Comet (clone trooper)

Comet was a Clone Corporal who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Serving under the command of Jedi General Plo Koon and Clone Commander Wolffe, Comet was part of the clone trooper unit known as Wolfpack—a military unit that was part of the 104th Battalion.

Throughout the war, Comet served on many missions, working with fellow Wolfpack troopers Boost and Sinker early in the war to infiltrate the floating city known as the Nexus on the planet Quarmendy in 22 BBY as well as performing a rescue mission on the planet Vanqor to save Jedi Master Mace Windu and Jedi General Anakin Skywalker in 21 BBY. He also fought in multiple larger conflicts, including at the Second Battle of Felucia in 20 BBY alongside Koon, Skywalker, and Padawan Ahsoka Tano, and later at the Battle of Kadavo, where he helped to rescue the Togrutas of the artisan colony. Comet's service continued into 19 BBY, the last year of the war, where he traveled to a moon of the planet Oba Diah with Koon and the Wolfpack, searching for signs of the deceased Jedi Sifo-Dyas.


Comet was created as a clone of the bounty hunter Jango Fett on the Wild Space planet Kamino, like all clone troopers in the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic. Comet served as a Clone Corporal in the 104th Battalion's Wolfpack. The battalion was led by Clone Commander Wolffe and Jedi Council member Jedi General Plo Koon, fighting in the Clone Wars against the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Early missions

Comet and the Wolfpack

Comet and the Wolfpack

In 22 BBY, Comet and the Wolfpack battled Separatists forces on the planet Quarmendy. Under the command of Commander Wolffe, Comet accompanied Wolfpack troopers Boost and Clone Sergeant Sinker and use JT-12 jetpacks to infiltrate the Nexus, a floating city and trading outpost, which was controlled by Separatist forces led by Emir Wat Tambor. The four troopers were brought near the station in a gunship piloted by the clone pilot Corvis before using their jetpacks to sneak towards it. Their initial approach was undetected, but the clones were soon attacked by a swarm of D1-series aerial battle droids. They eventually prevailed, but, after their successful infiltration, Tambor opted to destroy the station instead of allowing it to fall into the Republic's hands. The four clones rescued a hostage and tried to fly away, with Comet despairing that the blast radius was going to catch them. However, Koon arrived in another gunship, saving the four troopers. Although they had failed to capture the station, Koon praised their efforts for rescuing a hostage and was appreciative that they had all survived.

Comet supporting Master Windu

Comet supporting Master Windu

After the young bounty hunter Boba Fett sabotaged the Venator-class Star Destroyer Endurance in 21 BBY, Jedi Master Mace Windu and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker landed on the planet Vanqor to search for any survivors of the ship's crew, particularly Admiral Shoan Kilian and Clone Commander Ponds. However, Fett and his allies, the bounty hunters Aurra Sing, Bossk, and Castas, were waiting for the Jedi. When a hidden explosive was detonated, fallen debris landed upon Windu and Skywalker, trapping them. As the two lay in the collapsing wreckage, Skywalker's astromech droid, R2-D2, returned to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and informed both Koon and Skywalker's Padawan Ahsoka Tano of the two Jedi's current state. Koon, Tano, and the Wolfpack left to rescue the Jedi. On Vanqor, Koon and Tano held the ruined bridge in place while Comet and Wolffe rushed to Skywalker and Windu's rescue, pulling them from the ship and helping them into their gunship before the cruiser fell apart and was destroyed.


Comet advances through the Felucian jungle

Comet advances through the Felucian jungle

In 20 BBY, Comet fought in the Second Battle of Felucia. One evening, forces led by Koon, Skywalker, and Tano neared a Separatist outpost. Koon decided to split their forces to make their attack, and thus, Comet led a group of clones, including Sinker and Boost, that accompanied Tano around the back wall of the base. As they neared the wall, Tano told Comet to stop and, after he halted the troops, Tano told him that she sensed something nearby. Comet asked her if it was a droid, but Tano replied that it was probably just an animal. Telling the men to remain alert, Comet and his fellow troopers made their final approach to the wall and took cover at the treeline. As Skywalker and Koon made their frontal assault to draw the Separatists towards them, Comet and the others took out the sentry droids and successfully scaled the wall with grapplers. As Tano covered their backs, Comet and the men secured their position. Comet then told Tano to come up after them, and Tano reassured Comet that she was right behind them. However, when Comet turned away to continue moving, Tano was captured by the Trandoshan hunter Lo-Taren.

