Dagan Gera's lightsaber

A yellow-bladed split lightsaber was wielded by the Jedi Knight Dagan Gera during the High Republic Era. After being released from stasis during the Imperial Era in 9 BBY, Gera bled the kyber crystal and the blade turned red.

After Gera's death at the hands of Cal Kestis and Bode Akuna, Akuna secretly retrieved one of the blades and carried it as his own after he betrayed Kestis.


Constructed by the renowned Jedi Knight Dagan Gera, this weapon possessed an ornate hilt design indicative of the era the weapon was built in, and had yellow blades during Gera's time as a Jedi. However, during the Imperial Era, Gera bled the crystal, turning the saber's blades a deep crimson.

It was a split saber that had the ability to be wielded in both single and double-bladed forms.

High Republic Era

Dagan Gera constructed his lightsaber at the height of the High Republic Era, a golden age of both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. At one point, he dueled the Gen'Dai warrior Rayvis in single combat and defeated him, becoming the only warrior at the time to ever do so.

Gera wielded the blade during the Nihil invasion of the planet Tanalorr, during which he led the Jedi's defense of the planet. After the Jedi Council ordered Tanalorr abandoned, an infuriated Gera murdered several of his fellow Jedi with the lightsaber.

When Gera was critically injured and lost his right arm in an altercation with Santari Khri, she placed half of the lightsaber in the Forest Array's Rehabilitation Wing along with Gera himself, who was submerged in a bacta tank for preservation on Khri's orders.

Age of the Empire

After two centuries of stasis, Gera was released from his prison from Jedi Knight Cal Kestis, who informed him of the destruction of the Jedi and the rise of a Galactic Empire from the ashes of the Republic. Kestis then returned Gera's lightsaber to him. After staggering to the nearest flat surface, Gera telekinetically disassembled his lightsaber and poured his anger and hatred for the Jedi Order, who he felt had betrayed him, into the crystal, bleeding it into a deep red.

Gera used the saber to duel Kestis multiple times during the fallen Jedi's quest to return to Tanalorr. After Gera's death at the hands of Kestis and his friend Bode Akuna, Bode secretly retrieved half of the lightsaber.

When Akuna betrayed Kestis and the Hidden Path to the Empire, revealed himself as a former Jedi, and attempted to reach Tanalorr on his own with his daughter, he used Gera's blade to duel Kestis on two occasions. While he was victorious in their first encounter, Akuna was eventually defeated by Kestis in their second encounter, with the lightsaber knocked out of his hands. Kestis then killed Akuna when he refused to see reason. The saber was subsequently left behind in the temple on Tanalorr as Kestis and the Stinger Mantis crew held a funeral for Akuna, Cere Junda, and Eno Cordova.


  • Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia



