104th Battalion

The 104th Battalion, also known as the "Wolf Pack" Battalion, or the Wolfpack Battalion, was a clone trooper military battalion of the Grand Army of the Republic. The 104th was led by Jedi General Plo Koon and Clone Commander Wolffe throughout the Clone Wars. A subunit of the battalion was the similarly nicknamed Wolfpack squad.


The 104th Battalion customized their armor with special unit markings and grey-black patterns.

The 104th Battalion customized their armor with special unit markings and grey-black patterns.

Before the end of the Malevolence Campaign, clone troopers of 104th Battalion—a subdivision of the Grand Army of the Republic—could be distinguished by the maroon markings on their Phase I clone trooper armor. With so many of the battalion's clones lost during the Battle of Abregado, clone troopers of the battalion later changed to a color scheme of flint grey or blue-grey as a way to honor those lost at Abregado. One subunit of the 104th was the elite Wolfpack squad.

The commanding officer of the battalion was Jedi General Plo Koon, who also flew under the callsign Wolf Leader. The second-in-command was Clone Commander Wolffe. Members of the battalion included Clone Sergeant Sinker, Clone Corporal Comet, clone troopers Boost, Wildfire, and Umbra, and clone pilots Warthog and Corvis. The ranks of the 104th Battalion consisted of standard clone troopers, clone trooper officers, clone pilots, clone sharpshooters, and heavy weapons clone troopers.

Mission to Quarmendy

The 104th Battalion's Wolfpack squad fought on the Nexus during the early days of the Clone Wars.

The 104th Battalion's Wolfpack squad fought on the Nexus during the early days of the Clone Wars.

Early on in the Clone Wars, General Koon sent Commander Wolffe and three Wolfpack troopers, Boost, Sergeant Sinker, and Corporal Comet on a mission to the Nexus, a floating city and trading outpost located on the planet Quarmendy, famous for its elaborate defense systems, which was captured by Separatist forces led by Emir Wat Tambor.

Using JT-12 jetpacks and grappling hooks attached to their DC-15A blaster carbines, the squad scaled the wall, while being shot at by the city's defense system and Tambor's D1-series aerial battle droids. The clones were able to reach the top of the wall without suffering a single casualty.

However, when Tambor's forces were breached by their incursion, he destroyed the city as to not allow it to be controlled by the Galactic Republic. Before the destruction, the clones were able to rescue a hostage, the city's custodian, Orkle. Despite the loss, Koon showed gratitude to Wolffe for making sure all of them survived and for rescuing Orkle. At least one member of the battalion also took part in the mission to Krystar, helping to free captured clones from a secret compound. Clone troopers Wildfire and Umbra also served in the 104th. At some point, their squad was left stranded on the planet Felucia for a month, during which time they ate insects to survive.

Siege of Hisseen

Clone Commander Wolffe lost contact with Jedi General Plo Koon during the siege of Hisseen.

Clone Commander Wolffe lost contact with Jedi General Plo Koon during the siege of Hisseen.

Sometime later after the missions to Quarmendy and Krystar, Wolffe, Koon, and the Wolfpack were sent as part of the Republic's siege of Hisseen alongside Jedi Generals Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi and their clone commanders, Clone Commander Cody and Clone Captain Rex.

When the Jedi were drawn away from the battle to confront Count Dooku and his Sith apprentice Asajj Ventress, Koon attempted to contact Wolffe, but his communication was obstructed by the mountain range. After Wolffe only heard garbled instructions about the Hisseenian parliament, Koon instead sent coordinates to Boost, and Wolffe deduced that they were being sent to rescue the parliament members. Leading the charge, the Wolfpack attacked the droids while again fighting side-by-side with members of the 212th. They were able to successfully rescue the parliament members.

However, as soon as they arrived back, they were ambushed by Count Dooku's forces, and were about to be taken prisoner, when Jedi Generals Plo Koon, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker arrived and rescued the clones. The Republic was able to win the siege of Hisseen.

Rising Malevolence

Sinker was a member of the Wolfpack part of the 104th Battalion.

Sinker was a member of the Wolfpack part of the 104th Battalion.

As numerous Republic fleets were destroyed due to a Subjugator-class heavy cruiser, the Malevolence, Jedi General Plo Koon aboard the Triumphant and his fleet of Venator-class Star Destroyers were sent to hunt down the then-unknown superweapon. The 104th Battalion managed to track the ship to the Abregado system, where they discovered it was, in fact, a Subjugator-class heavy cruiser with an ion cannon.

Before the fleet could call for reinforcements, they lost contact with the Republic. Plo Koon ordered Clone Commander Wolffe to open fire at the Malevolence, but Wolffe informed him that they were out of range. However, the Malevolence had already fired its ion cannon which then hit the fleet. With no power, the fleet was now vulnerable to be destroyed, and the Malevolence opened fire with its laser cannons, destroying the entire fleet. Koon ordered his troops to get to the Republic escape pods before their ships were obliterated.

