performed before the ship left the atmosphere, so their window was closing rapidly. As the trio entered another corridor with Echo and Tech again carrying the crate, a trooper patrol burst in on them and began firing. Echo and Omega took cover behind a wall strut while Tech used the dropped crate itself. Throwing a smoke bomb as cover, Tech ordered the others to fall back, covering Echo and Omega.

In Castle Serenno, Hunter and Wrecker engaged in a firefight with Wilco and his troopers in the great hall. Wrecker asked Hunter if he had any idea how they would escape, and as Hunter looked closely at the space behind the desk, he noticed the turbolift panel in the floor. Pointing the exit out to Wrecker, he asked him to provide cover fire before turning to the desk computer to try and activate the lift. More troopers burst into the great hall through the two side doors and opened fire, adding to the pressure. Hunter was having difficulty with his task, and when Wrecker asked him what was taking so long, he responded that Tech normally handled such things. He managed to activate the lift, and the panel began to sink, but enemy blaster fire damaged the desk computer, causing the turbolift to jam. Wrecker announced he could fix it and, throwing a smoke bomb, began to jump on the panel. Hunter, alarmed, tried to tell him not to, but the panel gave way, causing the two to plummet alongside the turbolift with screams. Wilco and his men continued firing as they approached the desk, only to discover the newly-opened hole behind it.

Onboard the transport, Tech sealed a door with blaster fire against the pursuing clones. As the three Batchers approached the door to the cargo container they had originally entered, a woozy CT-8801 stumbled out of it, only to be stunned again. Echo, Tech and Omega ran back inside the container, and Tech activated controls in preparation for ejection. Omega asked how much time they had, and Tech responded that it was very little. Echo went back to the corridor to keep watch, as the Imperial clones blew open the jammed door. He provided some cover fire before Tech reported that he was initiating the cargo release, leading Echo to rush back inside before the hatch sealed. Transport Three's cargo containers were released into the sky. Inside their container, Tech held some secure netting aside so Echo and Omega could ride out the descent in a secure spot. Echo asked when the thrusters were supposed to fire, and Omega responded that she thought they should have already. The container continued in freefall, and Tech, hanging onto the netting, responded that that would be a problem as they were descending at a concerning rate of speed.

Crash landing

Omega reiterated that the thrusters would fire soon, Echo responding that they would be dead if they didn't. The thrusters shortly activated, slowing the container's descent and causing everyone and everything flung about inside to fall to the floor. Tech stated that, other then their ability to steer or control where the container landed, things were going well.

At the castle, Hunter and Wrecker arrived in the hangar at the bottom of the turbolift, and Hunter opened the doors to reveal a view of the ruined city. Surveying the area, Wrecker stated that the "regs" had all of the castle's exits sealed, but Hunter corrected him that they still had a way out: down. Wrecker groaned that he had known Hunter would say that, as Hunter pulled out a grappling hook and hooked it into the door rails. He threw the end of the cable out of the doors, letting it spool out. Hunter stated they would use the city ruins for cover and trek back to the Marauder. As Wrecker began to descend the cable, Hunter called Tech and asked him if his group had reached an escape pod yet. Tech responded that they had found an alternate means off of the transport, and that his calculations had them crashing in the upper forest region of the planet.

The cargo container struck the ground at high speed, sliding along the surface before coming to a halt teetering on the edge of a cliff. As Tech, Echo and Omega began to move towards the exit, Hunter called them and asked Tech to report. Tech responded that they were alive, but he did not know where they were. Echo added that the Empire would come looking for the containers. Hunter ordered them to lay low and get out of sight, and that he and Wrecker would pick them up in the Marauder.

The trio's movement towards the main door, which was hanging off the cliff, caused the container to shift as it began to lose balance. Frightened, Omega asked what was happening, and Echo realized the container was not in a stable position. As it began to tip over the cliff edge, the three clones ran towards the opposite end, fighting against the increasing angle of the floor. The container began sliding down the cliff before they could reach it, causing its contents to fall. It continued halfway down the cliff before coming to rest on a ledge, a crate falling on Tech's leg in the crash. Echo and Omega rushed over and pushed the crate away. Omega asked him if he was all right, and he stated that his left femur had been fractured. With the container continuing to shift slightly, Echo volunteered to climb up top and scope out the situation. When he did, he was displeased to find the crate was still in a precarious position halfway up the cliff face.

