Galactic Tales: Inheritance

"Galactic Tales: Inheritance" is a short story featuring the character Dexter Jettster that was published in Star Wars Insider as part of the Galactic Tales series celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the prequel trilogy film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. In the story, a friend of Jettster's, the Mirialan Servit, is on the run from a gang that is after a valuable droid he owns. Jettster helps Servit fend off the persuers as well as use the droid to find coordinates to treasure. The story was written by George Mann and was published in Star Wars Insider 211 on June 7, 2022.

The plot and the stew thicken

The Mirialan Servit enters Dex's Diner on the planet Coruscant at some point between 32 BBY and 19 BBY. He notices seven customers eating but recognizes none of them, for which he is thankful. Servit approaches the counter and notices the owner, Dexter Jettster, busy cooking food. The waitress droid, Wanda, asks what she can do for him, but he requests Jettster instead of food; Wanda informs him that the Besalisk is busy, so he will need to wait.

Servit came to Dex's Diner for information.

Servit came to Dex's Diner for information.

A moment later, Jettster addresses Servit from the other side of the counter, offering him the brakkenback stew, but the Mirialan asks to talk in the back instead. Once there, knowing that Jettster used to be a prospector, he shows Jettster an EX droid that has been in his family for generations and asks the Besalisk what it is. Jettster explains that it was an old way of communicating during the Great Hyperspace Rush but that they are not commonly seen anymore, and he inquires as to why Servit has one.

The Mirialan explains that it is a family heirloom linked to an old Jedi named Sturm, whom, to Servit's surprise, Jettster has heard of, further identifying them as "Sturm Umbrik." Jettster adds details of Umbrik's expedition, which he knows of as a legendary tale: Umbrik's Pathfinder team found treasure on a moon called Shara'Tam but was killed by pirates; however, Umbrik was able to send out an EX droid with information about the discovery, which was never recovered. Jettster continues, saying that he had always thought of it as another tall tale and had never expected for the droid to turn up, especially in the hands of a friend.

The calm before the Sturm

Dexter Jettster helped Servit fend off Jarl's crew.

Dexter Jettster helped Servit fend off Jarl's crew.

A blaster shot is then heard from the front of the restaurant, and Servit apologizes to Jettster for getting him involved: the Mirialan had tried to figure out the droid's value and had revealed it to the Weequay Jarl, who worked out that it was the droid of legend and chased after Servit with the rest of his crew. Servit has hoped he shook them off, but he realizes that they found him. As the EX droid begins to reboot, Jettster and Servit hurry to the front, where Jarl is holding the customers at blaster point with his crew: a human, a Togruta, and a protocol droid, T7. Servit reaffirms that he has no intention of giving up the droid, but Jarl simply grins, feeling that he does not have a choice unless lunch is ruined for the customers. Jettster comes to his friend's defense, adding that his guests' lunches were going to be enjoyed no matter what.

The Besalisk intimidates Jarl; the Weequay suggests that he enjoy a bowl of brakkenback stew so that Servit can think about his options. Servit feels he has no options, but Jettster complies, going back and bringing the pan of stew as well as a frying pan. He serves a bowl to Jarl and proceeds to whack him unconscious with the frying pan; this prompts T7 to raise his blaster toward Jettster, who disables the droid by throwing the entire pan of stew at it, gumming up its inner workings. The remaining two members of Jarl's crew open fire, so Jettster has Wanda evacuate customers while Servit brings him more pans to fight with. The Besalisk uses the pans effectively, bringing the human and Togruta to surrender.

Servit up nice and hot

The EX droid (other EX droid pictured) that Servit found contained coordinates for Shara'Tam.

The EX droid (other EX droid pictured) that Servit found contained coordinates for Shara'Tam.

However, the fight is not over just then as Jarl has awoken and poked a blaster into Servit's neck, forcing him and Jettster to go to the diner's rear. The EX droid has finished rebooting and is cycling through a message of Sturm Umbrik, who delivers a report on Shara'Tam and its treasure and provides its coordinates. Once the message is finished, Jettster breaks out into a rumbling guffaw, irritating Jarl, who plans to go to the moon and make a fortune off of it. Fighting back laughter, Jettster agrees that the treasure there would have been worth a fortune but that according to the EX droid's coordinates, Shara'Tam had been in the Ishram system, which had been destroyed fifty years prior.

Jarl asks the Togruta to check Jettster's claim but neglects to verify the coordinates himself; the Togruta confirms the system's destruction. Furious, Jarl leads his now-miserable crew out of the diner to bring T7 to the shop for repairs. Servit thanks Jettster for his help and apologizes that he will not be able to pay for the restaurant's damages. The Besalisk, on the other hand, feels that Servit has a valuable family legacy waiting for him, which confuses Servit, who thinks that the Ishram system was destroyed. Jettster confirms that it was but that the EX droid's coordinates in fact point to the still-existing Arath system, revealing that he had tricked Jarl. Servit laughs in disbelief and jokingly asks for a dewback burger to replace the brakkenback stew, which is now all gone. Jettster roaringly chuckles and decides that Servit should first help Wanda clean up the diner.

Development announced that author George Mann would be penning a Dexter Jettster–focused story as part of the Galactic Tales series, celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the prequel trilogy film , in an article on February 25, 2022. In the article, Mann discussed how much he likes the prequel trilogy era and its development by the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series. Mann tried to build on the history of the galaxy explored upon by The Clone Wars akin to the way that the Star Wars: The High Republic project had done. "Inheritance" was published in the Star Wars Insider magazine's 211th issue on June 7, 2022, by Titan Magazines. It was reprinted in the special Journal of the Whills edition of Star Wars - The Official Magazines 108th issue, published by Panini Verlag on December 14, 2022.


"Inheritance" marked the first appearances of the EX droid and the Republic Pathfinders, both of which went on to play an important role in Phase II of Star Wars: The High Republic. As part of the Galactic Tales series, the story featured a character and setting—Jettster and his diner—that were also in Attack of the Clones.


A review of the story on a website titled The Future of the Force called the story "delightful" as it showcases Jettster's best traits. The article also praised the story's unexpected ending.













