Tress Hacnua

Tress Hacnua was a Devaronian who fought in the Alliance to Restore the Republic alongside Wildfire against the Galactic Empire. She had a reinforced cybernetic arm.


Tress Hacnua grew up on the planet Devaron with her father. Her father would tell her stories of his days smuggling spice throughout the Outer Rim. After her father's death, she left her home with only bad memories.

Tress had her own personal Cyberneticist, a Toydarian named Wotalla. Tress was a frequent customer of Wotalla's shop, where she got repairs and improvements to her cybernetics.

Tress joined the Rebel Alliance and joined forces with Clone trooper Wildfire, where they operated on the planet Lothal. Remembering her father's obsessive need to record every clever hyperroute he used, Tress returned to her home of bad memories to retrieve the navigational records to help Rebel smugglers.

Skills and abilities

Tress Hacnua was a skilled brawler who used various fighting styles to take down any threat.


Tress Hacnua had cybernetic enhancements in the form of a reinforced cybernetic right arm and leg hydraulics.






