
Urch was a terrestrial world located in the Urch system of the Unknown Regions. It was the homeworld of the Urchiv-ki species and the capital of their nation, the Tower Dimension. Space traffic around Urch was controlled by Urch Planetary and Space Control.

In 19 BBY, the Nikardun Destiny, the hegemony of the Nikardun species, subjugated the Tower Dimension. After the Chiss Ascendancy stole one of their frigates, the Nikardun invited the Chiss ambassador Boadil'par'gasoi, core name "Ilparg," to the Urchiv-ki homeworld as bait in hopes of capturing a Chiss vessel in retaliation. Ilparg was sent on a diplomatic mission aboard the Nightdragon man-of-war Vigilant, which the Nikardun and their Lioaoi and Urchiv-ki allies attempted to capture. However, the man-of-war was able to escape.


Urch was a blue-and-white terrestrial planet located in the Unknown Regions' Urch system. The world was located to the southeast of the Chiss Ascendancy nation.


The Chiss Ascendancy (emblem pictured) sent the ambassador Boadil'par'gasoi on a diplomatic mission to Urch.

The Chiss Ascendancy (emblem pictured) sent the ambassador Boadil'par'gasoi on a diplomatic mission to Urch.

Urch was the homeworld of the Urchiv-ki sentient species and the capital of their nation, the Tower Dimension, which had a treaty with the Chiss Ascendancy that allowed for diplomatic relations, including meetings. In 19 BBY, the Tower Dimension was subjugated by the Nikardun Destiny, the hegemony of the Nikardun species. The Destiny conquered the Urchiv-ki as their nation was one of the several surrounding the Ascendancy, which the Nikardun sought to destroy. After the Ascendancy stole a blockade frigate from the Nikardun in the Unknown Regions' Rapacc system, the Destiny sought to capture a Chiss warship in retaliation, inviting the Chiss ambassador Boadil'par'gasoi, core name "Ilparg," to Urch in hopes of capturing a Chiss vessel in an act of reprisal.

The Ascendancy subsequently sent Ilparg on a diplomatic mission to Urch aboard the Nightdragon man-of-war Vigilant, which was commanded by Admiral Ar'alani. Following the starship's arrival, Ilparg asked Urch Planetary and Space Control—which controlled space traffic around Urch—to give the Vigilant permission to launch his shuttle; however, an Urchiv-ki traffic controller refused the ambassador's visit while a Nikardun frigate and seven vessels of the Lioaoin Regime and the Tower Dimension moved to capture the Vigilant.

The Vigilant, however, proceeded to move through the edge of Urch's atmosphere before escaping to hyperspace. Shortly after his visit to Urch, Ilparg demanded that the Lioaoi provide an explanation of their involvement in the Urch incident; however, they denied any such involvement.


The Urchiv-ki species was native to Urch, which served as the Tower Dimension's capital.


Urch housed art galleries that were the pride of the Urchiv-ki.

Behind the scenes

Urch appeared in the 2020 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, the first installment in Timothy Zahn's Ascendancy Trilogy.






