User:Cavalier One

Cavalier One was born in 1979. He is still alive, and not much has happened to him since that time. Except a few broken bones. And silver hair. He is not dead yet, and has no plans to die any time soon, although he does admit that he may have no choice in the matter. He is also a pessimistic optimist, hoping for the best, yet planning for the worst.

Cavalier One is a former member of both the Inquisitorius, and the AgriCorps. He became an administrator on October 12, 2008. This means he has POWAH, although he tempers this heavy burden of responsibility with large amounts of alcohol, consumed on a semi-regular basis.

Cavalier One is also a member of Fandom's staff, working as a Community Partnership Specialist in Entertainment.

Cavalier One used to enjoy writing articles and nominating them for good or featured article status. He has been know to knock out a small GA in his lunch hour because he was bored. For a full list of articles that Cavalier One has worked very hard on, please go to his Portfolio. Apparently Cavalier One's hard work has paid off since his article, Gastrulan, was Wookieepedia's 400th Good Article. These days he potters around the site building out appearances lists for all of West End Games' releases. It's like painting the Forth Bridge -- he completed it once and now he's going back around again to make sure he didn't miss anything.

Cav's most embarrassing moment on the site was when he accidentally deleted the entire featured article nominations page in a moment of monumental brain freezing idiocy.

In life, there are three types of people you should never piss off. Firstly, the person who authorizes your wage payments. Secondly, the person who brings you your food (or, at least wait until after you get the food and never want to eat there again). Thirdly, an administrator with a liking for the block button.

At the moment, Cavalier One is focusing on anything and everything to do with The DarkStryder Campaign and its supplements. He has brought several up to good and featured status, and holds to the belief that nearly all subjects covered in the books can be afforded the same treatment. Cavalier One also likes to punish himself by taking on new projects to stop him getting bored with working on a single project. While this does have the advantage of keeping things fresh, he does admit that juggling several article rewrites and projects is a bit of headache. He also fleshed out nearly all of the articles concerning Bungo n' Rusti Get Carry-Out, and plans to finish the rest soon. His greatest contribution is promoting the article Wankle to Good Article status.

Heh, heh, heh…Wankle.

Some pages tracking major characters from Adventure Journal stories (and other sources) that are spread over several issues.

Cavalier One's wisdom and philosophy

In life, there are three types of people you should never piss off. Firstly, the person who authorizes your wage payments. Secondly, the person who brings you your food (or, at least wait until after you get the food and never want to eat there again). Thirdly, an administrator with a liking for the block button.

Cavalier One's focus

At the moment, Cavalier One is focusing on anything and everything to do with The DarkStryder Campaign and its supplements. He has brought several up to good and featured status, and holds to the belief that nearly all subjects covered in the books can be afforded the same treatment. Cavalier One also likes to punish himself by taking on new projects to stop him getting bored with working on a single project. While this does have the advantage of keeping things fresh, he does admit that juggling several article rewrites and projects is a bit of headache. He also fleshed out nearly all of the articles concerning Bungo n' Rusti Get Carry-Out, and plans to finish the rest soon. His greatest contribution is promoting the article Wankle to Good Article status.

Heh, heh, heh…Wankle.

Long term projects

Short term projects

Tracking pages

Some pages tracking major characters from Adventure Journal stories (and other sources) that are spread over several issues.

Stuff to check

