Pako (Witherbloom)


Pako was piloting the Witherbloom when it nearly collided with an unidentified ship. Master Xinith Tarl ordered him to try and contact the ship. The unidentified ship attacked them and rammed the Pathfinder ship before Pako could evade it. He attempted to prevent the Witherbloom from crash-landing but were unsuccessful. After coming to a stop, Pako tried to open the hatch but it was buckled shut due to the crash. He informed the rest of the crew that the ship was going to blow. Rok Buran asked them if the outside atmosphere was breathable and Pako told him that they had to evacuate the crash immediately.

Pako escaped the crashed ship with the rest of the crew and went back to examine the wreckage for anything useful. When Coron Solstus suggested the group go and check out the other wrecked ship, Pako was worried there might still be hostiles on-board. When they reached the wreckage, Pako joined Master Sula Badani, Ambar, and EX-5A to explore the ship. They discovered several corpses that had been mauled to death. Further inside, Pako stayed to guard Ambar and the injured Xinith while Badani went deeper into the ship to investigate.

Guarding the entrance to the cargo bay, Pako saw Badani stumbling back under the effect of the creature. As the creature returned to the hull of the ship, Pako and Ambar realized they would have to take action since they weren't disabled by the creature's influence. The medic realized that they might be able to route any remaining power through the hull and drive off the creature. Pako assisted Ambar in moving the Jedi to another location where they would be safer.

Once the group was settled in, Pako took Ex-Five with him and made his way through the wreckage towards the engine room. The two were ambushed by a group of Path of the Open Hand. He engaged in a firefight with the group while Ex-Five managed to open access tunnels to give Pako a way around the ambush. After making it to the engine room, Pako took the droid's suggestion and used the power left in the latency circuits, rerouting it through manifold expressor. The resulting electrical shock arced across the hull and stunned the creature.

Pako made his way back to the cargo hold and was greeted by Ambar, who congratulated him on the success of their plan. Unfortunately, the creature returned to the hull and tried to get in again. When Buran and Solstus returned with members of the crew, Pako drew his blaster on them but Rok told them that there was a truce between the groups and they needed to cooperate. The pilot reminded the Jedi that it was the Path's fault they had crashed. While the Jedi conferred, Pako came up with a plan to deal with the creature. Realizing the ship would never fly again, he proposed that they lure the creature inside, trap it, and set the engines to overload to cause an explosion. Pondering over the idea, he realized that it would be difficult and require bypassing many safety protocols. While the injured received treatment, Pako went to the engine room with Sula and two of the Path disciples. Needing power to access the system, Pako used Ex-Five as a battery. During the repairs, he engaged in a philosophical discussion with Wole.

Pako is killed by a Nameless

Pako is killed by a Nameless

As they continued their modifications, Shalish mocked his devotion to the Jedi. The two Path members fled when they heard the sounds of the approaching monster and Pako stayed in the engine room to continue his attempts to self-destruct the wreckage of the ship. Solstus was able to connect the power lines to the other part of the ship and Pako started up the engines and set them to overload. As he made his way back to the group to assist with the evacuation, he heard Badani under attack by the creature. He rushed to her defense, shooting the animal with his blaster. He managed to drive it off, but not before the creature slammed him into a wall which killed him.

Behind the scenes

Pako was first pictured in the Star Wars News article "New Star Wars: The High Republic Tales and More Reveals from the Lucasfilm Publishing Panel" on He was later identified when the issue came out.













