Wilco's company


The unit was comprised of at least forty clone stormtroopers led by Clone Captain Wilco. The troopers were equipped with standard-issue Phase II clone trooper armor, and DC-15A blaster carbines. Captain Wilco wore a black shoulder pauldron to denote his rank. The clones also made use of several Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter, BARC speeders, LAAT/i gunships, and at least three class four container transports.

Serenno deployment

After the conclusion of the Clone Wars and the formation of the Galactic Empire, Captain Wilco and his company were deployed on the former Separatist world of Serenno. Some months after the war had ended, Wilco's attention was focused on the remains of Castle Serenno, where Separatist leader Count Dooku had lived.

Captain Wilco held command over a company of clone troopers assigned to Serenno.

Captain Wilco held command over a company of clone troopers assigned to Serenno.

Wilco and his troops were tasked with extracting Dooku's war chest from his ruined palace. Storing the loot in massive shipping containers, the treasure was loaded onto three class four container transports where it was to be shipped off-world. Taking on a mission from their contact, Ciddarin Scaleback, Clone Force 99 infiltrated the palace's shipyard in an attempt to steal some of Dooku's war chest, but were quickly compromised and a fierce shootout with the clone stormtroopers ensued. While half of the rogue clone squad managed to sneak aboard one of the class four container transports, the remaining two, Wrecker and Hunter, were forced to stay behind.

The two rogue commandos snuck into Dooku's palace, but were again spotted by Wilco and his troops. However, the two managed to escape through a secret panel behind Dooku's private desk. Meanwhile, on the hijacked transport shuttle, rogue clones Tech, Echo, and Omega battled the ship's stormtrooper crew and attempted to leave through the ship's escape pods, but these were quickly jettisoned by the shuttle's pilots on orders from Captain Wilco. The group quickly devised a plan to escape in a cargo container, as they were equipped with reentry thrusters that would make descent safe. Following through on this plan, the rogue clones managed to escape the shuttle while also releasing the rest of the ship's cargo, scattering it across Serenno's surface.

Hunting Clone Force 99

Wilco cares for one of his subordinates while another gives him an update.

Wilco cares for one of his subordinates while another gives him an update.

Captain Wilco divided his forces to further pursue the thieves, with a small contingent of troopers being sent out to track down the cargo container team. Meanwhile, the bulk of his forces followed Hunter and Wrecker into the remains of the Serennian City. Wilco and his stormtroopers managed to pin Hunter and Wrecker down, causing Wilco to call in aerial support. However, just as a V-wing starfighter reached their position, Wrecker ripped off and powered up a cannon from one of the destroyed Separatist tanks, and used it to shoot down the V-wing. Wrecker then bombarded Wilco and his stormtroopers, who retreated in the chaos. Hunter and Wrecker managed to reach their ship, the Marauder, and escape.

Meanwhile, a squad of clone stormtroopers on BARC speeders located the container Tech, Echo, and Omega had landed in. Having pinned Echo and Omega down inside of the container, the troopers were suddenly ambushed by Tech. After an intense firefight with the clones, Tech ultimately prevailed despite being injured. As Tech attempted to help his squad mates out from the container, he noticed an LAAT/i gunship inbound to their position. Using a mounted gun, he shot down the gunship, which crashed into the mountainside. Tech quickly gunned down two more clone stormtroopers that had arrived on BARC speeders before managing to get his team out. Wrecker and Hunter arrived in the Marauder and the squad escaped Serenno.

Wilco's command is relieved

Captain Wilco was shot by Vice Admiral Rampart to keep the Vice Admiral's reputation high.

Captain Wilco was shot by Vice Admiral Rampart to keep the Vice Admiral's reputation high.

In the aftermath, Captain Wilco made a report to Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart back at the castle about the process of securing the lost cargo and the appearance of the Bad Batch. Concerned with the survival of the rogue clones, who were thought to have died on Kamino during the aerial bombardment of Tipoca City, Rampart ordered Wilco to falsify his report in order to prevent Rampart from falling out of favor with his superior, Governor Wilhuff Tarkin. When Wilco refused to falsify an official report, Rampart executed him and promised to write his own.






