Mission to the Forest Array

In 9 BBY, Jedi Knight Cal Kestis undertook a mission to the Forest Array on the Outer Rim planet Koboh to find the key to Tanalorr, a planet hidden in the Koboh Abyss. Kestis was sent on the mission by ZN-A4, a droid from the High Republic Era who had been tasked with finding the key to Tanalorr at the Forest Array by Jedi Master Santari Khri hundreds of years earlier. When Kestis reached the inside of the array, he discovered a bacta tank. After having vision via psychometry when he touched it, Kestis freed High Republic Era Jedi Knight Dagan Gera, who was the key to Tanalorr, from the tank. However, Gera had turned to the dark side of the Force and after bleeding his lightsaber's kyber crystal, dueled Kestis. Gera escaped with the help of the Bedlam Raiders and their leader Rayvis, who had been indebted to Gera since the High Republic Era.



