Raven's Peak


The Raven's Peak was an Imperial fortress located on a mountain in the Seswenna sector capital planet Eriadu, Governor Wilhuff Tarkin's homeworld. It consisted of several facilities built inside the mountain's rock as well as a tower rising on top of it. The facility, informally known as Tarkin's compound, was heavily defended and accessible only through the air or a dedicated a dedicated sky rail system that connected the Raven's Peak starfighter depot with the main complex. A well guarded hangar on the lowest level of the facility, directly connected to the rail line terminal was the only access point of the complex.

Landing bay

The compound's landing bay was a sprawling cave-like chamber guarded by TK stormtroopers who were also tasked with servicing stationed ships, checking them for homing beacons and loading supplies and weapons. A control room overlooked the landing bay and was manned by an officer and two Imperial weapons technicians who oversaw the landing and departure of starships, checked their clearance codes and checked the zone's security systems. Overall, the landing bay could accommodate at least five Rho-class Transport Shuttles and a Alpha-3 V-wing starfighter in a landing configuration.

Sky rail line

Apart from the landing bay, the only other access point to the facility was a sky rail line which sprawled all the way from a base station that doubled as a starfighter depot to a terminal next to the Raven's Peak hangars. The line could be traversed by special rail cars that dangled from the rails and used powered cogs to move from the base station to the terminal and back. Two parallel lines were used and each could function independently from the other in case of mechanical failure; interface with the line controls was possible through a number of control stations scattered in the support pylons of the line. A number of perimeter sensors were placed in the spots were the line came close to land to deter hijacking from intruders.

Command tower

Raven's Peak played host to several high-ranking Imperial officers

Raven's Peak played host to several high-ranking Imperial officers

The command tower was the main focus of the facility and included a heavily fortified conference room located directly on top of the mountain peak, the peak itself being used as the centerpiece of the conference table and supporting a holoprojector. Around the table were six chairs, one of which had a higher back than the others and was reserved for Governor Tarkin himself. The room featured a large window overlooking the valley below; both the window and the chamber's entrance could be sealed with double blast door that could withstand a bomb attack. The tower's isolation from the rest of the complex was designed so its occupants would be protected even in the case of the Raven's Peak being completely destroyed.

Control station

Inside the main complex was a control station which monitored all aspects of the site security, including the corridor security cameras and perimeter sensors. It was manned by weapons technicians who could reroute the power as needed or raise alarms to on site security in case of a perimeter breach.






