
Xodlak'phr'ooa, also known by the core name Lakphro, was a male Chiss individual who served as a rancher. Lakphro was married to Lakansu and the pair had a daughter named Lakris. The family lived in Redhill province on the planet Celwis.

When the Agbui named Haplif came to Celwis with the young Chiss Coduyo'po'nekri, Redhill province's Xodlak family Councilor Lakuviv tasked Lakphro with hosting the Agbui on his homestead. Lakphro cooperated unwillingly, although his wife and daughter were much happier with the arrangement. Over time, Haplif began to flood the market of Celwis with underpriced nyix jewelry as part of a plot to bring the Chiss to civil war. Lakphro became highly suspicious of the nyix brooches Haplif began giving to officials and Lakphro's own family, perceiving them as bribes.

Eventually, Lakphro sent a brooch Haplif gave his wife to his cousin Lakbulbup and his wife Dilpram on Naporar for metallurgical analysis. Lakbulbup, whose job involved staying up-to-date with military matters, suggested they send the brooch to a Chiss officer renowned for his masterful analysis of art. That officer was the legendary Senior Captain Thrawn, who happened to be traveling with the leader of a group of refugees of the species who had manufactured the brooch. This led Thrawn and Senior Captain Irizi'in'daro to uncover Haplif's plot to destroy the Chiss Ascendancy, allowing them to foil it.

Lakphro, having grown suspicious of Haplif, confronted the alien just before the Agbui planned to leave Celwis. Haplif attempted to kill his former host, but Lakphro summoned a growzer with his lure stick, and the growzer ultimately killed Haplif.


Lakphro, along with his wife, Lakansu, and his daughter, Lakris, would watch as two ships land on their ranching property. Lakphro, frustrated, walks to one of the ships to demand what the purpose of their visit is. To his surprise, Lakphro is greeted by Xodlak Senior Aide Xodlak'ji'iprip (Lakjiip), who informs him that a small tract of his land, located on a nearby small hill, is to be temporarily given to a group of Agbui, led by Haplif. These aliens were to grow their spices for five to six months before departing, and Lakjiip informs Lakphro that he would be compensated with some of the spices or some of the jewelry that the Agbui make. Lakphro is frustrated with the ordeal, noting that neither compensation option seemed to be of any value.

Over the course of the next few weeks, Lakphro would increasingly become more frustrated with the Agbui's attempts to touch his head. He was also frustrated with all the extra bureaucratic attention that ranch had been receiving due to the Agbui's presence. One day, Lakphro would watch as Lakris showed her friend Frosif, an Agbui girl, a "telepathic trick", in which the girl would call a growzer over to her by zipping a brass sealer. The sound of the brass sealer would trigger Frosif, who fell to the ground in terror. When Lakphro rushed over to make sure the Agbui girl was okay, Frosif attempted to touch the heads of him and Lakris. Lakphro was able to dodge her attempts, and he asked her to explain what had caused the reaction. Frosif would only say that the sound "reminded her of something bad" before running back to her ship.

A week later, Haplif, Frosif, and Frosif's mother, Shimkif, would gift Lakansu and Lakris a pair of metal brooches as an apology gift for the brass sealer incident. Lakphro, who was watching the gifting interaction, believed the gifts to be some sort of bribe. At this time, Lakphro was contacted by Lakjiip, who wished to speak with Haplif. Lakjiip wants Haplif to travel to Redhill for a meeting, and Lakphro, wanting to speak with the Xodlak about the brooches, volunteers to drive him there. As Haplif prepares for departure, Lakphro asks Lakansu if he can see her brooch. When she gives it to him, Lakphro, wanting to distract her from it, asks his wife to pack him a bag, in case he has to spend the night at Redhill. At Redhill, Lakphro privately speaks to Lakjiip about the brooch, showing it to her. Lakjiip, surprised that he has one, immediately confiscates the brooch and commands him to not speak of it to anyone, as it is a matter of deep security to the Xodlak. She asks him if Haplif gave him any other brooches, to which Lakphro denies. As he awaits his return to the ranch in a Xodlak family lounge, Lakphro vows to get to the bottom of this brooch mystery.

Soon thereafter, Lakphro would contact his cousin, Lakbulbup, who lives on Naporar, in the early morning hours. Lakphro would discuss the Agbui and the brooches with his cousin, asking if he would send Lakris's brooch to him. Lakphro hoped that Lakbulbup's wife, Dilpram, a biological scientist, would be able to send the brooch to a metallurgist, as he wants to know what the jewelry is composed of. Lakbulbup would agree to the request, and Lakphro would send the brooch to him. However, while the brooch was in transit, Lakbulbup thought of presenting the brooch to an Expansionary Defense Fleet warrior renowned for his ability to analyze alien artwork: Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo (Thrawn). When Lakbulbup received the brooch, he called Lakphro and informed him of this new idea. Lakphro, already knowing that his cousin has made up his mind, agreed to the proposal. Lakbulbup would promise to send the brooch to a Xodlak warrior on Thrawn's ship, the Springhawk, when it returned from its current pirate hunting mission past the Paataatus Hiveborn. However, Lakbulbup would instead send the brooch to Lakwurn, a Xodlak hyperdrive technician aboard the Chiss warship Grayshrike, commanded by Xodlak Senior Captain Xodlak'in'daro (Lakinda), which was poised to rendezvous with Thrawn on the pirate hunting mission.

Soon thereafter, Lakbulbup would inform Lakphro that the Xodlak officers were assembling on Celwis. Lakphro would conclude that the Agbui's operations were the cause of this. Later, as the Agbui prepare to leave Celwis, Lakphro confronts Haplif, stating that he knows of the Agbui's manipulations and ill intentions towards the Xodlak. Suddenly, however, Haplif lunges at and attempts to strangle Lakphro. However, before this, Lakphro summoned a growzer using his jacket's brass sealer, which latched its teeth into Haplif's arm. Lakphro, recovering from the being strangled, holstered his two electric-jolt luresticks. Haplif would attempt to swing the growzer into one of Lakphro's luresticks, but, upon impact, the growzer reflexively tightened its grip on the Agbui's arm, sending him to the ground in agony. As Haplif died, the Agbui ship made its escape off Celwis.

In actuality, the Agbui were trying to manipulate the Chiss Ascendancy into civil war. The brooches were partially made of nyix, the rarest and most valuable metal known to the Chaos, and the Agbui hoped that the Chiss families would recognize its value and fight over control of the nyix source, a planet named Hoxim that hosted a fake nyix mine.

Personality and traits

Lakphro had a strong sense of integrity, and hated bribery and corruption. This morality led him to become suspicious of the Agbui he hosted at his ranch.

Behind the scenes

Xodlak'phr'ooa appeared as a secondary point-of-view character in the 2021 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good by Timothy Zahn. In that novel, Lakphro had a fairly major role in the plot.






