

At age 12, Harr arrived on Koboh after he heard stories that there were fortunes to be had on the planet for those who were willing to work hard.

He eventually struck up a friendship with the Watulan Doma Dendra, the founder of Ramblers Reach Outpost. In 24 BBY, marauders from the Inner Rim went to Koboh to settle, and demanded half of the planets exports in exchange for protection. Harr was present at a meeting called by the townsfolk to decide how to proceed, with some agreeing to the marauders demands, but Dendra had no intention of negotiating with the bandits. The next day, she met with the marauders, and, after thirty minutes, the gang exited the Outpost looking spooked. They then left the planet and were never seen again. Harr considered the unknown words Dendra said to the marauders to be the mystery that nobody could crack, one that that he continued to attempt to solve for half at least half his lifetime.

Prior to 9 BBY, he was working on the dredgers not far from the Outpost, a task he wasn't thrilled with as the machines were difficult to operate. Upon approaching one of the machines that had malfunctioned, the ground beneath him gave out and he fell into a pitch black cavern, where he heard the sounds of roaring carried by the warm wind. His cries for help were heard by No-Boots Korsaa who helped him escape using a synthrope. Doma Dendra later informed him that a crew of smugglers lost a shipment of juvenile rancors in those caves.

In 9 BBY, Harr was exploring various areas of the planet when he heard stories of Jedi Knight Cal Kestis' skirmishes with the Bedlam Raiders. He returned to the Reach after Kestis had killed the Gen'Dai Rayvis and told the Jedi that he appreciated him and BD-1 sticking up for the Ranch and its people.

Harr claimed to Kestis that he had been a patron of Pyloon's Saloon for a long time, longer than most of its other regular visitors. During his time spent in the saloon, he gained a reputation for being the primary source of gossip and rumors. He enjoyed telling Kestis his memories of locals Taule and Tendo Gugbridge, who stepped on a detonator after discovering a large cavern crawling with priorite. He also developed a distrust for Taule and Turgle, blaming both for the presence of Imperials on Koboh, stating his belief that the former alerted them to the presence of priorite on the planet. He believed the Imperials were mining the priorite to create a secret weapon or palace. Despite his mistrust of Turgle, Harr expressed amazement at the frog's discovery of a shell in Swindler's Wash, stating he couldn't believe he had retrieved it by himself.

The presence of the Empire on Koboh unnerved Harr as this level of occupation was not something he had ever been used to. He knew there had always been danger in the Outpost but considered this situation to be different, though he took strength knowing it would take more than a few TIE fighters flying overhead to break the townsfolks spirit.

Regardless of the Imperial occupation, Harr remained loyal to Koboh. He told Kestis that most who landed on the planet planned to leave at some point, and whilst he believed there to be no shame in that, he surmised the reason most remained is that they ultimately fell in love with planet. In his opinion, fellow Pyloon's regulars Mosey Cimmaron, Zygg Soza, and Tulakt did not have what it took to be considered Koboh residents. He believed stubbornness was the key to comfortably settling on the planet and surmised that true Koboh residents were like moss - you could scrape them off but they'd just grow back. Harr considered Kestis to be one of the townsfolk after questioning whether the Jedi would remain on the planet permanently.

Behind the scenes

Harr first appeared in Respawn Entertainment's Star Wars Jedi: Survivor which released on April 28th, 2023.