When the fleet was destroyed, the Malevolence launched a Droch-class boarding ship, also known as a hunter, to search and destroy the remaining escape pods. At the same time, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, searching for survivors, arrived in the freighter Twilight. Meanwhile, the hunter had found Plo Koon's escape pod and went to take them out. Due to Koon's antiox breath mask, and the oxygen system built into the clone troopers' armor, Koon, Clone Sergeant Sinker, and Boost managed to get out of the escape pod and into space while Commander Wolffe kept the pod's signal alive. Koon and his troops fought off the B1-series rocket battle droids that were carried in the hunter and were then rescued by Skywalker and Tano. They managed to get away from the Malevolence and reported their discovery to the Jedi High Council.

Koon would later help Shadow Squadron severely damage the Separatist superweapon during the Battle of the Kaliida Nebula, and later on during the battle the Malevolence was destroyed.

Battle of Khorm

Sometime later, the 104th Battalion's ranks were replenished with new troopers, and the battalion participated in the Battle of Khorm, where they fought alongside Anakin Skywalker. During the fighting, Wolffe was permanently scarred when Asajj Ventress cut his right eye, leaving a long scar across the right side of his face. He later had a silver cybernetic replacement installed. Despite his injury, Wolffe continued to serve and lead his troops.

First Battle of Felucia

Warthog flew for the 104th Battalion during the Battle of Felucia.

Warthog flew for the 104th Battalion during the Battle of Felucia.

Following the Battle of Khorm, the Wolfpack and Koon were deployed on the Negotiator, a Venator-class Star Destroyer, to break the Confederacy navy's blockade of the planet Felucia, and participated in the First Battle of Felucia. The Republic forces, led by Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, and Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, had been overwhelmed by the droid army, so Koon led a group of Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry gunships and V-19 Torrent starfighters through the blockade to rescue Skywalker and his troops, while Wolffe oversaw the space battle against the Separatist battleships and starfighters. Wolffe directed the clone gunners to target and destroy the Confederate Munificent-class star frigates. Meanwhile, Koon and the rest of the Wolfpack extracted Skywalker, Tano, Kenobi, and the clone soldiers and brought them to safety aboard the Negotiator. They then returned to Coruscant, having completed the rescue mission.

At some point after the First Battle of Felucia, where the maroon-colored markings had still been part of 104th armor, the legion shifted to a grey-based coloration in memory of those lost in the Battle of Abregado. Following Grievous's capture of the Jedi Eeth Koth, Wolffe discovered a coded message from Koth that told him that Grievous was heading to the planet Saleucami.

Rescue on Vanqor

The Wolfpack traveled on gunships to Vanqor to rescue Jedi Generals Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker.

The Wolfpack traveled on gunships to Vanqor to rescue Jedi Generals Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker.

When an attempt on the life of Mace Windu by a young Boba Fett failed, the Venator-class Star Destroyer Endurance was forced to crash over the planet Vanqor. However, R2-D2 managed to escape from Vanqor and came to the Jedi Council and showed them the hologram of Skywalker and Windu inside the wrecked Endurance. Plo Koon, Ahsoka Tano, and the Wolfpack were dispatched to the planet to retrieve them. They came down in space gunships to get Skywalker and Windu out of the destroyed bridge. While Koon and Tano used the Force to hold the collapsing bridge steady, Wolffe and Comet jumped in and got Windu and Skywalker onto the gunship.

Citadel rescue

A Republic rescue team was rescued on Lola Sayu by Plo Koon's 104th Battalion.

A Republic rescue team was rescued on Lola Sayu by Plo Koon's 104th Battalion.

When it was confirmed to the Jedi that Kenobi and Skywalker could not get off Lola Sayu with Even Piell and his men, Saesee Tiin, Plo Koon, Adi Gallia, and Kit Fisto went to the prison planet to extract them. They gave Kenobi and the rescue team the coordinates to a small island that would act as an evac-zone. As the rescue team made its way to the evac-zone, a fleet of four Republic cruisers engaged the Separatist blockade. General Koon and Commander Wolffe went down with a gunship escorted by Fisto, Gallia, and Tiin in their Jedi starfighters. When the gunship reached the ground, they managed to get all the survivors onto the gunship and got back to the fleet.

Return to Felucia

The leaders of the 104th and the 501st coordinated their attack strategy upon the return of Republic forces to Felucia.

The leaders of the 104th and the 501st coordinated their attack strategy upon the return of Republic forces to Felucia.

