Sev Tok

Sev Tok was a location in the galaxy. In 5 BBY, Imperial Security Bureau Major Partagaz told ISB Dedra Meero that he was impressed by her detention numbers from the location. Sev Tok shared its name with the Sev Tok system.

Sev Tok was first canonically mentioned in "Aldhani," the fourth episode of the television series Andor. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the planet Sev Tok was first mentioned in the article "Droids Defiant" in the ninth issue of the magazine Star Wars Adventure Journal.

Behind the scenes

Sev Tok was first canonically mentioned in "Aldhani," the fourth episode of the television series Andor. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the planet Sev Tok was first mentioned in the article "Droids Defiant" in the ninth issue of the magazine Star Wars Adventure Journal.



