TK stormtrooper

TK stormtroopers, commonly known by the shortened name of TK troopers, were an early generation of non-clone stormtroopers who served the Galactic Empire. While the clone troopers of the former Galactic Republic were the first generation of the Empire's stormtroopers, TK troopers represented the first wave of naturally-born human recruits in the Imperial Military instead of relying on cloning. They were trained by clone commandos as part of Project War-Mantle. They wore a prototype armor, with their helmets being repurposed from the canceled Phase III clone trooper armor design, and carried DC-15A blaster carbines.


Clone stormtroopers were deployed across the galaxy to enforce the new Empire.

Clone stormtroopers were deployed across the galaxy to enforce the new Empire.

In the aftermath of the Clone Wars and the rise of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, the fledgling Empire inherited its precursor state's military, the clone troopers of legendary Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett, who were officially rechristened as Imperial stormtroopers. The clone stormtroopers were deployed across the galaxy to enforce Imperial authority, suppress dissent, destroy Separatist holdouts, and enforce the implementation of several new Imperial policies, such as the chain code. While the clones displayed great loyalty to the Empire, much of this loyalty was enforced by their behavioral modification biochips. Concerns soon began over the cost of creating new clone troopers, as well as the clones' accelerated aging and limited shelf life. Furthermore, the clone troopers had been created for the Republic, which the Empire had replaced.

The continued use of cloned soldiers was called into question by Governor Wilhuff Tarkin and Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart, two Imperial officers who believed that a conscription-based force of non-clone troopers was a cost-effective alternative to the expensive Kaminoan cloning operation. Tarkin would visit Kamino shortly after the conclusion of Order 66 to discuss the future of the clone trooper program with Prime Minister Lama Su, who insisted on the continued production of clone troopers, citing the former Republic's contract which stipulated the further creation of clones. Tarkin dismissed the contract, as it had been created between Kamino and the Republic, which no longer existed. Though the two agreed that the Empire would need more soldiers to maintain order, Tarkin believed that a conscription force could achieve this objective at half the cost.

Tests for the replacement the clone army with a new force composed of enlisted soldiers were conducted with volunteers.

Tests for the replacement the clone army with a new force composed of enlisted soldiers were conducted with volunteers.

Working in conjunction with Vice Admiral Rampart, Tarkin would sanction the formation of a small team of Elite Squad Troopers, four non-clone volunteers that had been recruited from across the galaxy. The troopers were placed under the command of CT-9904 "Crosshair," a clone commando and sharpshooter that had remained loyal to the Empire after his squad, Clone Force 99, had defected. Rampart believed that these recruited troopers could be trained to be just as effective as clone troopers if given proper instruction by experienced clones. The unit's first mission was to wipe out Saw Gerrera's fighters on the planet of Onderon, the same mission that Clone Force 99 had refused to carry out. The squad of troopers would return to Kamino after wiping out Gerrera's fighters and the civilians under their protection, though trooper ES-01 was executed by Crosshair after refusing to execute unarmed prisoners. Tarkin was impressed with the performance of the squad, and put Vice Admiral Rampart in charge of the clandestine Project War-Mantle.

Clandestine recruitment

Clone commandos oversaw the training of an early iteration of stormtrooper recruits designated as "TK troopers."

Clone commandos oversaw the training of an early iteration of stormtrooper recruits designated as "TK troopers."

With the non-clone soldiers effectiveness proven through the victory on Onderon, a hidden Imperial training facility was established on the planet Daro that contained the first thousand non-clone stormtroopers in secret, without the Imperial Senate knowledge, who were recruited from across the galaxy and represented its first wave, and were trained by elite clone commandos like Captain CC-5576 "Gregor." Gregor would eventually attempt to defect and fled the Imperial installation, but was caught and imprisoned. Clone Force 99, employed by another rogue clone, Rex, would later infiltrate the base and extract Gregor from captivity. As the rogue clones ran through the facility's hallways, squads of TK troopers, led by their clone commando instructors, attempted to harry their progress. Gregor would later comment that, while the TK troopers were not as skilled as their predecessors, there would be an endless supply of them.

With the continued progress of Project-War Mantle, the Empire would eventually terminate its contract with the Kaminoans, officially shutting down the clone trooper program. Just as Lama Su had feared, the Empire would not allow the cloners to continue their operations, and quickly moved to extract their cloning technology. After all clone troopers had been reassigned off-world, squads of TK troopers were deployed to gather and extract the Kaminoan's cloning equipment. Once the facilities had been cleared, a fleet of Venator-class Star Destroyers bombarded Tipoca City, as well as other Kaminoan facilities across the planet.

Several months after the destruction of Kamino, the numbers of the TK troopers had grown substantially to the point of being able to be deployed in full units. However, the majority of the Imperial military was still composed of clones, and TK troopers were often deployed in conjunction with clone stormtroopers. When a force of Separatists on the planet of Desix refused to submit to Imperial authority, a squad of clone stormtroopers under the command of Cody were deployed to the planet to quash the Separatist holdout. After the Separatist stronghold had been cleared by the clones, an occupation force comprising entirely TK troopers were deployed on the planet.

