Berin Fraal

During the Quesh war, Berin Fraal served as a commander of the Republic forces' efforts to repel the Sith Empire's advance on the planet, and protect the vital adrenal production as well. He worked directly with the Three Families, who consisted of Hutts who (to the ire of the rest of their Cartel) aligned themselves with the Republic.

At some point, Portho Kaltemmic had secretly became a double agent for the Empire, betraying his fellow Hutts on the Three Families and their alliance the Republic. Though Fraal had discovered Portho's betrayal, the latter had already arranged for an Imperial spacer, whose help was enlisted by Moff Dracen to aid in the Empire's efforts on Quesh, infiltrate the Three Families' palace. Via holoprojector, Fraal ordered Jeelta Urdosh to capture Portho and the Imperial. However, the Imperial defeated Jeelta's guards and Republic protectors, and then fried the Hutt with his own shield generator before killing Portho as well.

With the loss of the palace, Fraal and Broga Masrii's forces were pushed back to the adrenal foundry, but they were pursued by the Imperial, who breached the foundry's defenses and eventually confronted the pair. Broga recommended that Fraal take adrenals before fighting the Imperial, to which Fraal refused. Despite his efforts, Fraal was defeated by the Imperial, who then pushed the Jedi into a pit of hazardous chemicals.


During the Quesh war, Berin Fraal served as a commander of the Republic forces' efforts to repel the Sith Empire's advance on the planet, and protect the vital adrenal production as well. He worked directly with the Three Families, who consisted of Hutts who (to the ire of the rest of their Cartel) aligned themselves with the Republic.

At some point, Portho Kaltemmic had secretly became a double agent for the Empire, betraying his fellow Hutts on the Three Families and their alliance the Republic. Though Fraal had discovered Portho's betrayal, the latter had already arranged for an Imperial spacer, whose help was enlisted by Moff Dracen to aid in the Empire's efforts on Quesh, infiltrate the Three Families' palace. Via holoprojector, Fraal ordered Jeelta Urdosh to capture Portho and the Imperial. However, the Imperial defeated Jeelta's guards and Republic protectors, and then fried the Hutt with his own shield generator before killing Portho as well.

With the loss of the palace, Fraal and Broga Masrii's forces were pushed back to the adrenal foundry, but they were pursued by the Imperial, who breached the foundry's defenses and eventually confronted the pair. Broga recommended that Fraal take adrenals before fighting the Imperial, to which Fraal refused. Despite his efforts, Fraal was defeated by the Imperial, who then pushed the Jedi into a pit of hazardous chemicals.



