Dexter Jettster

Dexter "Dex" Jettster, nicknamed Dexi Jet, was a male Besalisk prospector and diner owner with a colorful background. During the High Republic Era, he was renowned for his hyperspace prospecting and worked closely with his friend Maz Kanata the Pirate Queen, spreading stories of her and pirate crew across the galaxy. He later lived on the planet Coruscant and was the owner of Dex's Diner. Serving mostly hard workers from the area, the diner offered home-style cooked meals and freshly brewed ardees ("Jawa juice"). Jettster worked as the cook and employed two waitresses, Hermione Bagwa and her WA-7 waitress droid partner, FLO.

It was shortly before the Clone Wars that Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi came to Dex's Diner to see if his old friend, Jettster, could identify a poisoned dart. Though few even knew of the planet Kamino, Jettster did from his days as a prospector on Subterrel and was able to identify the dart as originating from Kamino. Furthermore, he knew of the native inhabitants, the Kaminoans, who were cloners of some repute and kept to themselves but were welcoming to those who brought credits. Jettster gently chided his old friend Kenobi who as a Jedi should have put more faith in another person's wisdom than the droids of the Analysis Rooms.

At Kanata's side

Dexter Jettster during the High Republic Era.

Dexter Jettster during the High Republic Era.

Dexter Jettster was a male Besalisk who was renowned for his work as hyperspace prospector. During the High Republic Era, Jettster worked as part of his friend Maz Kanata the Pirate Queen's pirate crew and frequently visited her castle on Takodana. He also gained a reputation as a storyteller, collecting stories from across the galaxy on his travels and bringing them back to tell to the pirates on Takodana. During this time, Jettster also fought in the Battle of Jedha alongside Kanata's crew and helped defend her castle from a hostile takeover by the Dank Graks, a criminal group made up of users of the Dark side of the Force. He also worked on the black market and as a prospector on Subterrel.

Meeting Obi-Wan Kenobi

While in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy, Jettster joined a crew led by a Mikkian named Loegrib. Their job was to mine a mysterious energy from the planet Lenahra. Once they arrived on the planet, they found a group of seven younglings; Audj Seedol, Casul, Shush, Trill, Amyt, Mem, and Zae-Brii. The children were being protected by a Jedi Padawan named Obi-Wan Kenobi. At first, Loegrib expressed kindness towards the children and encouraged them to leave with him once they retrieved the energy. However, it soon became apparent that Leogrib was content with leaving the children to die in order to complete the job. With Kenobi's assistance, Jettster rallied the rest of the crew and helped the children defeat Leogrib, leaving him to die as they left the collapsing planet. Afterwards, Jettster helped relocate the children to a safer home and traveled with Kenobi to the Galactic Republic capital of Coruscant.

While living there, he followed his love for food and opened a restaurant named Dex's Diner. He would also form a close bond with Kenobi and help him on various missions. Every night, he would have dessert as his dinner due to his Besalisk biology and as an excuse to eat the leftover sweets, rather than let them expire. While he indeed was open to using the black market for supplies and could even run an entire underground network on Coruscant itself, Jettster managed to convince Inspector Tanivos Exantor Divo that his diner was a totally legal business.


Dexter Jettster confronting Tri Tellon

Dexter Jettster confronting Tri Tellon

Sometime between 32 and 29 BBY, Jettster was having issues with his customers' items being stolen from them while at the diner. In order to solve the issue, he teamed up with his friend the Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, who planted a tracker in a paperweight of his and placed it out in the open, attracting the thief. Sure enough, the thief, a Pa'lowick named Tri Tellon, grabbed the object and ran out, shoving Wanda out of the way as Jettster shouted for someone to stop her. Tellon was able to sneak away from the pursuit of Kenobi, bringing her new item back to her den as she thought it had valuable.

Tellon excitedly told a robed figure who she assumed to be her partnet, Magreda, about her findings, but the figure turned around, revealing himself to be Kenobi, who had tracked her. Jettster had also come along, using his imposing figure to block off Tellon's exit. Kenobi revealed his ploy to a furious Tellon while Jettster thanked the Jedi for his help, for all of his customers' stolen items were gathered there. Years later, between 34 and 35 ABY, the cartographer Emil Graf told the story of Kenobi and Jettster's trickery; having heard the tale from his great-aunt, Lina Graf, he used it to make a point about one not being as clever as they thought themselves to be.

Pile of junk?

At some point during the era of the Galactic Republic, Jettster's friend Servit, a Mirialan, came to the diner in search of Jettster's help. While the Besalisk was busy when he arrived, a moment later he came out of the kitchen to greet Servit, offering him the brakkenback stew. Happy to see his friend, Servit had to decline as he needed to talk privately with Jettster. Noticing Servit's worried look, he asked Wanda to take care up front while he and his friend talked in the kitchen. Once there, Servit opened by confirming that Jettster had once been a prospector a long time prior, which the Besalisk affirmed with a chuckle.