Radio silence

At Castle Serenno, Wilco received a situation report that the cargo containers had been scattered across the upper forest region. Clone squads had been dispatched, but the trooper delivering the report felt it unlikely that the thieves onboard the cargo ship had survived. Wilco wanted confirmation, and as he entered the hangar in the castle's lower levels, another trooper presented him with Hunter's grappling hook and reported the two intruders in the castle must be in the city. Staring at the ruins, the captain ordered his topside forces to be redirected, that communications be monitored, and for a shuttle to be brought.

At the cliff, Echo and Omega climbed up to the top and pulled up Tech with a rope. He commented that the mission had been eventful, and Echo added they had to get out of sight. As the two men turned to leave, Omega was distraught about leaving the war chest behind. Echo retorted that they did not have time and they had to leave the crash site and find cover. Omega reluctantly turned away and followed.

In the ruins, as dusk fell, Hunter and Wrecker took cover from passing LAAT/i gunships. Seeing the gunships land and disgorge troopers, Hunter realized they were setting up a perimeter. Wrecker was confident the Imperial clones would not be able to stop them, but Hunter told him they were monitoring comm channels. Echo was helping Tech walk as their group travelled through the forest when they were contacted by Hunter, who ordered them to execute Plan Double Zero before signing off. Omega asked what the phrase meant, and Tech explained it signified that they would have to go radio silent.

The survivor

One surviving Serennian, Romar Adell, lived in a hidden home near where the cargo container had crashed. The nearby events led him to leave his house to investigate, and he found and watched the three clones in the forest. Omega spotted him and told Echo and Tech they were being followed. Adell attempted to leave, but Omega surprised him. Holding him at the point of her energy bow, she demanded to know who he was and why he was there, to which he responded that he lived there. Echo, following with Tech, also held Adell at blasterpoint and suggested he might be working for the Empire.

Adell asked if the three of them were not Imperial. Tech said there was no time for a debate, and Echo asked where the nearest shelter was. Adell said he was having difficulty thinking with Omega's bow pointed at him, and Echo signalled her to lower her weapon. Although appreciative of the gesture, Adell claimed there was no shelter in the area. Tech, however, detected the energy signature of Adell's home 200 meters to the west, and Echo demanded the old man take them there. Adell responded that it looked like he had no say in the matter, and led the trio to his house.

Breaching the perimeter

In the ruined city, Wilco was informed that Imperial forces had inspected half of the ejected cargo containers, but they had not yet located the thieves. They had, however, intercepted Hunter's coded transmission to Tech. Realizing the thieves on the ship had survived, Wilco ordered the search and recovery squads to be divided so all fifty ejected containers could be searched. As some troopers departed in a gunship to carry out their orders, another trooper reported to the captain that the city's perimeter had been secured. Wilco announced his intent to box the rogues in.

Avoiding clone patrols, Hunter and Wrecker hid in the shadows as night had fallen. Surveying the Imperials' movements, Hunter concluded he and Wrecker would need to break through their ranks. However, Wrecker was only carrying a few smoke bombs instead of explosives that would do actual damage. Inspecting his surroundings with macrobinoculars, Hunter discovered and pointed out to Wrecker two Armored Assault Tanks lying amidst the ruins, to Wrecker's glee.

The two commandos approached the tanks, each climbing into one. However, both vehicles were non-operational. Wrecker reported that his was no good, and Hunter responded that his was down as well. As they left the wrecks, Wilco approached the position with a squad of troopers. Scanning the scene with macrobinoculars, he got a visual on Wrecker and ordered his men forwards.

Hunter rejoined Wrecker as he was inspecting another ruined vehicle. Wrecker thought the wreckage had potential, spotting some parts he could use to build an improvised cannon. Hunter told him to forget it, stating the tank would not be going anywhere. As Imperial clones began to fire on their position, Wrecker responded that he did not need it to and, highlighting a with his flashlight, asked Hunter to grab it for him. Wrecker climbed onto the tank as he and Hunter returned fire. One of Wilco's men reported to him that air support was on approach, and he ordered they be sent in.

