Wildfire (clone trooper)

Wildfire, formerly designated CT-1701, was a clone trooper that served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. After the Galactic Republic was replaced by the Galactic Empire, Wildfire did not swear allegiance to the New Order, but instead fought against the Empire alongside the Devaronian brawler, Tress Hacnua as a soldier of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.


Wildfire grapples with an AT-AT driver on Seelos.

Wildfire grapples with an AT-AT driver on Seelos.

CT-1701, who would come to adopt the name Wildfire, was a clone trooper, one of millions cloned from the genetic template of the human bounty hunter Jango Fett. Like all clone troopers, Wildfire was created to be a soldier of the Galactic Republic, and therefore battled the droid forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems as part of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. He served with the 104th "Wolfpack" Battalion, a Republic Military unit led by Clone Commander Wolffe.

After the war's end, and the clone army was absorbed into the ranks of the Imperial Army, Wildfire left his military service and joined forces with Tress Hacnua, a cybernetically-enhanced Devaronian female, in fighting against the Galactic Empire with the fledgling Alliance to Restore the Republic. When Wildfire learned that his former commanding officer, Wolffe, was alive and an ally of the Rebellion, he volunteered his team to retrieve valuable intelligence from Joopa Base, the All Terrain Armored Transport commandeered by Wolffe, Rex, and Gregor on the planet Seelos.

Skills and abilities

Wildfire was a clone trooper who supported the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire.

Wildfire was a clone trooper who supported the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire.

As a clone trooper, Wildfire was bred to be a soldier. Being a veteran of the Clone Wars who aged at an accelerated rate, Wildfire had white hair and a beard by the time of his service with the Rebel Alliance. He was very skilled at providing a wide range of blaster fire, and what he lacked in accuracy, he made up for in overwhelming covering fire.


Wildfire retained his clone trooper armor, which featured a kama, an orange pauldron on his left shoulder, and other modifications. His most commonly used weapon was the standard-issue DC-15S blaster.


  • Star Wars: Imperial AssaultLothal Wastes Skirmish Map






