
The Venturous was a Groundlion man-of-war, which served the Chiss Ascendancy's Chiss Defense Force under the command of Admiral Dy'lothe. The warship was sent to assess various situations during the Chiss Ascendancy crisis in 18 BBY, firstly trying to watch over the Kilji war cruiser Whetstone at the planet of Rhigar, and the ship escaping the meeting. Later, being sent to the world of Sposia to protect the UAG from the Whetstone, and encountering a Nikardun blockade frigate, the Aelos commanded by traitorous Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo (Core name "Thrawn") who had been set to be captured, with his attempt being thwarted by Admiral Ar'alani and a Crippler net. Later during the same conflict, after Thrawn had defeated the Grysk fleet, it was sent to assess the situation, being welcomed by Ar'alani to the world of Sunrise.


As the Venturous was a Groundlion man-of-war, it was inspired by a creature, the Groundlion. It had several weapon clusters and a tractor beam, as well as laser cannons.

Serving the Syndicure

In 18 BBY, the Venturous was sent to the planet of Rhigar, where the Kilji war cruiser Whetstone was meeting senior members of the Clarr family, which they had attempted to do with the Mitth family previously. However, instead of meeting with Patriarch Clarr'ivl'exow, the aliens Captain Clarr'os'culry (Core name "Roscu"). Before Roscu boarded the Whetstone to meet with the leader of the Kilji Illumine, Generalirius Nakirre, and the Grysk agent "Jixtus," she was informed that the Venturous had been sent to Rhigar because of the Whetstones presence, and therefore, rejected refreshments the aliens offered to get the Kilji war cruiser out of there faster as her Patriarch had ordered her to get the warship out of there, which succeeded, as the Venturous and Dy'lothe missed the Kilji ship.

Later, when Admiral Ar'alani and Supreme Admiral Ja'fosk met, the Supreme Admiral informed Ar'alani that she and her warship, the Vigilant were going to Sposia to guard the UAG before the Venturous arrived there to protect it. After Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo (Core name "Thrawn") was set to be captured, Supreme General Ba'kif and Senior Aide Stybla'mi'ovodo (Core name "Lamiov") met with the "rogue" officer. During their meeting, Lamiov informed Thrawn that Admiral Dy'lothe and the Venturous had just arrived, and ordered Thrawn's Paccian allies to surrender, or be destroyed. At the same time, Ar'alani had just arrived at Sposia, and she was informed that Dy'lothe had a Nikardun blockade frigate pinned inside the planet's gravity well—which in reality, was the Aelos, a Paccosh-commandeered frigate—the Admiral then ordered Droc'tri'morhs (Core name "Octrimo") to get them with the Venturous through an in-system jump. They arrived to their destination, and confronted the Ventuorous, Stybla'rsi'omli (Core name "Larsiom") informed Dy'lothe that the Nikardun vessel was commanded by a Chiss officer—who had stolen a Vagaari gravity well projector from the UAG vault—which had to leave. However, Dy'lothe, fully trusting the Syndicure that had set Thrawn to be captured, continued her attempt to capture the "Nikardun".

However, Dy'lothe's attempt was unsuccesful, as the Vigilant assisted the Aelos in escaping, allowing the Paccosh to send a Crippler net to Dy'lothe's warship, disabling it temporarily, allowing it to leave. After the Aelos escaped, Dy'lothe and Ar'alani conversed, with Dy'lothe informing the other Admiral that she was going to deposit some degree from a Asteroid missile platform received from the planet of Ornfra, stopping the comm conversation.

Thrawn's exile

After the Paccosh, Garwians, Kilji defectors, Qilori and Thrawn's forces destroyed the Grysk fleet, Dy'lothe and the Venturous arrived at Sunrise, as he had been sent by the Syndicure to assess the situation.

Commanders and crew

The Venturous was commanded by Admiral Dy'lothe. Captain Roscu had the opportunity to become the ship's Second Officer.

Behind the scenes

The Venturous appeared in the 2021 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, the final volume in the Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy Trilogy written by Timothy Zahn.