Hunter threw a smoke bomb as Wrecker strained to pull a component of the tank's cannon free. Cutting the battery pack free, Hunter tossed it to Wrecker. He connected the battery to the component as Hunter dodged more blaster fire. A V-wing approached the site of the firefight, and Hunter asked Wrecker to pick up his pace. When the cannon was fully charged, Wrecker announced they were in business and fired on the approaching starfighter, blowing off one of its wings and causing it to crash in a fiery explosion. Impressed, Wrecker declared he made a good tank. Wilco saw Wrecker approaching with his cannon through binoculars and yelled to his men that they had incoming. As the troopers retreated, Wrecker fired cannon blasts around them which knocked down some troopers, while Hunter stunned others. The two Batchers made their way out of the city.

Hunter and Wrecker engaged in a running gunfight with the Imperial clones as they retreated to the Marauder. As they reached the final ridge before the ship, Hunter confirmed it was not far. Wrecker was skeptical as Hunter had said that about the last one, but he responded that he was certain this time. Firing his cannon, Wrecker caused a rockslide above the Imperial clones which buried some of them.

At Romar's house

On their way to Adell's home, Tech, Echo and Omega attempted to explain to him exactly who they were and why they were not Imperials. As they entered the house, Adell skeptically laid out that his visitors were rogue clones, running from the clones of the Republic turned Empire, to which Tech responded that he finally had it, sitting down on an available stool. Omega asked Adell why he lived in the middle of nowhere, and he responded that he had had no choice when the Empire had moved in, adding that he and the other survivors made do.

Omega told Echo that since Tech was safe, they should return to the crash site and retrieve as much of the war chest as possible. Echo disagreed, pointing out it was too dangerous and troopers might already have reached it. Omega insisted that they could not leave empty-handed, and Adell, placing some cups on the table, interjected that his visitors were more like other clones than they thought. He suggested they stay away from the "cursed" riches, and Omega responded that they needed it, stating it was not cursed but merely stolen. Adell retorted that not all of Dooku's fortune had been looted from other worlds, as some of it had come from his own people, blaming Serenno's current state on the Count's quest for power. Omega offered to help him get it back, as there was enough for everyone, but Adell retorted that he wanted none of it and to let the Empire have it. He said the sooner both the Empire and his guests were gone, the better, before excusing himself to his basement as he had work to do.

Omega insisted it still was not to late to scout the crash site to see if it was clear, but Echo refused, ordering her to keep an eye on Adell. She was dejected, but obeyed. Echo began pacing impatiently while Omega watched Adell move things in his basement. He asked her if she was going to just stand there, and she said she was keeping an eye on him. Commenting that it was not much fun, Adell retrieved a kaleidoscope from a box and tossed it to Omega, telling her to try it out and look inside. Omega asked if there were jewels inside, and when told it was just glass, was disappointed it was not treasure. Adell explained the object was a toy and was supposed to make people happy, which was more valuable than any jewel.

Omega was drawn upstairs by the sound of Echo and Tech arguing. Tech said the war chest was never the Bad Batch's to begin with, and Echo retorted that they would have made better use of it. In response, Tech specified that he was merely stating that without the funds, the team would be no better off than they were before, to which Echo argued that he did not see it that way because the Empire was growing stronger while they still did nothing. As he turned to the door, Omega asked Echo where he was going. He curtly replied that he was looking for patrols before donning his helmet and exiting.

Adell emerged from the basement with a and, setting it on the table, asked Tech if he could borrow his spanner. Tech asked Adell why he had the datacore, and the old man explained it contained a fragment of his people's culture. Tech was fascinated by the "Separatist" archive, and Adell corrected him that it was Serennian and they had existed before the Clone Wars, leading Tech to admit he had never thought of that before. He offered to repair the device. With the adults absorbed with the datacore, Omega saw another door out of the house and Adell's rappelling cable coiled up on the floor and had an idea. Leaving the kaleidoscope behind, she took the rope and snuck out of the house to return to the crash site, neither Tech nor Adell noticing her absence.

Battle at the cliff's edge

Tech finished repairing and restoring Adell's datacore, to the old man's glee, shortly before Echo returned from his patrol. Echo immediately noticed Omega was missing and asked where she was. Tech replied that she had just been present, but Echo, after taking a look into the basement, replied that she was absent now. Adell noticed the kaleidoscope had been left behind and that his cable was missing, and Tech declared Omega must have gone after the war chest. Echo stated they had to find her before the Empire did, and Tech told him to go and he would follow. As Echo ran off, Tech carefully got to his feet and began to limp out of the house. Adell pointed out he would not get far in his condition, but Tech replied that he would manage.

At the cliff's edge, Omega tied the rappelling cable around a tree and carried the slack to the edge, looking down at the cargo container. Throwing the rope down, she checked with her flashlight to confirm it had reached the bottom of the container before she started down the cliff. Shortly afterwards, a patrol of three clone troopers on BARC speeders, led by CT-3278, approached the scene. The lead trooper scanned the container dead ahead and ordered the others to stay alert.

Echo arrived at the cliff and found the rope. Noticing it was slack, he went to the edge and shone a torch down at the cargo container, calling Omega's name, but he received no response. Hearing the speeder bikes, he turned to see the Imperial patrol approach. They opened fire on Echo when they saw him, and he hurriedly began rappelling down the cliff towards the cargo container. The blaster fire severed the rope, causing Echo to fall the rest of the way onto the container. Echo got into the container as the troopers dismounted their bikes and approached the edge, sealing the door as the enemy clones began shooting at him. His entrance was Omega's first notice that anything at all was going on outside, as she shone her flashlight at him before happily showing him her backpack full of "shiny stuff". Incredulous, Echo asked her if she had not heard the blasterfire and informed her there were troopers outside and they had to go. Omega began climbing towards him.

One of the troopers reported they had located the thieves, requesting backup, and was told a gunship was inbound. Another member of the patrol set up an E-Web blaster cannon on a tripod as they were ordered to hold their position. Tech approached the scene slowly, wincing in pain, and surveyed the scene, taking cover behind a tree trunk. He stunned the trooper manning the blaster cannon before hurriedly limping into the trees as the other two troopers noticed and opened fire.

In the ruins, as Wilco surveyed the scene and located the body of one dead clone, a trooper reported to him that the intruders were retreating to the eastern ridge. He ordered that air support be rerouted. Hunter and Wrecker were pursued through the forest as they ran the last stretch back to the Marauder, returning fire with stun blasts and Wrecker's cannon as they boarded the ship. Powering the shuttle up, Hunter took the helm and contacted Tech, stating they were in position and asking him to send his coordinates. Tech, in the middle of a firefight with the clone patrol, acknowledged the signal and transmitted the information. With the coordinates received, Hunter said he was on his way as the Marauder took off, two clones shooting at it futilely. Three V-wings moved into pursuit of the attack shuttle as it took off, and Wrecker announced they had company and ran to man the rear gun. Some of the starfighters' fire struck the ship, and Hunter yelled at Wrecker to get them off of their tail. He shot down one of the V-wings.

The tree Tech was sheltering behind was being shredded by blaster fire from CT-3278 and his comrade, who was manning the blaster cannon. CT-3278 ordered the other trooper to hold his fire before approaching the tree. When he came around the other side, Tech swatted his blaster out of his hands, but the trooper slammed him against the tree before knocking him to the ground. Tech's pistol was knocked out of his hand, and the two struggled for the weapon. The clone manning the blaster cannon heard several shots and called CT-3278, asking him to report. Tech emerged from behind the tree and stunned him, shooting twice to handle the cannon as well, before collapsing to the ground.

Letting go

Inside the cargo container, as Echo and Omega climbed towards the top, their movement began to cause the ledge upon which it rested to begin to give way. Echo reassured Omega that they were almost there, but a falling crate caused her to loose her grip and fall onto a precariously-balanced large crate. The contents of her backpack spilled, and she began to try and scoop them back inside in a panic, before another shift of the crate sent the bag and its valuable contents falling out of Omega's reach. Echo shouted for her to hurry as the whole ledge was going to collapse, but Omega insisted that she could and had to retrieve the riches. In response, Echo told her to forget about it as the war chest was not important, but Omega insisted it was, telling Echo she had heard what he had told Hunter on the Marauder about the Bad Batch not having a normal life because of her.

As the container began to slide, Echo pleaded with Omega to listen to him and asked her to let the wealth go. She stopped, sighed, and turned back to him as the crate she stood upon began to shift, leaping off of it just before it fell as he called to her. The two began to climb upwards again as fast as they could. As the container's speed increased, Echo reached the top and opened the doors, throwing Omega up before following himself. At his urging, they jumped off and found a handhold on the cliff as the cargo container continued its fall down the rest of the cliff face towards the forest below.


