Talk: Alexrd

Please stop editing these articles, as I am in the process of working on them. Thank you. Grand Moff Tranner 19:18, 7 June 2009 (UTC)

Since you edit what I've edited, fine to me... Alexrd 19:35, 7 June 2009 (UTC)

If I may interject, the point is that you have blatantly disregarded one of the header templates of the article, which politely asks you NOT to edit the article, as someone is performing on-going work on it. This is why you are being reverted. Please stop. OLIOSTER 19:47, 7 June 2009 (UTC)

You have been blocked from editing for 1 day for violation of Wookieepedia's 3RR rule. Whether or not someone is correct in this matter is not the point. It's about having respect for the article and your fellow Wookieepedians, which means not edit warring. If you have a problem with the contributions someone is making, discuss it with them on the article's talk page or on a user talk page. Your suspension period will end in 24 hours. Please do not continue this type of editing behavior. To contest this block, please contact the blocking administrator with the reason you believe the block is unjustified. Toprawa and Ralltiir 19:50, 7 June 2009 (UTC)

Please do not remove administrative warnings or any other talk page messages from your talk page. They should be kept as part of the public record. If you no longer wish to see them, you may archive them. Thank you. Toprawa and Ralltiir 17:36, 25 June 2009 (UTC)

Hey Alexrd. As project head for WP:TCW, I'm trying to get a better idea of who's still interested in participating in our project. If you're still interested in participating, please leave a note on my talk page or contact me in IRC. If you do not respond within a week, I will assume that you are no longer interested in participating. That doesn't mean that your name will be removed from the "Participants" list, but it means that any of your current projects will be removed from the project page so that others have a chance to work on them. Likewise, if you currently have any projects under your belt, I highly encourage you to review them, and if you don't plan on working on them within the next two or three weeks, I recommend reconsidering them. Thanks. Your project head, CC7567 05:51, 3 July 2009 (UTC)

Please do not upload duplicates of existing files, especially if they are of lower resolution/quality compared to original. Thank you. Mauser 11:00, October 14, 2009 (UTC)

Hey Alexrd, thanks for checking with me on the infobox issue. While I like the image, I agree with CC and Cav that it's currently insufficient for the infobox. I appreciate the suggestion though, and if you find any others you think may work don't hesitate to make a proposition. Darth Trayus 01:47, October 15, 2009 (UTC)

I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. They're canon; the source has just been recently removed from the Internet and is under investigation. CC7567 20:24, April 1, 2010 (UTC)

Really? Since I haven't seen any source (and thought the summary was very strange), I thought it was fake. Sorry then. Alexrd 12:23, April 2, 2010 (UTC)

Just wanted to let you know that "Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II" official art this image is not sufficient. It's not an official source at all in point of fact. You need to provide a link from where you found it, or something else more specific. The same issue came up with promotional images for ROTS. People were putting the film as the source, when in actuality, a neutral background promotional image cannot be sourced to a film. Just wanted to give you a head's up. - ~ JMAS 16:34, October 14, 2010 (UTC)

I have more pictures, if you don't mind I upload them. However, I still haven't found any other unrestricted site with these pictures available to everyone. Alexrd 00:23, October 15, 2010 (UTC)

While your edit to CT-21-0408 is appreciated, the page currently has a template called {{Inuse}} at the top. This template means that someone is currently working on improving the article, and to avoid edit conflicts, no one other than the placer of the template should edit the page while the message is visible. Thank you for your cooperation. JangFett 21:55, March 5, 2011 (UTC)

hello alex,just wanted to ask you for a favor those TFU2 artworks you found like the yoda dagobah picture,could you send them to me as well was wondering what they made,since the last package was published on lucas arts homepage, but never saw the ones for TFU2 thanx

Just for comparison, this is an actual Blu-Ray capture. This is your upload of the same frame. This is another actual Blu-Ray screenshot. This is your corresponding version. If you do not immediately recognize the difference, please cease uploading film screenshots immediately. -- Darth Culator 12:58, September 17, 2011 (UTC)

It's for the community to decide which is the "right" formatting of the title and which is the "wrong" one. Almost always when you see "Star Wars The Clone Wars," there's a non-visible colon that's still present. I understand the urge to make sure everything is formatted properly on the site, but such conduct should not go against WP:CON, which is what the CT is determining right now. Please therefore make sure to reserve any more discussion about this to the CT where applicable. Thank you. CC7567 01:19, December 27, 2011 (UTC)

Hi there, do you have a copy of the Episode I Insider's Guide? If you do, would you mind looking through it for any mention of this guy, or if there is just a picture of him? Thanks, and May the Force be with you! Corellian Premier 21:47, January 12, 2012 (UTC)

Hey, Alexrd. Recently, a discussion was brought up in one of the forums for WP:VG. The topic, seen here, is a discussion of a group project. Corellian Premier originally came up with the idea, and he thought perhaps the Battlefront series would be a good one to work on. Anyway, if you have any thoughts and/or are interested in helping out, feel free to join in on the discussion, and we'll see what we can do with this. Cheers!—Cal Jedi 15:41, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

Sorry about that. I only saw at the last instant that your edit was not in the Powers and abilities section above the Bts like I initially thought it was. I cancelled the browser action to save, but I apparently missed it and it reverted. You fixed it back so it's all good. —Gethralkin 14:26, April 17, 2012 (UTC)

Hello, I am just informing you that your CorusMall and 7-Gee Lounge nominations have unaswered objections over a week old. If you do not reply to them soon they will be removed from the CAN page.--Exiled Jedi (Greetings) 16:51, May 18, 2012 (UTC)

Hey, Alex. I'd like to direct your attention to this. If you could check it out when you get a chance, I would appreciate it. Thanks.—Cal Jedi 18:16, June 1, 2012 (UTC)