During the Second Battle of Felucia the 104th Battalion, along with the 501st Legion, returned to Felucia to make a night assault on one of General Grievous' outposts in the system. Anakin Skywalker and Clone Captain Rex were leading a diversion on the front gate while Ahsoka Tano, Comet, Sinker, and Boost scaled the back wall. Plo Koon, Wolffe, and their team used jetpacks to fly over the sidewall and surprise attack the enemy inside. After the battle, they realized Tano was missing. The rest of the night they spent searching for her, until the next morning when they left the system.

Mercy mission on Aleen

The Plo's Bros gunships brought the Wolfpack Aleen where they conducted a mission of mercy to help the Aleena.

The Plo's Bros gunships brought the Wolfpack Aleen where they conducted a mission of mercy to help the Aleena.

Aleen was a planet hit by natural earthquakes which had killed many civilians and left their cities in ruins. The 104th Battalion was dispatched to help them rebuild under orders of Senator Padmé Amidala and Grand Master Yoda to give them both food and medical supplies. The astromech droid R2-D2 went with them to help reestablish power, and the protocol droid C-3PO went with them to help the clones communicate with the native Aleena. During their mission C-3PO and R2-D2 disappeared underground, so Commander Wolffe was unable to communicate with the Aleena without C-3PO to help translate. The two droids discovered the source of the earthquakes. The tree-like alien species Kindalo, who lived in the subterranean caves beneath the surface of Aleen, had been angered because the surface-dwelling Aleena had dug too deep and disturbed them. The two droids were then able to negotiate with them, and came to the surface in time to regroup with the 104th as they left the planet.

Rescuing Adi Gallia

After regrouping with Plo Koon's fleet, the 104th Battalion was deployed to free Adi Gallia from General Grievous' dreadnought following Gallia's capture in the Battle of Patitite Pattuna. Koon and his forces successfully boarded the dreadnought and liberated Gallia, though Grievous fled the battle.

Battle of Kadavo

The 104th was part of a Republic strike force that rescued a group of Togruta slaves as well several Jedi and clone officers.

The 104th was part of a Republic strike force that rescued a group of Togruta slaves as well several Jedi and clone officers.

In a mission to rescue enslaved Togruta from Zygerrian enslavers, Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Clone Captain Rex were captured. Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano launched a rescue operation on the planet Kadavo, which was where the slaves were being transferred. Arriving in the YV-865 Aurore-class freighter Tecora, the two Jedi called for reinforcements, in the form of the Wolfpack. As part of a fleet led by Plo Koon and Admiral Barton Coburn, members of the Wolfpack launched a strike force that contained consisted of LAAT/i gunships and clone Z-95 starfighters. The force attempted to break through, but they could not, on account of the ray shield over the facility. Skywalker, however, was able to destroy the ray shield while Kenobi and Rex rebelled and killed the Zygerrian Keeper Argus. The strike force then successfully extracted Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex, and the slaves, and then destroyed the facility.

Investigation on Oba Diah's moon

Koon and the 104th recovered the missing lightsaber of the late Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas.

Koon and the 104th recovered the missing lightsaber of the late Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas.

When the Jedi Temple received a distress signal from the Jedi T-6 shuttle 775519, Koon, Wolffe, and the 104th Battalion were sent to the moon of Oba Diah to investigate. The 104th Battalion landed on the surface and discovered the T-6 shuttle's crash site. Inside, Koon and Wolffe discovered a lightsaber that had belonged to Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. Koon ordered the shuttle to be taken back to Coruscant.

Imperial Era

Wolffe continued to wear parts of his 104th clone trooper armor years after the Clone Wars ended.

Wolffe continued to wear parts of his 104th clone trooper armor years after the Clone Wars ended.

The Clone Wars ended shortly after Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine revealed himself as the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious and issued Order 66, which forced the clone troopers to turn on and kill their Jedi officers via control chips implanted in their brains. Wolffe had his chip removed at some point, and by 4 BBY, he was living in a converted All Terrain Tactical Enforcer on the planet Seelos with Captain Rex and the former clone commando Gregor, who had also removed their chips, when the Spectres arrived, having been sent in search of Rex by Ahsoka Tano.

Rex left with the Spectres to join the rebellion, but Wolffe and Gregor stayed on Seelos in their new home, Joopa Base. Trooper Wildfire had also found his way into the ranks of the Rebellion and learned that Woffle was one of their allies, resulting in him joining the mission to Seelos. A few years after Rex joined, Gregor and Wolffe were recruited to assist in the liberation of the planet Lothal from the Galactic Empire. During the operation, Jedi Padawan Ezra Bridger recruited the assistance of Lothal's native Loth-wolves, creatures with a strong connection to the Force. After Gregor quipped that Wolffe had his "wolfpack" back, Wolffe admitted that the creatures fought much like the "boys" of his old unit.

Non-canon appearances

  • Fortnite












































