Servit unveiled a large bundle he had brought with him, which contained an old EX droid that he hoped Jettster could explain. The Besalisk gave a brief history, telling Servit about how the droids used to be used by Republic Pathfinder teams visiting the Outer Rim Territories, but he was confused why Servit would have one. The Mirialan told Jettster a story in return, regarding an ancestor of his who had been in a Pathfinder team and was killed in a pirate raid centuries prior. He also mentioned a Jedi named Sturm and a location called Shara'Tam, which Jettster recognized, for they were the same details as from a legendary prospector tale about a lost treasure on a moon called Shara'Tam. He further explained that an EX droid in the tale had been dispatched with information about the treasure but was never found, leading Shara'Tam to be known as a tall tale and Jettster to never thinking that the story was real; Servit took this to be an indication from this friend that the droid in front of them could correspond to that of the legend, which Jettster acknowledged with a shrug.

Now that he had that information, Servit understood why Jarl, a Weequay individual whom he had inquired about the droid, had tried to take it from him, forcing him to run away. As Jettster tried to get Servit to explain what he was hiding, Jarl and his crew arrived, leading Jettster to stomp to the front of the diner to confront them just as the EX droid began rebooting its old systems. Servit again tried to refuse to give up the droid, but Jarl did not give him a choice, for his crew was holding up the diners at blaster point. Folding his arms, Jettster defended his friend, reiterating that he would not give up the droid and that nothing would stop his guests from enjoying their food. Jarl was intimidated by the Besalisk but continued, suggesting that Jettster bring a bowl of the brakkenback stew so that Servit could think over his options. Jettster went back to the kitchen to retrieve the stew, confusing Servit, who followed him. Jettster innocently claimed he was just serving lunch, but along with the stew, he brought along a frying pan.

Let it stew for a bit

Jettster gave the bowl to Jarl, who let his guard down to eat it and was subsequently knocked unconscious by Jettster's frying pan. A protocol droid member of Jarl's crew, T7, tried to retaliate, but Jettster was too quick, throwing the stew at the droid with a roar and clogging up his inner workings. The remaining two crewmembers, a human and a Togruta, started firing. Jettster had Wanda evacuate the customers and requested more pans from Servit, using them to whack their attackers in the head, eventually causing them to surrender. However, by then Jarl had awoken, and he held a blaster to Servit's neck, forcing him to bring him back to the kitchen to inspect the EX droid. The droid, which had been rebooting all the while, was working again and playing a message from Sturm Umbrik on a loop.

Jettster recognized Umbrik in the holo and said his name out loud in awe. The message described the expedition's findings on Shara'Tam, which included a valuable statue along with the moon's coordinates. Once the holorecording ended, the room was silent for a moment until Jettster started laughing uproariously. He confused and angered Jarl, who intended to go take the statue, which would be worth a fortune. Fighting back laughter, Jettster agreed that it would have been but that the coordinates pointed to the Ishram system, which had been destroyed fifty years prior. Neglecting to check the coordinates himself, Jarl had the his Togruta crewmate check the status of the Ishram system on his datapad, which only confirmed that it no longer existed. Furious, Jarl and his crew left the diner, leaving Jettster alone with Servit.

The Mirialan thanked Jettster for getting him out of the situation but apologized that he would not be able to pay for the damage, for he was low on credits. Grinning, Jettster assured him that there was treasure waiting for him out among the stars that would surely pay well. Servit was confused, thinking the Ishram system to have been destroyed; Jettster confirmed that it was but that the coordinates actually placed Shara'Tam in the still-existing Arath system: he had tricked Jarl and his crew. In disbelief, Servit laughed and asked if Jettster could make him a quick dewback burger, knowing that the stew was now unavailable as it was strewn all over the floor. Jettster laughed in return, handing his friend a mop so that he could first help Wanda clean up the diner.

Approached by Kenobi

Kenobi investigating the Kamino saberdart at Dex's Diner

Kenobi investigating the Kamino saberdart at Dex's Diner

In 22 BBY, an assassination attempt on Senator Padmé Amidala during the Separatist Crisis, Jettster was approached by Kenobi as part of an investigation into Amidala's aggressors. Kenobi wanted to know if Jettster could identify a poison dart. Jettster did so, determining that it was from the planet Kamino. He and Kenobi then exchanged friendly banter before Kenobi left the diner. Armed with Jettster's information about Kamino, Kenobi visited the Jedi Archives, though he was unable to locate the system.

