
After the arrival of General Brendol Hux and his stormtroopers on the planet Parnassos, Phasma and her warriors agreed to aid them into reaching their fallen starship. When they consulted to Keldo about this in the Nautilus, he was enraged about the fact that Phasma had broken the biggest peace treaty in their history and caused an unnecessary war. Phasma ignored him, stole supplies and left at night with four of her best warriors, Brendol Hux and the three stormtroopers accompanying him, leaving the Scyre to defend themselves. Keldo later led his people in a pursuit of his sister. The two groups met at the fallen starship, where they fought each other. Due to him being unable to walk, he rode on a sled alongside his daughter, Frey. Phasma managed to reach her brother during the skirmish, at which point Keldo pleaded with her, but she remained unmoved and shot him in cold blood.

Keldo may have also been the father of Siv's daughter Torbi rather than Torben, since Torbi had the same blonde hair as him.

Behind the scenes

In an interview with, Phasma author Delilah S. Dawson stated that Keldo is, in many ways, the keystone of Phasma's evolution. Keldo begins as the brain to her brawn in a balanced team, but the lessons he teaches to her go way beyond a typical sibling relationship.


  • Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition
  • Star Wars: Timelines