Hey, Alexrd,

I've archived the comprehensive article nominations of CorusMall and 7-Gee Lounge as failures, as both had objections over two weeks old. 7-Gee Lounge is over 250 words, and CorusMall will likely be over 250 words after ExiledJedi's objections are dealt with --- as such, I'd like to encourage you to take both articles to the Good article nominations page. Your enthusiasm for nominating articles is great, and nominating something for Good article status is a great learning experience. Go for it! Menkooroo 01:02, June 10, 2012 (UTC)

Cal Jedi 01:20, July 8, 2012 (UTC)

Hello Alexrd. I see you've just uploaded a new version of the "Galacticsenate2.jpg" image. Is this from the blu-ray edition? I'm asking this because, if you do possess the blu-ray edition of the six movies, I'd like to request one or two shots if you don't mind. Regards. --LelalMekha (talk) 18:39, July 25, 2012 (UTC)

Alexrd, please make sure that all articles make use of the better image before marking the obsolete one for deletion. Otherwise, redlinks will be present, and it leaves more work for others to correct. Please make sure to use Special:Whatlinkshere. Thank you. CC7567 15:54, September 27, 2012 (UTC)

Hey, I'm wondering if you can help me out by giving me all the information from Star Wars: The Clone Wars Official Episode Guide Series 1 & 2 about Tan Divo and the Coruscant Security Force. Thanks Coruscantfan 23:31, October 21, 2012 (UTC)

It does have information on the Security Droid: "These flying droids respond to emergencies on Coruscant, identifying suspects and guiding police droids and military personnel to their location."

The Police Droid: "These mechanicals keep order on Coruscant and other Republic worlds, and are programmed to detect illegal activity and apprehend criminals. They do so peacefully if possible, using their blasters as a last resort."

And Tan Divo: "A bumbling police inspector, Tan Divo is sent to the Senate to investigate the murder of Onaconda Farr. It's a job Divo fears will generate a lot of paper work."

It also has information about the riot troopers, but I don't think they apply. Hope that helps. Alexrd () 11:04, October 30, 2012 (UTC)

Hello, Alexrd! Since you do possess the blue-ray edition of The Phantome Menace, I wondered if you could upload better versions of a few images I need. These are from a cutscene that features Adrian Dunbar as "Bail Organa" and the rest of the cut Alderaanian delegation. The current versions of these pictures were taken from the Internet, so their quality isn't really outstanding. I know five pics is many requests at a time, but it's all in a good cause: all those images are to be used in the framework of the current politics barn-burner. :)

So, if you have time to do it, I'd be grateful. Here are the five requested pics:

Thanks in advance for your time. --LelalMekha (talk) 19:00, November 7, 2012 (UTC)

This is because the deleted scenes are upscaled and thus suffer from artifacts like macroblocking.

P.S: Actually, that was a bad example, since that was from the deleted scene intro. I shall get a new one soon. Alexrd () 19:38, November 7, 2012 (UTC)

Alexrd () 21:56, November 7, 2012 (UTC)

Hello Alexrd, that's me again. I'm currently working on a detailed survey of the futhork inscriptions in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. There is a scene in which we can see a bunch of Naboo soldiers and engineers with futhork writing on their helmets. Unfortunately, the DVD version is way too blurry to decipher the inscriptions—as you can see there. It happesn just before the Queen and the Jedi leave Naboo via the Theed Hangar. If you could provide me with a blu-ray version of such shots, it'd be marvelous. (By the way, you don't seem to ever need any help at all here on the Wook, but please do remember that I'm willing to return the favour after all those HD pictures you uploaded for me.) --LelalMekha (talk) 14:09, December 2, 2012 (UTC)

Sure. They are taken in jpeg, but I can do png's as well. I was under the impression that jpeg was standard for Wookieepedia. --R5-X41238-G8-R3-3124-D2 21:38, December 9, 2012 (UTC)

First I wasn't aware the other version existed, and second because of the lack of pictures on the net, i had to create my on screen capture from a bad quality video.

I was not aware this picture existed, because when I searched for pictures of this category, i.e v-19s and axe, nothing came up, this is also why I added the imagecat thing on the v-19s page, to notify other users that the pictures they're looking for are already on the site.

Just out of interest as well, do you create screen caps yourself? Because the V-19 page is one that is in need of some good quality ones, especially the battle over Teth. --Warpath 16:35, December 14, 2012 (UTC)

All right then, I will continue like that. --XXLVenom998 13:06, January 21, 2013 (UTC)

Well, actually, I just found them by searching the Internet. A guy on deviantART has them all[1]. This would probably cast doubt on these pictures' origins if they were not identical to confirmed official footage, only much bigger. I do not know where that person got them from, but they look absolutely official. Just compare this one with the picture that as featured on page 7 of this pdf of an official magazine. There is no doubt this is the same picture, and not a fan recreation. --LelalMekha (talk) 15:45, February 4, 2013 (UTC)

Hey Alexrd! Whenever you a have a spare moment, could you upload a better version of File:Interrupt Bail Organa.png? JMAS told me you had the HD TV version of AOTC, which is way better for screenshots than the blu-ray. Whenever you have time, anyway: there's no rush. :) Regards. --LelalMekha (talk) 00:30, February 7, 2013 (UTC)

I see no reason to rename the image. If its an improved version of the existing image, then upload over the top of it. If its a new image entirely, then just upload it under a different filename. - Sir Cavalier of One 22:07, March 19, 2013 (UTC)

Good day, gamers! WookieeProject Video Games has reached a new milestone. The members of WP:VG have taken 100 articles to Comprehensive status! The 100th article was Inspector-General, from the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II in-game databank. The full list of articles can be seen here. WP:VG and its members can be proud of the accomplishments we have made. As we near the two year mark of this ambitious project, we look back and see all the great progress and improvements we have made to Wookieepedia as a whole and the video game aspect of the wiki in particular. Most of these 100 articles would have probably been lost in the shuffle had it not been for the hard work, dedication, and patient perceptiveness of the users who comprise WP:VG. Out of all the current WookieeProjects, WookieeProject Video Games has the second highest amount of Comprehensive articles to its name. I would like to say good work and congratulations to all the members of WP:VG. Keep up the excellent job, and May the Force be with the Gamers!—Cal Jedi 20:40, May 28, 2013 (UTC)

Hey Alexrd, before I delete the original images, please be sure to replace the original file names with the new file names in the articles. Here's the list of images you have listed as IfD that still are inuse:

I'll delete them once this is taken care of. JangFett 12:58, June 20, 2013 (UTC)

It works fine for me. What problem are you experiencing? - Sir Cavalier of One 13:21, June 20, 2013 (UTC)

Hello. Please do not add content to my own workbench, even if there is no template at the top of the page to remind you. If you wish to edit it in any way, please respond on my talk page, do not ever edit the workbench without my express permission. Thank you. Dark Lord 21 (talk) 10:37, June 23, 2013 (UTC)

My apologies, I only had a very quick glance at the edit history. But, I would still appreciate it if a message was left on the talk page to inform me of the change. Once again, my sincerest apologies. Dark Lord 21 (talk) 10:48, June 23, 2013 (UTC)

Before uploading images, please take the time to properly source/format the image sourcing. Take a look at my edits here for future reference. Normally I have to go back and correct your sourcing, which is something that I shouldn't have to do. No one should clean up after you. Thanks, JangFett 13:21, July 3, 2013 (UTC)

Hello Alexrd! Since you own a copy of The Phantom Menace: The Expanded Visual Dictionary, could you tell me what is contained in the Pelikki entry? Thanks in advance. ;-) --LelalMekha (talk) 16:21, August 19, 2013 (UTC)

Hey. When you upload a replacement image for one that is used on an archived page, you can still access the edit page by getting there via the history page or by typing the URL for the edit page directly into your browser's address bar. The script that removes the edit links doesn't prevent editing; it just makes it more difficult to reach the edit page, which helps keep newbies from posting on those pages (which is the purpose of the script). 22:07, August 22, 2013 (UTC)

Hey, Alex, I just wanted to notify you of this. Cheers.—Cal Jedi 14:06, August 26, 2013 (UTC)

Even though you are editing in good faith, please keep in mind that it is discouraged to edit in others' user pages. You may inform them about the new image via their talk page. Thanks, JangFett 22:29, September 2, 2013 (UTC)

I was able to find the sources this time, but when replacing images with higher-quality versions in the future, it's best to update the source. Thanks! -- Darth Culator 19:32, September 13, 2013 (UTC)

Hello there, this is your local project team lead. Now that things have settled down a bit I wanted to bring this to your attention. Anyway, check it out when you get a chance and leave a comment, and keep on trekkin'. Corellian Premier 16:32, September 15, 2013 (UTC)

Hey Alexrd! I see you've been reuploading better versions of pictures from the Episode I Insider's Guide, and I wondered how you could achieve that. I also wondered if could possibly upload new ones for Liana Merian, Agrippa Aldrete and the unidentified draped senator while you're at it! Is that possible? Regards. --LelalMekha (talk) 11:35, November 12, 2013 (UTC)

Yes, you're quite right about that. Thanks for the reminder. --LelalMekha (talk) 13:31, November 12, 2013 (UTC)

I'm not sure how many times I've reverted this edit now, but the two images File:Starkiller-Kota.jpg and File:Starkiller Kota Salvation.png are nowhere near the same to consider obsoleting one for the other. Please do not continue to replace one for the other in the Kota article, and then try to obsolete the jpg; I will revert it as the image in situ now is the one I want in the article, not the one you are attempting to replace it with. If you want to upload a better version of File:Starkiller-Kota.jpg, then be my guest, but unless it matches the original image in terms of image and framing, then I will continue to revert your attempts to obsolete it. Thank you for your cooperation. - Sir Cavalier of One 18:54, November 17, 2013 (UTC)

When you create a new article on Wookieepedia, we require that you actually write some kind of description for the article subject. Likewise, adding a relevant category to the bottom of the article is also considered a requirement. The condition in which you created and left the Star Wars: Attack Squadrons article, complete with a "cleanup" tag for someone else to come along and "clean up" your mess, is far from acceptable. You may read more about the necessary conditions for a Wookieepedia article here and here. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 19:11, December 17, 2013 (UTC)

This is a warning to you regarding your image uploading. It is required that you provide accurate sourcing for each image you upload. Currently, you're uploading Star Wars Rebels images with the source "Star Wars Rebels." The series isn't even out yet, so there's no way you're uploading these things from there. You're obviously taking them from some other website. That needs to be your specified source. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 21:38, February 13, 2014 (UTC)

If you feel it's absolutely necessary, that's fine. Personally it doesn't matter much to me. CC7567 05:08, February 15, 2014 (UTC)

There's no room for that unused concept picture of Echo. Also, please do not add speculation. Yes, Filoni mentioned "his survival," but Filoni isn't a canonical source. A bts note will be added in soon, mentioning his blog post, but that's about it for now. If Chee or any author officially retcons his death, then the article will be properly updated. JangFett 23:49, March 10, 2014 (UTC)

Thanks for uploading higher-res versions of File:YoungDarthMaulSidious.png and File:DarthMaulGrievousDuel.png. I'm curious, how do you get images that high-res? I scanned the original versions but they did not come out nearly as clear as your versions. - Brandon Rhea 14:30, May 23, 2014 (UTC)

If you are able to, please provide a proper source for this image that you uploaded last year. It's a Revenge of the Sith promotional shot, but its source is not Revenge of the Sith. The source field should properly show whatever book or website the image truly came from. Thanks. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 16:29, May 23, 2014 (UTC)

