

Siv was born on Parnassos in the Scyre, a rock dwelling tribe. She was taught by her mother how to extract the essence of dead creatures using a detraxor, and, when her mother died, Siv took on the responsibility of using the essence to make oracle salve. When Brendol Hux's ship crashed, Siv was on the team to bring him back to it in exchange for the First Order helping her people. She was one of the few to survive the mission, but Phasma and Hux would not take her along on his rescue ship as expected. She got radiation sickness from their journey into the dead lands and had to go to a Con Star medbay in Calliope Station to be healed. Siv was pregnant at the time from a previous relationship with Keldo or Torben and worried that the radiation would harm the baby. It did not, however, and the child, later named Torbi, was fine. Siv and Torbi lived there for 10 standard years, until Vi Moradi found them and promised that she would come back as soon as she could, as she was on an intelligence gathering mission about Captain Phasma, and could not bring them back to the Resistance in her single seat starship. Four months later, Moradi made good on her promise to Siv and returned to Parnassos to rescue the pair from Jagnar and his before taking them with her to Black Spire Outpost on Batuu. As they approached the planet, Siv asked openly what she would do now since she no longer had to fight to survive as she spent most of her life doing, Vi assured she could do anything now and also made an offer for her to join the Resistance.

Skills and abilities

Born on Parnassos, Siv was adept at climbing and knew how to extract the essence of a dead being, and turn it into oracle salve. This was taught to her by her mother, who died and passed the responsibility on to Siv.

Behind the scenes

Siv first appeared in the 2017 novel Phasma. She was later pictured during a flashback sequence in the third issue of the miniseries Star Wars: Captain Phasma.


  • Star Wars: Timelines