Official formation

The Imperial Senate is shown the truth about Kamino, only for the Emperor to twist it as a rogue action carried out by Rampart and his clones alone, resulting in the bill passage.

The Imperial Senate is shown the truth about Kamino, only for the Emperor to twist it as a rogue action carried out by Rampart and his clones alone, resulting in the bill passage.

Around 18 BBY, more than a year after the rise of the Empire, after having been rejected once before, the Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill, the legislation to legalize the recruitment of non-clone soldiers in the Imperial Military, was up for vote once more in the Imperial Senate, but opposition from Senators Riyo Chuchi, Bail Organa, and Tynnra Pamlo, as well as Emperor Palpatine's absence from the initial hearings. Organa and Pamlo said as the Clone Wars were over, there was no need for a new army. With Chuchi believing that it was unfair to discuss the replacement of the clones without giving them a say in the matter or offering financial and social support after their decommissioning, resulting in the vote being postponed.

Despite initially lacking provisions for the decommissioned troopers' living arrangements and pensions, Rampart eventually included them in the final version of the bill as suggested by Chuchi, who unofficially represented the clones. However, the admiral would reveal to Grand Vizier Mas Amedda that he did not have any actual intention of providing retired clones with these provisions. Furthermore, without the Senate's knowing, recruited troopers had already began been secretly trained and even seeing limited deployment in the place of clones in certain cases during debates about the bill.

During the last voting session, Chuchi brought Halle Burtoni, the former Senator of Kamino where she testified of Rampart's mishandling of funds. Organa also presented new evidence, in the form of Vice Admiral's Venator-class Star Destroyer's command log, which proved Rampart's direct involvement in Tipoca City's destruction. This news resulted in an uproar and the bill being threatened; however, Emperor Palpatine's appearance and subsequent speech in which he twisted Rampart's crimes as being a rogue action, resulted in its passage.

Mass deployment

The number of TK stormtroopers gradually increased as more clone troopers were killed in action or forced into retirement by the Empire.

The number of TK stormtroopers gradually increased as more clone troopers were killed in action or forced into retirement by the Empire.

Being fully legalized, TK stormtroopers began a phased but widespread deployment across all sectors, including arriving in large numbers on Barton IV to retrieve shipments of TK armor for the growing numbers of non-clone recruits in the Stormtrooper Corps. Doing so, they replaced a small contingent of clones stationed at the depot that had succumbed to the elements and attacks from insurgents. When clone commando Crosshair returned to the depot along with a mortally wounded Clone Commander Mayday after a failed attempt to retrieve stolen Imperial equipment, a group of TK troopers attempted to investigate but were ordered back to work by Imperial Lieutenant Nolan. After Nolan was killed by Crosshair when he refused to give Mayday medical aid, TK troopers ran over to disarm the clone as he fell unconscious.

Sometime after, a small team of TK stormtroopers stationed on an Imperial installation on the planet Balmorra boarded a Gozanti-class cruiser to provide security for the vessel as it delivered three dissident former clone troopers, Captain Howzer and two of his men to the Tantiss Base on Mount Tantiss. As the Gozanti left Balmorra and prepared to jump into hyperspace, it was ambushed and disabled by a ship belonging to the rogue Clone Underground. Using a leech vessel, the rogue clones boarded the Gozanti and engaged in a fierce firefight with the ship's TK stormtrooper crew. Ultimately, the Imperial troops were overwhelmed and the rogue clones briefly captured the vessel, which was subsequently destroyed after a responding Imperial Venator-class Star Destroyer deployed a squadron of Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighters, which strafed and destroyed the Gozanti.

Concurrently, numerous TK stormtroopers had begun to be stationed at the Wayland facility on Mount Tantiss, which was previously garrisoned entirely by Imperial clone commandos of the Imperial royal guard. When Crosshair, who had been imprisoned at the base after the incident on Barton IV, briefly escaped his captivity, he dispatched several squads of TK stormtroopers that were patrolling the facility's corridors before ultimately being recaptured.

Later, TK stormtroopers stationed on Governor Tarkin's compound on the planet Eriadu engaged the rogue clones of Clone Force 99 after the squad had infiltrated the facility. At the same time, a group of Partisans under the leadership of Saw Gerrera snuck into the facility and disguised themselves as TK stormtroopers. After several intense shootouts with the infiltrators and taking heavy casualties, the compound's TK stormtrooper garrison managed to overwhelm both groups, who attempted to escape. As Gerrera and his surviving partisans fled in a captured Nu-class attack/transport shuttle, Clone Force 99 attempted to escape using the compound's sky rail system.

The sky rail was temporarily taken out of commission by the explosions Garrera and the Partisans had planted in the misguided hopes of assassinating Governor Tarkin, Director of Advanced Weapons Research Orson Callan Krennic, Chief Scientist of Advanced Science Division Dr. Royce Hemlock, Admiral Barton Coburn, and General Hurst Romodi, which put both Clone Force 99 and a group of TK stormtroopers, who were riding a different rail car at the time of the former group's escape, in danger of falling. The sky rail was strafed several times by V-wing starfighters piloted by TK stormtroopers, eventually causing it to temporarily fall apart and lead to the death of the rogue clone Tech. Shortly after, the Empire would track the remnants of Clone Force 99 to Ord Mantell City, and would deploy numerous TK stormtroopers to occupy the city.

Twenty-one days after the capture of Omega, a group of TK stormtroopers, which included TK-343, were coming to Mount Tantiss on Imperial Shuttle 135, when it was hit by lightning just when they were descending into the planet's atmosphere. The group survived the crash, but were killed by the creatures of the Tantiss jungle despite TK-343 trying to contact the base for support. Four months later, the Tantiss Base on Mount Tantiss continued to be staffed by large numbers of TK troopers overseen by clone commandos. Contingents of troopers greeted Galactic Emperor Palpatine upon his visit, and attempted to recapture Omega and Crosshair when they launched an escape from the facility.

TK stormtroopers were present as part of an Imperial presence on Lau when Omega and Crosshair crashed on the planet after their escape from Wayland. The troopers guarded a spaceport that contained numerous different species of animals abducted by the Empire. In an attempt to seize a shuttle and leave the planet, as well as to reclaim their abducted lurca hound "Batcher," Omega and Crosshair assaulted the spaceport and battled with its stormtrooper garrison. After releasing the animals and causing a stampede, Omega and Crosshair escaped in a shuttle with Batcher as the stormtroopers fled from the rampaging creatures.

After Omega's location was confirmed by the Clone X trooper CX-2, Clone Commander Scorch dispatched a division of the Imperial Army, including TK stormtroopers and several Imperial clone commandos, to the planet Pabu to retrieve her. A Venator-class Star Destroyer arrived above Pabu island and deployed numerous LAAT/i gunships, which began to land Imperial troops to occupy the town. Under orders from CX-2, the gunships strafed Pabu's docks and destroyed the island's boats and skiffs to prevent any escape. Concurrently, CX-2 ordered his troopers to lock down the town and search every domicile until Omega is found. Upon Omega's surrender, CX-2 orders a stormtrooper to scan her for tracking devices. As CX-2 departed the planet with Omega separately, the remaining Imperial forces entered their gunships and were recalled back to the Venator.


A TK shock trooper at Raven's Peak

A TK shock trooper at Raven's Peak

Like clone trooper armor, TK stormtrooper armor was comprised of white armor plates worn over a black body glove. Its most contrasting feature was the helmet. Repurposed from the canceled design for Phase III clone trooper armor, it contained a single visor with two lenses, forgoing the Mandalorian-derived T-shaped visors of clone trooper helmets. It also contained a raised ridge that ran from directly above the visor to the back of the helmet. The standard-issue weapon of TK stormtroopers was the DC-15A blaster carbine.

Similar to the clone troopers immediately following the formation of the Empire, most TK armor used identical white plating, forgoing custom insignias, colors, and attachments. Some exceptions existed, such as how TK shock troopers were denoted by red markings on their armor, as well as red pauldrons.

Some TK stormtroopers stationed on the planet of Lau utilized brown armored ponchos and black goggles over the visors of their helmets.

Behind the scenes

Concept art of stormtroopers by Ralph McQuarrie heavily inspired the design of TK stormtroopers in The Bad Batch.

Concept art of stormtroopers by Ralph McQuarrie heavily inspired the design of TK stormtroopers in The Bad Batch.

TK stormtroopers first appeared in the fourteenth episode of the first season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch. The episode was titled "War-Mantle" and was released on July 30, 2021. The design of the TK stormtrooper armor was heavily inspired by the original concept art of stormtroopers by Ralph McQuarrie. As shown in voiced storyboards for "Return to Kamino" shared by , "TK troopers" were originally referred to simply as stormtroopers in the series.

The TK troopers introduced by The Bad Batch open a possible continuity error with stormtrooper armor seen within Star Wars: Darth Vader: Burning Seas, the fourth story arc of Charles Soule's Star Wars: Darth Vader comic series. According to Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide, the events of Ahsoka occur before those of The Bad Batch episode "Truth and Consequences," during which time TK trooper armor was still in use according to subsequent episodes of The Bad Batch. However, Ahsoka features the death of the Sixth Brother. As the Sixth Brother appears within the arc, the events of Burning Seas must occur before those of Ahsoka and, therefore, those of "Truth and Consequences." However, what appears to be finalized stormtrooper armor appears in Burning Seas, which cannot be the case if it is set during the TK trooper era. Due to some minor artistic licenses taken with the armor, it can be retconned by future material into another prototype variant, however.






















































