Xinith Tarl

Xinith Tarl was a Bith Jedi Master who served on the Jedi High Council of the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era.


During the Battle of Jedha, Masters Tarl, Vohlan and Har'kin arrived on Jedha to assist Master Creighton Sun and Jedi Knight Aida Forte and to end the fight.

Tarl traveled on the Pathfinder ship Witherbloom with the rest of the team. She was talking to Buran about the mission to Gloam and losing the rest of his team. When the Witherbloom narrowly missed hitting a ship that appeared suddenly out of hyperspace, she went to the cockpit and attempted to make contact with it. The ship attacked and collided with the Pathfinder ship, and Xinith was badly injured by falling debris. Buran carried her out of the Witherbloom before it exploded and directed Ambar to care for her. She was transported to the wreckage of the other ship as the team went to look for supplies. Ambar realized all the movement was hurting Tarl and set her down in a cargo bay. Despite being unconscious, she was still affected by the phenomena that overwhelmed the other Jedi.

Tarl was affected by the creature and Sula Badani ordered the medic Ambar to move her to somewhere safer despite Ambar's objections. When they reached another cargo bay, the medic put Tarl down on the floor and treated her with a medical kit they had found.

Once comfortable, Ambar injected Tarl with some medicine which caused the Bith to regain consciousness. Badani informed her that the creature was gone, but Tarl sensed they were still in terrible danger and needed to warn the others. The creature returned to the outside of the hull and the Jedi realized it was driven by an all-consuming need to feed which made it deadly to the Jedi. When Buran returned with several members of the Path of the Open Hand, Tarl directed Ambar to treat their wounded.

Tarl and Ambar unknowingly defending the eggs

Tarl and Ambar unknowingly defending the eggs

Tarl was left behind in the cargo bay with Ambar and Geth. She sensed the presence of many more of the creatures, not realizing the jewels that were stored in the cargo bay with them were actually eggs. The Jedi Master ordered the medic to gather up Geth and move to another location. As she travelled through the ship, she came across the rest of the survivors. Rok Buran asked Tarl how she was, and she responded that she was not dead yet. As the creatures closed in, Tarl and the rest of the survivors fled the wreckage before the overloaded engines exploded.

Powers and abilities

Xinith Tarl was skilled enough in the use of the Force to have attained the rank of Jedi Master and acquire a seat on the Jedi High Council. Tarl wielded a yellow single-bladed lightsaber.


  • Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia


