Same with this, please. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 02:56, May 29, 2014 (UTC)

And File:EzraGhost.png|this. You didn't upload that from the TV Guide article. Please provide the proper source for your upload. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 17:34, August 8, 2014 (UTC)

Hello! Would you be willing to upload an infobox image for Battle of Zanbar? I tried scanning images again, but this time they came out pretty bad. I was thinking the image could be from the page where Grievous calls out Maul and says "Your end is at hand!" Perhaps cropped from the bottom panel, where Death Watch warriors are fighting the battle droids. I'll also be expanding the page, if you want to upload any other images of the battle. - Brandon Rhea 20:54, May 23, 2014 (UTC)

Hey Alexrd. Do you have a source for changing "illusion" to "specter" on Darth Bane? All we have to go on, so far as I'm aware, is Sacrifice—where Yoda specifically calls Bane out as an illusion. - Brandon Rhea 20:27, June 7, 2014 (UTC)

Hi Alexrd. Per the naming policy, novels such as Dark Disciple should not include "Star Wars" in their article titles. I've asked on IRC for an admin to change the name of Star Wars: Dark Disciple back to "Dark Disciple." - Brandon Rhea 00:08, December 14, 2014 (UTC)

Hello there! Since I need your official approval to adopt the Willow Wiki, would you please come and check your messages there? Thanks in advance. --LelalMekha (talk) 18:18, April 7, 2015 (UTC)

Not sure if you still check this at all, but I was curious where you got the image of the 500 Republica, as it is far higher quality than the video sources most of us have access to. I'm a faneditor looking for that single complete shot for a Theatrical Phantom Menace re-creation.

Hey, , due to CC’s indefinite absence, I’ve been given the green-light to take over WP:TCW as Project Leader. As Project Leader, I’m committed to this supervisor role that oversees the maintenance and expansion of all things relating to TCW.

As a participant of the project, I would like for you to take the moment to consider your current status. Any inactive or otherwise uncommitted member, for whatever reason, is subject to removal from the participant list, as noted by CC.

If you’re unsure or not committed, please reply to this message on my talk page or kindly remove your name from the list. Mind you, there’s no hard feelings—you are most welcome to rejoin anytime. As the largest WookieeProject in terms of status articles and participants, and because of TCW’s ongoing popularity, we could use the help. :P

Thanks, JangFett 15:29, January 11, 2018 (UTC)

Unidentified Jedi/Sith (Sacking of Coruscant)

Please stop editing these articles, as I am in the process of working on them. Thank you. Grand Moff Tranner 19:18, 7 June 2009 (UTC)

Since you edit what I've edited, fine to me... Alexrd 19:35, 7 June 2009 (UTC)

If I may interject, the point is that you have blatantly disregarded one of the header templates of the article, which politely asks you NOT to edit the article, as someone is performing on-going work on it. This is why you are being reverted. Please stop. OLIOSTER 19:47, 7 June 2009 (UTC)


You have been blocked from editing for 1 day for violation of Wookieepedia's 3RR rule. Whether or not someone is correct in this matter is not the point. It's about having respect for the article and your fellow Wookieepedians, which means not edit warring. If you have a problem with the contributions someone is making, discuss it with them on the article's talk page or on a user talk page. Your suspension period will end in 24 hours. Please do not continue this type of editing behavior. To contest this block, please contact the blocking administrator with the reason you believe the block is unjustified. Toprawa and Ralltiir 19:50, 7 June 2009 (UTC)

Talk page content

Please do not remove administrative warnings or any other talk page messages from your talk page. They should be kept as part of the public record. If you no longer wish to see them, you may archive them. Thank you. Toprawa and Ralltiir 17:36, 25 June 2009 (UTC)


Hey Alexrd. As project head for WP:TCW, I'm trying to get a better idea of who's still interested in participating in our project. If you're still interested in participating, please leave a note on my talk page or contact me in IRC. If you do not respond within a week, I will assume that you are no longer interested in participating. That doesn't mean that your name will be removed from the "Participants" list, but it means that any of your current projects will be removed from the project page so that others have a chance to work on them. Likewise, if you currently have any projects under your belt, I highly encourage you to review them, and if you don't plan on working on them within the next two or three weeks, I recommend reconsidering them. Thanks. Your project head, CC7567 05:51, 3 July 2009 (UTC)


Please do not upload duplicates of existing files, especially if they are of lower resolution/quality compared to original. Thank you. Mauser 11:00, October 14, 2009 (UTC)

  • The quality is better, although it has a lower resolution. Alexrd 11:03, October 14, 2009 (UTC)


Hey Alexrd, thanks for checking with me on the infobox issue. While I like the image, I agree with CC and Cav that it's currently insufficient for the infobox. I appreciate the suggestion though, and if you find any others you think may work don't hesitate to make a proposition. Darth Trayus 01:47, October 15, 2009 (UTC)

Re: Season 3 episode articles

I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. They're canon; the source has just been recently removed from the Internet and is under investigation. CC7567 20:24, April 1, 2010 (UTC)

Really? Since I haven't seen any source (and thought the summary was very strange), I thought it was fake. Sorry then. Alexrd 12:23, April 2, 2010 (UTC)

TFU II art

Just wanted to let you know that "Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II" official art this image is not sufficient. It's not an official source at all in point of fact. You need to provide a link from where you found it, or something else more specific. The same issue came up with promotional images for ROTS. People were putting the film as the source, when in actuality, a neutral background promotional image cannot be sourced to a film. Just wanted to give you a head's up. - ~ JMAS 16:34, October 14, 2010 (UTC)

  • Fixed. I wasn't sure if it was worthy to put the link, since not everyone has acess to the server. Anyway, Activision is the official publisher of LucasArts in Europe. Alexrd 23:40, October 14, 2010 (UTC)

I have more pictures, if you don't mind I upload them. However, I still haven't found any other unrestricted site with these pictures available to everyone. Alexrd 00:23, October 15, 2010 (UTC)

  • I'd love that, but I wouldn't recommend it. The site isn't meant for file sharing. However, if you have the ability to put them into a zip file, and then upload that to a site like MediaFire or Ziddu that would work well. Then you could just email me the link. - ~ JMAS 00:39, October 15, 2010 (UTC)


While your edit to CT-21-0408 is appreciated, the page currently has a template called {{Inuse}} at the top. This template means that someone is currently working on improving the article, and to avoid edit conflicts, no one other than the placer of the template should edit the page while the message is visible. Thank you for your cooperation. JangFett 21:55, March 5, 2011 (UTC)

  • Didn't noticed it. Sorry. Alexrd 23:07, March 5, 2011 (UTC)

TFU2 artworks

hello alex,just wanted to ask you for a favor those TFU2 artworks you found like the yoda dagobah picture,could you send them to me as well was wondering what they made,since the last package was published on lucas arts homepage, but never saw the ones for TFU2 thanx

Blu-ray uploads

Just for comparison, this is an actual Blu-Ray capture. This is your upload of the same frame. This is another actual Blu-Ray screenshot. This is your corresponding version. If you do not immediately recognize the difference, please cease uploading film screenshots immediately. -- Darth Culator 12:58, September 17, 2011 (UTC)

  • Of course I recognize the difference, there is no need to be rude here. I've only read the uploading notes after I've uploaded those. I was not sure if I should upload a full-res picture because I've been warned before that it makes the page slower to load. That's why I uploaded at 720p res. Alexrd 13:03, September 17, 2011 (UTC)

Re: Title

It's for the community to decide which is the "right" formatting of the title and which is the "wrong" one. Almost always when you see "Star Wars The Clone Wars," there's a non-visible colon that's still present. I understand the urge to make sure everything is formatted properly on the site, but such conduct should not go against WP:CON, which is what the CT is determining right now. Please therefore make sure to reserve any more discussion about this to the CT where applicable. Thank you. CC7567 01:19, December 27, 2011 (UTC)

Ep I Insiders Guide

Hi there, do you have a copy of the Episode I Insider's Guide? If you do, would you mind looking through it for any mention of this guy, or if there is just a picture of him? Thanks, and May the Force be with you! Corellian Premier 21:47, January 12, 2012 (UTC)

  • Yes, I do. I can check it out tomorrow and let you know if I find anything. Alexrd 23:35, January 12, 2012 (UTC)

WP:VG group project

Hey, Alexrd. Recently, a discussion was brought up in one of the forums for WP:VG. The topic, seen here, is a discussion of a group project. Corellian Premier originally came up with the idea, and he thought perhaps the Battlefront series would be a good one to work on. Anyway, if you have any thoughts and/or are interested in helping out, feel free to join in on the discussion, and we'll see what we can do with this. Cheers!—Cal Jedi 15:41, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

Liam quote

Sorry about that. I only saw at the last instant that your edit was not in the Powers and abilities section above the Bts like I initially thought it was. I cancelled the browser action to save, but I apparently missed it and it reverted. You fixed it back so it's all good. —Gethralkin 14:26, April 17, 2012 (UTC)

  • No problem. Alexrd 21:32, April 17, 2012 (UTC)

Comprehensive article nominations

Hello, I am just informing you that your CorusMall and 7-Gee Lounge nominations have unaswered objections over a week old. If you do not reply to them soon they will be removed from the CAN page.--Exiled Jedi (Greetings) 16:51, May 18, 2012 (UTC)

WP:VG and Star Wars: 1313

Hey, Alex. I'd like to direct your attention to this. If you could check it out when you get a chance, I would appreciate it. Thanks.—Cal Jedi 18:16, June 1, 2012 (UTC)

Mall and lounge

Hey, Alexrd,

I've archived the comprehensive article nominations of CorusMall and 7-Gee Lounge as failures, as both had objections over two weeks old. 7-Gee Lounge is over 250 words, and CorusMall will likely be over 250 words after ExiledJedi's objections are dealt with --- as such, I'd like to encourage you to take both articles to the Good article nominations page. Your enthusiasm for nominating articles is great, and nominating something for Good article status is a great learning experience. Go for it! Menkooroo 01:02, June 10, 2012 (UTC)

WP:VG one year anniversary

Cal Jedi 01:20, July 8, 2012 (UTC)

Senate building image

Hello Alexrd. I see you've just uploaded a new version of the "Galacticsenate2.jpg" image. Is this from the blu-ray edition? I'm asking this because, if you do possess the blu-ray edition of the six movies, I'd like to request one or two shots if you don't mind. Regards. --LelalMekha (talk) 18:39, July 25, 2012 (UTC)

  • Yes, it's from the Blu-ray. I do have all six, so feel free to ask. Cheers Alexrd () 19:33, July 25, 2012 (UTC)
  • Hello again, Alexrd. Since you seem to have recovered your original trilogy blu-ray discs, I just wanted to remind you of this old discussion. Whenever you have time, my friend! ;-) --LelalMekha (talk) 21:17, December 27, 2012 (UTC)


Alexrd, please make sure that all articles make use of the better image before marking the obsolete one for deletion. Otherwise, redlinks will be present, and it leaves more work for others to correct. Please make sure to use Special:Whatlinkshere. Thank you. CC7567 15:54, September 27, 2012 (UTC)

  • That's what I do. I only leave userpages and talkpages. Alexrd () 16:14, September 27, 2012 (UTC)

SW:TCW Official Episode Guide info

Hey, I'm wondering if you can help me out by giving me all the information from Star Wars: The Clone Wars Official Episode Guide Series 1 & 2 about Tan Divo and the Coruscant Security Force. Thanks Coruscantfan 23:31, October 21, 2012 (UTC)

  • Are you interested in any particular info? Alexrd () 22:59, October 22, 2012 (UTC)

It does have information on the Security Droid: "These flying droids respond to emergencies on Coruscant, identifying suspects and guiding police droids and military personnel to their location."

The Police Droid: "These mechanicals keep order on Coruscant and other Republic worlds, and are programmed to detect illegal activity and apprehend criminals. They do so peacefully if possible, using their blasters as a last resort."

And Tan Divo: "A bumbling police inspector, Tan Divo is sent to the Senate to investigate the murder of Onaconda Farr. It's a job Divo fears will generate a lot of paper work."

It also has information about the riot troopers, but I don't think they apply. Hope that helps. Alexrd () 11:04, October 30, 2012 (UTC)

Just a lil' request

Hello, Alexrd! Since you do possess the blue-ray edition of The Phantome Menace, I wondered if you could upload better versions of a few images I need. These are from a cutscene that features Adrian Dunbar as "Bail Organa" and the rest of the cut Alderaanian delegation. The current versions of these pictures were taken from the Internet, so their quality isn't really outstanding. I know five pics is many requests at a time, but it's all in a good cause: all those images are to be used in the framework of the current politics barn-burner. :)

So, if you have time to do it, I'd be grateful. Here are the five requested pics:

  • File:AlderaanianDelegation.png
  • File:DunbarBluescreen.png
  • File:BailAntillesTPM.jpg
  • File:BailAntillesPortrait.png
  • File:AgrippaPortrait.png

Thanks in advance for your time. --LelalMekha (talk) 19:00, November 7, 2012 (UTC)

  • Sure thing. But just so you know, the deleted scenes are not in very high resolution. So while I can get them with a bit more detail, their resolution will be much lower. Compare these two pictures:

This is because the deleted scenes are upscaled and thus suffer from artifacts like macroblocking.

P.S: Actually, that was a bad example, since that was from the deleted scene intro. I shall get a new one soon. Alexrd () 19:38, November 7, 2012 (UTC)

Alexrd () 21:56, November 7, 2012 (UTC)

HD Naboo engineers

A pack of blurry engineers

A pack of blurry engineers

Hello Alexrd, that's me again. I'm currently working on a detailed survey of the futhork inscriptions in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. There is a scene in which we can see a bunch of Naboo soldiers and engineers with futhork writing on their helmets. Unfortunately, the DVD version is way too blurry to decipher the inscriptions—as you can see there. It happesn just before the Queen and the Jedi leave Naboo via the Theed Hangar. If you could provide me with a blu-ray version of such shots, it'd be marvelous. (By the way, you don't seem to ever need any help at all here on the Wook, but please do remember that I'm willing to return the favour after all those HD pictures you uploaded for me.) --LelalMekha (talk) 14:09, December 2, 2012 (UTC)

  • Done, feel free to ask for more shots when you need. And thanks for the help offer. Alexrd () 12:26, December 3, 2012 (UTC)

RE: Screenshot uploads

Sure. They are taken in jpeg, but I can do png's as well. I was under the impression that jpeg was standard for Wookieepedia. --R5-X41238-G8-R3-3124-D2 21:38, December 9, 2012 (UTC)

Re: Pictures

First I wasn't aware the other version existed, and second because of the lack of pictures on the net, i had to create my on screen capture from a bad quality video.

I was not aware this picture existed, because when I searched for pictures of this category, i.e v-19s and axe, nothing came up, this is also why I added the imagecat thing on the v-19s page, to notify other users that the pictures they're looking for are already on the site.

Just out of interest as well, do you create screen caps yourself? Because the V-19 page is one that is in need of some good quality ones, especially the battle over Teth. --Warpath 16:35, December 14, 2012 (UTC)


All right then, I will continue like that. --XXLVenom998 13:06, January 21, 2013 (UTC)

  • You don't say! Maybe I would if I had the chance, but with this new method, I can't give several details like the source when uploading! Otherwise, what's the problem with my pictures? Cheers, --XXLVenom998 19:28, January 30, 2013 (UTC)

Re: Star Tours screens

Well, actually, I just found them by searching the Internet. A guy on deviantART has them all[1]. This would probably cast doubt on these pictures' origins if they were not identical to confirmed official footage, only much bigger. I do not know where that person got them from, but they look absolutely official. Just compare this one with the picture that as featured on page 7 of this pdf of an official magazine. There is no doubt this is the same picture, and not a fan recreation. --LelalMekha (talk) 15:45, February 4, 2013 (UTC)

  • Sorry to chime in, but here is it one official version of it. Stake black 16:31, February 4, 2013 (UTC)

Bail Organa pic from AOTC

Hey Alexrd! Whenever you a have a spare moment, could you upload a better version of File:Interrupt Bail Organa.png? JMAS told me you had the HD TV version of AOTC, which is way better for screenshots than the blu-ray. Whenever you have time, anyway: there's no rush. :) Regards. --LelalMekha (talk) 00:30, February 7, 2013 (UTC)

  • Done. The Blu-ray has a sharper picture, but it also has a weird teal tint all over it. I could try to take a new screenshot from it later on and try to fix the colour timing. Alexrd () 01:13, February 7, 2013 (UTC)

Image renaming

I see no reason to rename the image. If its an improved version of the existing image, then upload over the top of it. If its a new image entirely, then just upload it under a different filename. - Sir Cavalier of One 22:07, March 19, 2013 (UTC)

