
Senior Warrior Yopring was a Chiss who was a member of the Chiss Ascendancy's Coduyo family and served the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet aboard the Nightdragon man-of-war Vigilant, which was commanded by Admiral Ar'alani. Around 18 BBY, he was sent to explore the Unknown Regions planet "Sunrise"'s surface aboard a Chiss shuttle. While observing a mining complex on Sunrise, six Grysk starfighters chased his shuttle, forcing Yopring to flee Sunrise. Weeks after his encounter with the starfighters, Ar'alani had the senior warrior prepare a shuttle that was to take her to Csilla, the Ascendancy's capital world.


Admiral Ar'alani, whom Yopring served under

Admiral Ar'alani, whom Yopring served under

A Chiss of the Chiss Ascendancy's Coduyo great family, Senior Warrior Yopring served the Ascendancy's Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet aboard Admiral Ar'alani's Nightdragon man-of-war Vigilant, the flagship of Ar'alani's Picket Force Six. Around 18 BBY, Picket Force Six encountered the Grysk warlike species' Shatter-class WarMaster Battle Dreadnaught HopeBreaker in the Unknown Regions Sunrise system. After destroying the warship, Ar'alani sent Yopring aboard a Chiss shuttle to the Sunrise system's planet "Sunrise," where he was to explore the world's surface.

Yopring located groups of farmers working their fields, four ruined cities, twenty-two industrial centers, five mines, and several settlements. The warrior also found a small mining complex filled with dozens of workers. While Yopring reported his findings, Ar'alani's first officer, Senior Captain Kiwu'tro'owmis, core name "Wutroow," commented that mining complexes were not active unless their creators' people had access to food and shelter. Yopring believed that if that was correct, Sunrise was filled with borjory sauce. As the warrior noticed several large buildings, six heavily armored and armed Grysk skycars began to chase Yopring's shuttle.

Yopring prepared a shuttle for Ar'alani that was to deliver her to Csilla.

Yopring prepared a shuttle for Ar'alani that was to deliver her to Csilla.

Ar'alani instructed Yopring to hold his course to two converging rivers she marked and told Wutroow to fire a full spectrum laser salvo at the water bodies. As the senior warrior's transport reached its destination, the senior captain fired. The laser salvo's impact launched the rivers' water upward, prompting the Grysks to go upward, thinking that Yopring's shuttle was going to attempt a vertical retreat, which the senior warrior had suggested to Ar'alani. However, the admiral ordered him to go to treetop level instead. The senior warrior's shuttle, upon distancing itself from the pursuing skycars, then rose from treetop level and quickly retreated to the Vigilant. The Grysks attempted to chase Yopring, but ultimately gave up. Shortly after, Ar'alani's flagship fled Sunrise with the senior warrior. Weeks after the encounter with the Grysk fighters, Yopring prepared a shuttle for Ar'alani, who was traveling to the Ascendancy's capital planet of Csilla.

Behind the scenes

Yopring's voice appeared in the 2021 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good, the second installment in Timothy Zahn's Star Wars: The Ascendancy Trilogy.












