ISB board


Part of the Investigations branch, the ISB board was an intelligence council comprised of the eighteen ISB sectorial Supervisors and their Attendants, as well as members of the Imperial Navy and Army whenever required. In 5 BBY, the council was supervised by Major Lio Partagaz, the officer responsible for drafting the Imperial sectors; Partagaz was responsible for organizing the supervisors, settling personal and work-related disputes between them and managing standard forums as well as emergency sessions. In rare occasions, such as the Aldhani heist, ISB chief Colonel Wullf Yularen would also make an appearance on the board to personally brief its members on new Empire-wide developments.

Known members


During emergency situations, the entire board would be convened to decide on an appropriate response, as was the case following the Aldhani heist

During emergency situations, the entire board would be convened to decide on an appropriate response, as was the case following the Aldhani heist

Unlike the Joint Chiefs of the Imperial Military, the ISB board was not actually comprised of its highest-ranking members, which at the time of its formation were the members of ISB high command led by Colonel Yularen and Deputy Director Harus Ison; rather, the board was a collection of the highest echelon of field operatives who were directly tasked with supervising the armed "boots on the ground". Supervisors and their Attendants would be personally responsible for the planets in their agenda, oftentimes going to great lengths to secure and protect them. Despite their relative authority, members of the board could still be subject to disciplinary action in case they were found to have violated their rules of operation, and could even be reassigned to a different sector altogether. Partagaz was ultimately responsible for deciding on these matters, and would sometimes ask members of the board to resolve their differences before the council by presenting their arguments to their peers.

Apart from being a meeting place and announcements board for new developments on each supervisor's territory, the board also acted as an inter-branch liaison that facilitated the cooperation between the Imperial armed forces and the ISB during delicate operations. For missions that required the military act carefully based on previously collected intelligence, the supervisors would directly take control of the operation and direct all forces accordingly, as was the case during the attack on the Spellhaus Imperial power station.


In 5 BBY, the council was comprised of eighteen Supervisors with two or three Attendants each and managed by Major Partagaz. With the slow but steady development of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the council became all the more relevant as randomized acts of defiance against the Empire started becoming more frequent. With the Ryloth Insurgency becoming more severe every day, Grandi, the Supervisor responsible for the Gaulus sector requested an increase to the Empire's blackline budget in the area due to the number of detentions related to the unrest increasingly eroding local authority. During the same meeting, Supervisor Blevin, responsible for the Free Trade sector reported on the attack against a Pre-Mor Security Inspection team on Ferrix, during which five corpos were killed and a stolen Imperial N-S9 Starpath Unit was recovered.


















