
Nolan was a human male who served the Galactic Empire as a lieutenant during its early reign. In 18 BBY, Nolan was dispatched to the planet Barton IV to oversee the collection and transportation of cargo from the planet's Imperial Depot. The lieutenant was shot by Crosshair after he refused to administer medical aid to the dying Clone Commander Mayday due to his views on the clones.

Securing Imperial supplies

Following the end of the Clone Wars and the formation of the Galactic Empire from the Galactic Republic, Nolan served as an officer in the Empire, and held the rank of lieutenant. In 18 BBY, more than a year after the Empire's founding, Nolan would be assigned to the planet Barton IV to oversee the collection of Imperial supplies being held on large depot on the planet.

Just outside of the Imperial Inspectorate HQ on Coruscant, Nolan met with Crosshair and briefed the commando on the mission. Upon noticing that all of the stormtroopers under his command would be clones, Nolan openly expressed his distaste for the Kaminoan-produced troopers, believing them to be "used equipment," earning a wordless stare from Crosshair. The Imperials then boarded a Rho-class transport shuttle and departed for Barton IV.

Several hours later, the shuttle arrived on Barton IV outside the Imperial Depot. As Nolan stepped off the shuttle's ramp, he nearly lost his balance due to the planet's icy surface, but was caught by one of his clone stormtroopers. Nolan angrily told the clone to guard the shuttle as he, Crosshair, and the other troopers entered the Imperial Depot. Inside, the group met Clone Commander Mayday and his surviving men, who had been stationed on the base for more than a year. After a heated exchange with Mayday regarding rank and experience, Mayday had his surviving troopers escort Nolan around the Depot, while he and Crosshair went outside to patrol the Depot's perimeter.

Following an insurgent attack on the Depot, Nolan furiously demanded Crosshair and Mayday to track down the raiders and recover all of the supplies that had been stolen during the raid. Ignoring protests from Mayday that more troopers would be required for such an operation, Nolan sent the two clones out into Barton IV's wilderness amidst a blizzard. While Mayday and Crosshair were out, more Imperial shuttles arrived with squads of the ever-prevalent TK stormtroopers, who begun extracting supplies from the depot under the supervision of Nolan.

Refusing to save Mayday

The following day, Crosshair returned to the Imperial Depot with a heavily wounded Mayday in tow, having failed to recover the stolen cargo. While processing supplies with the TK stormtroopers, Nolan noticed the two clones return to the base. Nolan demanded his troopers to return to work while he dealt with the clones personally.

As the two collapsed in front of him, Crosshair asked Nolan for a medic, however the officer chastised the clones for failing in their mission. Despite the continued pleading cries from Crosshair for Nolan to help the dying Mayday, the lieutenant simply refused, stating that it would be a waste of the Empire's resources, with Crosshair saying he will die.


As Mayday passed away in front of the two, Nolan arrogantly stated that he had served his purpose an Imperial soldier, and reminded Crosshair that, as clones, he and Mayday were expendable, further insinuating that any more disrespect from Crosshair would result in his death. After ordering Crosshair to return to work while he was still "useful," Nolan turned his back to the clone. Rising to his feet, Crosshair called out to Nolan, who turned to face him. Before he could react, the Imperial lieutenant was shot in the chest by the disgruntled clone commando. As TK stormtroopers rushed over to disarm Crosshair, Nolan's body laid lifeless on the ground.


When he returned to Barton IV alongside the rest of Clone Force 99 to find information about Mount Tantiss, Crosshair admitted to Hunter that he betrayed the Empire after they had betrayed him, referring to having killed Nolan after he refused to help save Mayday.

Personality and traits

Nolan was a human male with pale skin, blond hair, and blue eyes. A stickler for protocol and following the new Imperial rules, he openly had a distaste for clone troopers, describing them as "used equipment" and regarded them as "expendable." He believed the clones only had a place in the Empire while they were still "useful" and showed no consideration for their well-being. Nolan was not tolerant of failure, refusing to help Crosshair and Clone Commander Mayday after they returned from a mission empty handed and were in need of medical assistance. He allowed Mayday to die in front of him and was unbothered by it, reminding Crosshair that the clones were considered expendable. This proved to be his undoing, as Crosshair would shoot Nolan in the chest, killing him.

Behind the scenes

Kiner Music's cryptic post for Lieutenant Nolan

Kiner Music's cryptic post for Lieutenant Nolan

Nolan first appears in the Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode "The Outpost." His appearance was first hinted at in a post by Kiner Music as part of a series of cryptic tweets that hint at upcoming Bad Batch episodes.









