Jeelta Urdosh


During the Cold War, Jeelta, along with Portho Kaltemmic and Broga Masrii, formed the Three Families and broke away from the Hutt Cartel to support the Galactic Republic by providing them with combat adrenals process from Quesh venom.

In 3642 BBY, Jeelta discovered that Portho had betrayed the Three Families to the Sith Empire. But before he could punish the traitor, a group of Imperial heroes stormed their palace. Jedi Master Berin Fraal, who was communicating via hologram, ordered Jeelta to take the intruders prisoner and deliver them to him. Jeelta then quickly hid behind a ray shield while his enforcers and droids attempted to subdue the Imperials, but they were all felled, before the Imperials overloaded the shield generators, electrocuting Jeelta, killing him.


  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia



