
Captain Lagret was a human male who served in the Galactic Empire's Imperial Security Bureau as an Investigations supervisor. In 5 BBY, he reported at a meeting on the planet Coruscant that a conflict on Arvala-Six had diminished enough for mining to resume, but was chastised by Major Partagaz for ongoing storage issues with those displaced by the conflict and a unfinished memorandum that the supervisor was meant to have completed. Lagret made the excuse that he was waiting on , but this prompted Partagaz to make a speech about the purpose of the bureau and then tell Lagret that the memorandum would be reassigned.


Lagret reported on events on Arvala-Six during a meeting at the Imperial Security Bureau on Coruscant.

Lagret reported on events on Arvala-Six during a meeting at the Imperial Security Bureau on Coruscant.

Lagret was a human male who held the role of ISB Supervisor and the rank of captain within the Investigations branch of the Imperial Security Bureau during the reign of the Galactic Empire. He was responsible for overseeing Arvala-Six, where a conflict was taking place. In 5 BBY, the conflict diminished enough that mining was able to resume on occupied land, which Lagret viewed as a positive development; however, there was still ongoing storage issue with those displaced by the conflict. The supervisor was required to write a memorandum of recommendations on how to deal with this issue, but it remained unfinished while his staff awaited an assessment from .

The memorandum was still unfinished when Lagret attended a meeting of supervisors in a bureau building on the planet Coruscant. The resumption of mining on Arvala-Six came up as an item on the meeting's agenda, with Major Partagaz questioning Lagret on the development and pointing out that he still had not completed his recommendations. When Lagret attempted to explain that his staff were waiting for the director, Partagaz sarcastically commented on the excellent job they had done so far. When Lagret failed to respond, the major asked him what they did at the bureau, but the supervisor was confused by the question.

Supervisor Lagret was dismayed that his memorandum was reassigned by Major Partagaz.

Supervisor Lagret was dismayed that his memorandum was reassigned by Major Partagaz.

Partagaz opened it up to the wider room, allowing Lieutenant Dedra Meero to provide a verbatim portion of the Imperial Security Bureau mission statement, but the major declared this incorrect, instead stating that the bureau's purpose was identifying symptoms and treating the "sickness" of disorder within the Empire. Lagret claimed to understand what Partagaz meant by this, but the major told him to no longer worry about the memorandum as it would be reassigned.

Lagret and the other supervisors were later summoned back to the meeting room alongside numerous other staff after the Imperial payroll for an entire sector was stolen from an Imperial installation on the planet Aldhani. Partagaz informed the room that they would not be going home and should let their staff and families know, ordering that every in the building to be ready for presentation by midnight.

Lagret later attended a meeting led by ISB Colonel Wullf Yularen, in which the latter dictated a series of retaliatory measures in effect as a response to the incident on Aldhani, including the invocation of the Public Order Resentencing Directive. Following this, Lagret and a number of other ISB board officers attended another meeting, in which Supervisor Blevin levied charges against Supervisor Meero. The meeting ended in the reassignment of the planet Ferrix, formerly under the purview of Blevin, to Meero for her assignments.

Yularen later led another meeting which Lagret attended, in which Meero stated her intentions regarding Ferrix and petitioned Yularen for equipment, with the goal of identifying a rebel operative specialising in the acquisition of Imperial gear. Later, as the ISB investigation regarding this operative - now codenamed Axis - ramped up, Lagret attended another meeting where Meero divulged the information she had learned through her investigation. When Meero mentioned how one of the associates of Axis - Cassian Andor - had returned to his home planet of Ferrix after the Aldhani incident with money, Lagret suggested that it could have been from the sale of an Imperial N-S9 Starpath Unit found on Ferrix after a skirmish. Lung dismissed the theory, as the Starpath unit was left behind. Lagret later asked if Meero had questioned the mother, but the Supervisor denied it, referring to her as bait.

Personality and traits

Lagret believed his item on the meeting agenda was a positive development, but was confused after Partagaz chastized him over the memorandum and then asked him the purpose of the bureau, mistaking the question as one about Arvala-Six. When the major told him that the memorandum would be reassigned, the supervisor looked in dismay to Supervisor Lonni Jung, who was sat next to him. Lagret had balding gray hair, blue eyes, and light skin.


Lagret wore a white Imperial officer's uniform with a code cylinder on each shoulder and a rank insignia plaque with four blue squares.

Behind the scenes

Lagret was portrayed by Michael Jenn in "Aldhani," the fourth episode of the television series Andor, which aired on September 28, 2022. Prior to the episode's release, he was visually revealed in the teaser trailer for the show which aired on May 26, 2022.






