WP:VG milestone

Good day, gamers! WookieeProject Video Games has reached a new milestone. The members of WP:VG have taken 100 articles to Comprehensive status! The 100th article was Inspector-General, from the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II in-game databank. The full list of articles can be seen here. WP:VG and its members can be proud of the accomplishments we have made. As we near the two year mark of this ambitious project, we look back and see all the great progress and improvements we have made to Wookieepedia as a whole and the video game aspect of the wiki in particular. Most of these 100 articles would have probably been lost in the shuffle had it not been for the hard work, dedication, and patient perceptiveness of the users who comprise WP:VG. Out of all the current WookieeProjects, WookieeProject Video Games has the second highest amount of Comprehensive articles to its name. I would like to say good work and congratulations to all the members of WP:VG. Keep up the excellent job, and May the Force be with the Gamers!—Cal Jedi 20:40, May 28, 2013 (UTC)

Replacing images

Hey Alexrd, before I delete the original images, please be sure to replace the original file names with the new file names in the articles. Here's the list of images you have listed as IfD that still are inuse:

  • File:Palpycropped.jpg
  • File:Sithspeeder.jpg

I'll delete them once this is taken care of. JangFett 12:58, June 20, 2013 (UTC)

  • I'll see what I can do. JangFett 21:54, June 20, 2013 (UTC)


It works fine for me. What problem are you experiencing? - Sir Cavalier of One 13:21, June 20, 2013 (UTC)

  • Strange, when I made the redirect, it merely showed a link to the main page, instead of automatically taking me there. It's all good now though. Alexrd () 19:17, June 20, 2013 (UTC)


Hello. Please do not add content to my own workbench, even if there is no template at the top of the page to remind you. If you wish to edit it in any way, please respond on my talk page, do not ever edit the workbench without my express permission. Thank you. Dark Lord 21 (talk) 10:37, June 23, 2013 (UTC)

Re: Warning

My apologies, I only had a very quick glance at the edit history. But, I would still appreciate it if a message was left on the talk page to inform me of the change. Once again, my sincerest apologies. Dark Lord 21 (talk) 10:48, June 23, 2013 (UTC)


Before uploading images, please take the time to properly source/format the image sourcing. Take a look at my edits here for future reference. Normally I have to go back and correct your sourcing, which is something that I shouldn't have to do. No one should clean up after you. Thanks, JangFett 13:21, July 3, 2013 (UTC)

  • I believe I rarely make sourcing mistakes, but sorry for any trouble I might have caused due to lack of attention on my part. Alexrd () 14:28, July 3, 2013 (UTC)


Hello Alexrd! Since you own a copy of The Phantom Menace: The Expanded Visual Dictionary, could you tell me what is contained in the Pelikki entry? Thanks in advance. ;-) --LelalMekha (talk) 16:21, August 19, 2013 (UTC)

  • Thank you again, my friend. ;-) --LelalMekha (talk) 22:26, August 20, 2013 (UTC)

Replacing images in archived pages

Hey. When you upload a replacement image for one that is used on an archived page, you can still access the edit page by getting there via the history page or by typing the URL for the edit page directly into your browser's address bar. The script that removes the edit links doesn't prevent editing; it just makes it more difficult to reach the edit page, which helps keep newbies from posting on those pages (which is the purpose of the script). 22:07, August 22, 2013 (UTC)

  • Thanks for the info. Alexrd () 22:12, August 22, 2013 (UTC)

New WP:VG leadership

Hey, Alex, I just wanted to notify you of this. Cheers.—Cal Jedi 14:06, August 26, 2013 (UTC)

Editing in others' userpages

Even though you are editing in good faith, please keep in mind that it is discouraged to edit in others' user pages. You may inform them about the new image via their talk page. Thanks, JangFett 22:29, September 2, 2013 (UTC)

  • Again please do not edit in user pages other than yours. If you continue to do so, I will temporarily block you from editing. Thank you for your cooperation, JangFett 18:31, September 3, 2013 (UTC)

Replacing images

I was able to find the sources this time, but when replacing images with higher-quality versions in the future, it's best to update the source. Thanks! -- Darth Culator 19:32, September 13, 2013 (UTC)

  • Thanks, I uploaded the three pictures at the same time and forgot to edit the source. Alexrd () 21:13, September 13, 2013 (UTC)


Hello there, this is your local project team lead. Now that things have settled down a bit I wanted to bring this to your attention. Anyway, check it out when you get a chance and leave a comment, and keep on trekkin'. Corellian Premier 16:32, September 15, 2013 (UTC)

Episode I Insider Guide images

Hey Alexrd! I see you've been reuploading better versions of pictures from the Episode I Insider's Guide, and I wondered how you could achieve that. I also wondered if could possibly upload new ones for Liana Merian, Agrippa Aldrete and the unidentified draped senator while you're at it! Is that possible? Regards. --LelalMekha (talk) 11:35, November 12, 2013 (UTC)

  • I'm using Bundle Explorer 1.1 to extract the assets. And sure, I'll upload those as well. Alexrd () 11:40, November 12, 2013 (UTC)

Re: Replacing image

Yes, you're quite right about that. Thanks for the reminder. --LelalMekha (talk) 13:31, November 12, 2013 (UTC)

Starkiller-Kota.jpg/ Starkiller Kota Salvation.png

I'm not sure how many times I've reverted this edit now, but the two images File:Starkiller-Kota.jpg and File:Starkiller Kota Salvation.png are nowhere near the same to consider obsoleting one for the other. Please do not continue to replace one for the other in the Kota article, and then try to obsolete the jpg; I will revert it as the image in situ now is the one I want in the article, not the one you are attempting to replace it with. If you want to upload a better version of File:Starkiller-Kota.jpg, then be my guest, but unless it matches the original image in terms of image and framing, then I will continue to revert your attempts to obsolete it. Thank you for your cooperation. - Sir Cavalier of One 18:54, November 17, 2013 (UTC)

Creating articles

When you create a new article on Wookieepedia, we require that you actually write some kind of description for the article subject. Likewise, adding a relevant category to the bottom of the article is also considered a requirement. The condition in which you created and left the Star Wars: Attack Squadrons article, complete with a "cleanup" tag for someone else to come along and "clean up" your mess, is far from acceptable. You may read more about the necessary conditions for a Wookieepedia article here and here. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 19:11, December 17, 2013 (UTC)

  • Yes, if you can't create an article properly because you don't have the time or are too lazy to write a single sentence of information, then don't just drop it in the mainspace in that condition and expect someone else to fix it for you. The cleanup tag is not a justification for that. We don't have a template for "I didn't write any information. Someone else do this for me instead." We have a minimal level of content that an article needs to reach for it to exist, and you fell well short of that milestone. If you don't have the time to finish an article in a single sitting, you may either work on the article on a personal workpage or use the Inuse template to inform others that you are going to return in the near future to bring the article up to specs. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 20:48, December 17, 2013 (UTC)
  • Just voicing a second opinion here, in case you're bent on disagreeing with Toprawa. Creating an article without an infobox: okay; creating an article without external links section: okay; now an article without a body: not okay. The body is the essential part of the article and if you don't write it, it becomes harder to understand what the article's about, as its case is not being presented and the infobox isn't something that can replace that. "Star Wars: Attack Squadron is a videogame scheduled to be released in 2014" was all it needed extra to your additions, yet you refused to do so and instead added a template (also, you problaby meant {{Expand}}, not {{Cleanup}} since cleanup isn't about expanding the article but more like correcting small mistakes like missing links and/or grammar) in order for someone later (who knows how long) to do what would take you like 4 seconds. That isn't being collaborative, that is being lazy. This coming from a user that has been here for so long and even arguing about it with a fully experienced user, that is pretty shocking. With this said, there's no doubt Toprawa is right and you're wrong, sir. Winterz (talk) 00:41, December 18, 2013 (UTC)

Warning: False image sourcing

This is a warning to you regarding your image uploading. It is required that you provide accurate sourcing for each image you upload. Currently, you're uploading Star Wars Rebels images with the source "Star Wars Rebels." The series isn't even out yet, so there's no way you're uploading these things from there. You're obviously taking them from some other website. That needs to be your specified source. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 21:38, February 13, 2014 (UTC)

Re: Replacement for JPG

If you feel it's absolutely necessary, that's fine. Personally it doesn't matter much to me. CC7567 05:08, February 15, 2014 (UTC)


There's no room for that unused concept picture of Echo. Also, please do not add speculation. Yes, Filoni mentioned "his survival," but Filoni isn't a canonical source. A bts note will be added in soon, mentioning his blog post, but that's about it for now. If Chee or any author officially retcons his death, then the article will be properly updated. JangFett 23:49, March 10, 2014 (UTC)

  • Ah okay, I see now. When I update the article and clean it up, I'll try to make some room for the concept art. JangFett 00:28, March 11, 2014 (UTC)

Image quality

Thanks for uploading higher-res versions of File:YoungDarthMaulSidious.png and File:DarthMaulGrievousDuel.png. I'm curious, how do you get images that high-res? I scanned the original versions but they did not come out nearly as clear as your versions. - Brandon Rhea 14:30, May 23, 2014 (UTC)

  • Ah, that would make things easier. Thanks! - Brandon Rhea 14:54, May 23, 2014 (UTC)

Image source

If you are able to, please provide a proper source for this image that you uploaded last year. It's a Revenge of the Sith promotional shot, but its source is not Revenge of the Sith. The source field should properly show whatever book or website the image truly came from. Thanks. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 16:29, May 23, 2014 (UTC)

  • Done. Alexrd () 17:18, May 23, 2014 (UTC)

Same with this, please. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 02:56, May 29, 2014 (UTC)

And File:EzraGhost.png|this. You didn't upload that from the TV Guide article. Please provide the proper source for your upload. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 17:34, August 8, 2014 (UTC)

Battle of Zanbar images

Hello! Would you be willing to upload an infobox image for Battle of Zanbar? I tried scanning images again, but this time they came out pretty bad. I was thinking the image could be from the page where Grievous calls out Maul and says "Your end is at hand!" Perhaps cropped from the bottom panel, where Death Watch warriors are fighting the battle droids. I'll also be expanding the page, if you want to upload any other images of the battle. - Brandon Rhea 20:54, May 23, 2014 (UTC)

  • Done. If you need any specific images, you can still upload them. Whenever I get the chance, I'll upload a better version over it. Alexrd () 21:29, May 23, 2014 (UTC)

Darth Bane/Canon

Hey Alexrd. Do you have a source for changing "illusion" to "specter" on Darth Bane? All we have to go on, so far as I'm aware, is Sacrifice—where Yoda specifically calls Bane out as an illusion. - Brandon Rhea 20:27, June 7, 2014 (UTC)

  • Both the episode guide of Sacrifice and the Encyclopedia article of Bane define his appearance as a specter. The specter of Bane is an illusion, which is what Yoda calls out. Alexrd () 21:15, June 7, 2014 (UTC)

Dark Disciple

Hi Alexrd. Per the naming policy, novels such as Dark Disciple should not include "Star Wars" in their article titles. I've asked on IRC for an admin to change the name of Star Wars: Dark Disciple back to "Dark Disciple." - Brandon Rhea 00:08, December 14, 2014 (UTC)

  • My bad, wasn't familiar with the new policy. Alexrd () 00:40, December 14, 2014 (UTC)

Update on my future wiki adoption

Hello there! Since I need your official approval to adopt the Willow Wiki, would you please come and check your messages there? Thanks in advance. --LelalMekha (talk) 18:18, April 7, 2015 (UTC)

Not sure if you still check this at all, but I was curious where you got the image of the 500 Republica, as it is far higher quality than the video sources most of us have access to. I'm a faneditor looking for that single complete shot for a Theatrical Phantom Menace re-creation.