Falling on hard times

Following the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Jettster found himself struggling to obtain certain ingredients for his customers, forcing him to cut various items from the menu and affecting his restaurant's income. At one point, Sabé, one of the restaurant's regulars asked the waitress droid FLO about the missing menu items. FLO went on to explain the situation, which led to Jettster himself ranting about it from behind the counter. Sabé tried to assure Dex that the Republic would do something about it, to which Dex reminded her that whether they did or not, he would still be there trying to run the diner. Still, he advised her that one small act of good could have great ripple effects.

Helping Kenobi again

Ahead of his mission to Cato Neimoidia, Kenobi visited Jettster for advice on how to meet with the Neimoidians.

Imperial Era

Dexter Jettster on Athus Klee.

Dexter Jettster on Athus Klee.

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Dexter looked through a box of reading material on the planet Pashvi. Jettster purchased the book that would become known as the Smuggler's Guide previously owned by Reginald Danfillo from the box for fifty credits, which had been tucked between The Biography of Master Thief Makuta and The Field Guide to Trammic Reptavians, because he saw Maz Kanata's name on the first page.

After hearing rumors about unethical experimentation—specifically illegal cyborg mods and bodies grown to fit buyer specifications—and related tales of miners being worked to death in the stellar skirt of the Tingel Arm, Jettster arrived on Athus Klee in a star-streamer to investigate. After the starship made port in the morning, most passengers poured out quickly and headed directly into the Spacers' District. By the time the older Jettster had made it off the vessel, every inn had been fully booked out. Jettster instead headed out of the district into the underbrush and found a relatively dry rise then lay down under the stars. He discovered the Crimson Dawn was advertising for workers to mine ore in their ore hub.

After six days of hacking through the jungle with a vibro-machete, Jettster had received bites from two vipers and countless gnats, but managed to find the ore hub. Sneaking around the hub's processing plant, the Besalisk spotted the chop shop and took a number of scans of the workers with his macrobinoculars. Initially fearing he could do nothing to save the workers but then remembering the lesson he had imparted upon Sabé years prior, he rescued a single Rodian worker from the hub and the pair headed back toward the spaceport.

Jettster rescued a Rodian worker from the ore hub.

Jettster rescued a Rodian worker from the ore hub.

En route, the pair spent hours one night starring up at the stars through the jungle canopy. Upon reaching the port, Jettster contacted a politician on the galactic capital, Coruscant, who he was friends with and informed him of the hub. The politician sent a ship to pick up the Rodian and Jettster's surveillance scans so that they could be taken before the Imperial Senate Council of Labor Abuses. Jettster wrote about his experiences on Athus Klee throughout his journey, with Evazan and the smuggler Han Solo annotating the pages with their own comments when the book later fell into their possession.

While still on Athus Klee, Jettster then visited the Rasher's Rest cantina, where he met the hunter Tyro Viveca and left his possessions unattended while visiting the latrine. Viveca took the opportunity to steal the book that would become known as the Smuggler's Guide from Jettster and then left Athus Klee for the planet Kashyyyk.

Fall of an Empire

By 4 ABY, Dex's Diner was defunct. Dex still lived on Coruscant and was present for the aftermath of the news of the Emperor's death. With Coruscant soon exploding into civil war over whether to stay with the Empire or defect to the rebellion, Jettster provided a small rebel cell operating on Coruscant access to the smuggling tunnel connected to his abandoned diner, which proved to be a decisive tool in hurting the Empire. During the New Republic Era, Jettster was mentioned as having been a notable Besalisk in "Species From A to Z," a survival compendium sent out by Carson Teva.

Personality and traits

Jettster was a Besalisk with a pudgy stomach who stood 1.88 meters tall. He had a brown-black mustache, yellow eyes, and tan-brown skin. Jettster was a very friendly individual who greeted his friend Kenobi with a hug. He was even willing to help the Jedi Knight identify a poisoned dart that was used to kill the bounty hunter Zam Wesell and provide information on the isolated Kaminoan species. While he did carry out illegal acts during his life, such decisions appeared to be born out of a hope to do good and help others.

Behind the scenes

Dexter Jettster was voiced by Ronald Falk in Attack of the Clones. He was originally written to be married to his waitress, Hermione Bagwa. In the early 2020s, Jettster underwent what writer James Dillon termed the "Dexter Jettster Renaissance." In addition to making short appearances in the 2022 novels Queen's Hope and Brotherhood, Jettster's first meeting with Obi-Wan Kenobi was depicted in the 2022 novel Padawan. He appeared as a major character in that year's relaunch of Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures. He was also given a Galactic Tales short story entitled "Galactic Tales: Inheritance" and, in 2023, received yet another short story, "The Veteran," within From a Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi, which was released on August 29 of that year. Dillon wrote the Star Wars Insider piece "Dexter Jettster: Pan-Galactic Besalisk of Mystery" as his contribution to the renaissance.

Non-canon appearances

  • Disney Infinity 3.0
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga














































































