Crofyp's task force

A task force was a part of the Kilji species' nation of the Kilji Illumine under the command of General Crofyp. Its flagship was the Kilji war cruiser Anvil, which was supported by Colonel Tildnis' Kilji picket cruiser Hammer. The Anvil was crewed by several Kilji vassals, beings that followed the Kilji beliefs. The vassals included Vassal One, Vassal Two, Vassal Three and Vassal Four. The Hammer was crewed by several Kiljis.

In 18 BBY, the task force traveled to the Unknown Regions Rapacc system in an attempt to retrieve a group of refugees hiding at the planet Rapacc on orders of the Grysk operative known as "Jixtus," who had allied himself with the Illumine's leader, Generalirius Nakirre. There, Crofyp's forces were confronted by the Paccosh-commandeered Nikardun blockade frigate Aelos, and after a brief verbal confrontation, the general prepared to attack. However, the Chiss heavy cruiser Springhawk disabled the Anvils starboard before its assault, and soon after destroyed it while allowing the Hammer to flee to the Sunrise system through hyperspace.


The task force, part of the Kilji Illumine nation of the Kilji species, was commanded by General Crofyp. It consisted of two warships, Crofyp's flagship, the Kilji war cruiser Anvil, and its sister ship, the Kilji picket cruiser Hammer commanded by Colonel Tildnis.


In 18 BBY, Crofyp's task force was dispatched to retrieve several refugees at the Unknown Regions Rapacc system by the Grysk operative that called himself "Jixtus," who had allied himself with the Illumine's leader, Generalirius Nakirre. Jixtus also assigned Pathfinder navigator Qilori to the Anvil. During the vessels' voyage through hyperspace to the star system, Qilori stopped the Anvil near their destination as he had noticed the Hammer had slowed down. Informing Crofyp that both cruisers would arrive at their destination in fifteen minutes, Qilori continued navigating the Anvil through hyperspace after the Hammer had appeared next to them.

Crofyp's task force was defeated by Senior Captain Thrawn (pictured).

Crofyp's task force was defeated by Senior Captain Thrawn (pictured).

Following the warships' arrival at the Rapacc system, the Kilji task force was confronted by the Paccosh-commandeered Nikardun blockade frigate Aelos. The frigate's captain, the Paccosh Uingali foar Marocsaa, questioned the Kiljis on their target and identity. Crofyp introduced his task force and stated his goal, ordering the frigate to let them continue to the planet of Rapacc so they could retrieve the refugees they had come for. However, Marocsaa did not comply, forcing the general to move the task force for a cross fire attack on the Aelos.

Shortly after the Anvil and the Hammer had been positioned for the attack on the frigate, the Chiss heavy cruiser Springhawk arrived at the outer system, firing two ship-disabling plasma spheres at Crofyp's flagship before doing a microjump to join Crofyp and the Nikardun's confrontation in the inner system. As the spheres neared their target, Chiss Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo, core name "Thrawn," the commander of the Springhawk, communicated with Crofyp, ordering him to move clear of the Aelos. As the general was furious upon the Chiss' orders to move clear of the frigate, which the Chiss had classified as their prey, he fired laser salvos from the Anvil and the Hammer at the Chiss heavy cruiser following his ships' turn to face its new foe.

Shortly after the Kilji laserfire impacted the Springhawk, Thrawn's plasma spheres disabled the Anvils starboard side, including the weapon and defense displays on the bridge. Qilori told Crofyp to flee; however, the Kilji said they would not be fleeing, remarking that those enlightened to the Kilji religion fought and prevailed. Qilori called the Kilji general a fool, and fled in an escape pod while Crofyp used a black weapon to threaten his navigator for fleeing. The pathfinder escaped while the Anvil exploded after several breacher missiles slammed into its paralyzed side. The Hammer then retreated to the Unknown Regions Sunrise system after the Chiss decided to spare it.

Commanders and crew

Crofyp's task force was commanded by Crofyp and Tildnis. The Anvil was crewed by several Kilji vassals, beings that followed the Kilji religious beliefs. The vassals included Vassal One, a weapons operator, Vassal Two, the sensor operator, Vassal Three, another weapons operator, and Vassal Four, the comm operator. Its sister ship, the Hammer, was crewed by seventeen Kiljis.[1]

Behind the scenes

Crofyp's task force appeared in the 2021 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, the final volume in Star Wars: The Ascendancy Trilogy by Timothy Zahn.






