Kilji vassal

The Kilji vassals were beings who followed—or were enlightened to—the Kilji way of order and enlightenment group of beliefs. They could not think, or create any move, without their master, which could be the Kilji Illumine government leader, Generalirius Nakirre, or General Crofyp. Those serving under both Kilji leaders repeated the words of the Kilji enlightenment: "I obey," after their master gave them a directive. Around 18 BBY, vassals served the generalirius aboard his Kilji war cruiser Whetstone, and others: Vassal One, Vassal Two, Vassal Three, and Vassal Four served aboard Crofyp's war cruiser Anvil. After Nakirre's death at the hands of "Jixtus," his Grysk ally, his vassals—one, two, and three beings—began to follow the Whetstones navigator, Qilori.

Behind the scenes

The Kilji vassals first appeared in the 2021 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil by author Timothy Zahn.