The sound of blasterfire had led Adell to head towards the cliff's edge in case his visitors needed help, and he discovered the unconscious Tech. Waking him up, Tech asked Adell what he was doing here, and he explained he had heard the noise and had been correct in his guess the clones needed help as he assisted Tech to his feet. Echo and Omega had become stuck on a small ledge, and Tech reached the edge of the cliff and called down to them, asking them to hold on. However, the gunship which had been sent to back up the clone patrol arrived on the scene. As it approached, Tech stated he would handle the gunship, and Adell responded that he would grab the cable. Adell tied the rope to one of the speeder bikes as Tech limped towards the blaster cannon.

The pilots of the gunship saw the men at the cliff edge and opened fire, causing them to dodge as Adell threw the rope down. Echo and Omega grabbed the line and began climbing as Tech, having reached the blaster cannon, realized another clone patrol was approaching from the forest. Tech shot down the gunship, causing it to crash into the cliff face to the right of Echo and Omega. He then turned the artillery on the approaching bikers, sending them and their vehicles careening towards the edge of the cliff. Adell leapt out of the way as the new clone patrol crashed into the bikes of the old patrol, sending several of them hurtling off the cliff and jostling the bike the rope was tied to. Echo and Omega were sent sliding down the cliff as the bike approached the edge. Adell jumped onto the bike and brought it to a halt right at the edge of the cliff. After checking that Echo and Omega were okay, he reversed, pulling the two to the top.

Tech helped Echo and Omega to their feet as Adell rejoined them. The Marauder entered the scene as it shot down another V-wing, and Tech informed Adell it was their ride. Hunter pulled the ship alongside the cliff and opened the door, Wrecker waving the others onboard. As Echo boarded, Adell returned the kaleidoscope to Omega, telling her to keep it and remember what he had said. He encouraged the Batch to leave as more Imperials would be on the way, and Tech asked what he would do. Adell reassured him he was a survivor, before running back into the woods. Tech boarded the Marauder, which departed as Adell watched from the trees.


On their departure from Serenno, Omega apologized to Echo for losing the war chest, but Echo reassured her they would be okay without it. Omega said she had wanted to make things better for the Bad Batch because the others had given up everything for her, but Echo responded that it was a good thing as otherwise they might be fighting for the Empire, or worse. He added that they had made the right choice and he would do it again, which assuaged Omega's worries. Meanwhile, Wilco had recognized Hunter and Wrecker during his encounter with them and duly submitted an official report on the incident, which stated Clone Force 99 had been responsible for the raid. His report drew the attention of Vice Admiral Rampart. Concerned that he would be punished by Governor Tarkin if it was discovered the Bad Batch had not died on Kamino, he travelled to Serenno.

Wilco reported to the officer that 85% of the scattered wealth had been recovered and he intended to make sure it was a perfect 100%, but Rampart revealed that Wilco's failure to prevent the attempted theft was not the reason for his visit, but the "inaccuracy" of the captain's report. In response to the admiral's claims, Wilco made it clear he had personally seen members of the Bad Batch during the incident and that the report of their deaths on Kamino was what was inaccurate. Realizing his career was at risk, Rampart said a new report would be submitted with no mention of the Bad Batch, but Wilco refused to falsify official documents. Rampart responded that he would before murdering Wilco and letting his corpse fall off the edge of the cliff at Castle Serenno. Afterward, Rampart returned to Coruscant and eventually dispatched Crosshair on a mission to the planet Desix. When the events of the mission led Clone Marshal Commander Cody to desert Imperial service, Rampart needled Crosshair about his comrades constantly disappearing.

Sometimes later on Ord Mantell, Tech, Wrecker, and Omega was asked by Scaleback to go with her to Safa Toma on Serolonis while Hunter and Echo were delivering fifty cases of nerf nuggets. Scaleback went to Serolonis because she had a racer TAY-0 that participate in Safa Toma Classic, a major riot racing event. As they watched the race, Scaleback told Omega that TAY-0 is going to make her a lot of money. TAY-0 won the first race, and later a Dowutin named Grini Millegi approached Scaleback and the clones for a bet. Confident with TAY-0's ability, Scaleback agreed. Due to poor sportsmanship, TAY-0 crashed and was torn into pieces before getting repaired by Tech. TAY-0 later got hit by an oncoming speeder and was fully broken. Instead of a forfeit, Tech suggested that he will replace TAY-0, but Cid was held as a collateral. Tech won and Cid was released as promised. When Scaleback left, Milegi told the clones that he admired their loyalty to her, but that she is not to be trusted with.