Meanwhile, Comet and the men continued on, unaware that she had been captured. They fought battle droids until they met up with Koon and Skywalker's forces in the center of the base. Skywalker complimented Comet before asking where Tano was, and the clone replied that she had been covering their flank. Realizing his Padawan was unaccounted for, Skywalker ordered Comet and his men to perform a perimeter sweep, to which they discovered that Tano was missing in action. Although Skywalker, Rex, and his men searched until the following day, Koon reminded Skywalker that they needed to return to Coruscant, saying that military intelligence could work on locating her. Thus, Comet and the rest of the Republic forces departed Felucia. Tano would later be recovered on the moon Wasskah.


Comet using a jetpack during the rescue

Comet using a jetpack during the rescue

Later that year, after the population of the planet Kiros was enslaved by the Zygerrian Slave Empire and brought to a slave processing facility on the planet Kadavo, Koon led the Wolfpack to attempt a rescue them as well as Kenobi and Rex, who had been captured in their mission to locate the enslaved Togrutas on the planet Zygerria. Comet was part of a squad that used jetpacks to deploy ascension cables for the Togrutas to escape down and onto their Arquitens-class light cruiser, the Hand of Justice. As the platform the Togrutas were standing on began to retract, multiple of them fell, with one of them being caught by Comet. When the survivors made it into the hangar of the cruiser, Comet and the other troopers helped them receive medical treatment.

Oba Diah

Comet leading the search party

Comet leading the search party

In the last year of the war, 19 BBY, Comet and the men traveled with Koon to the moon of the planet Oba Diah to locate a shuttle that had belonged to Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. As they conducted a search through the howling winds and dust, Comet used his comlink to attempt to find the other search parties and tell them that they had not found anything. As Comet noted that they were probably way off, Wolffe replied over the comm from a clone turbo tank that their data indicated that they were very close. Comet assured his commander that they had scoured the area three times but could not detect anything by visual or by using the scanner, declaring the area to be a wasteland. However, another trooper soon discovered the wreckage of the shuttle. Koon later reported their findings to the Jedi Council.


Nearly twenty years after the end of the Clone Wars, Wolffe and former clone commando Gregor fought against the Galactic Empire during the liberation of the planet Lothal. During the conflict, Lothal's native loth-wolves joined the fight against Imperial forces. Observing the similarity between the wolves and the "Wolfpack" nickname for the squad in the 104th Battalion, Gregor commented that Wolffe had his Wolfpack back. Wolffe smiled and responded that they fought just like Comet and his other men.

Personality and traits

Comet was a skilled and experienced soldier, serving in Commander Wolffe's Wolfpack. As a corporal, Comet was trusted to lead other troopers and did so capably. In addition to being relied upon by his commanding officers Wolffe and Jedi Master Plo Koon, he was also trusted by Ahsoka Tano. As a clone of Jango Fett, Comet stood 1.83 meters (6 feet) tall, weighed eighty kilograms. and had tan skin.


Comet wearing Phase II armor

Comet wearing Phase II armor

Comet had standard Phase I clone trooper armor with reddish and eventually gray-blue markings consistent with his unit, including unique markings on his helmet. Comet's Phase II armor was also uniquely painted with gray-blue markings. During their mission to one of the moons of Oba Diah, Comet and his fellow troopers wore sand-proof armor designed for the harsh weather conditions that included unique helmets and kamas. Comet utilized a standard DC-15A blaster carbine and also frequently used a jetpack during missions.

Like all other clone troopers, Comet had a behavioral modification biochip implanted into his brain at birth by Kaminoan scientists in order to ensure that he would be complicit in certain orders.

Behind the scenes

Comet first appeared in "R2 Come Home," the twenty-first episode of the second season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The episode aired on April 30, 2010. Like all other clone troopers in the series, he was voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.


  • Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy





















