
Urgost, Fist of Rayvis served as a smasher in the Bedlam Raiders. He was personally trained in the use of the electrohammer by the raiders leader, Rayvis, coming to treat the weapon as an extension of his own arm. In 9 BBY, Urgost was among the raider forces that traveled to the Mountain Observatory on the planet Koboh to search for an Abyss compass. He was killed by the Jedi Knight Cal Kestis during on the observatory.


Urgost treated his electrohammer as an extension of his own arm.

Urgost treated his electrohammer as an extension of his own arm.

Urgost was a in the Bedlam Raiders, a group of marauders led by the Gen'Dai Rayvis on the planet Koboh. Rayvis saw in Urgost what might have been a measure of the code that the Gen'Dai lived by, and so personally provided tutelage for the lieutenant in the use of the electrohammer, with Urgost becoming known as the "Fist of Rayvis." In 9 BBY, the former Jedi Dagan Gera joined Rayvis in leading the raiders, and after the Gen'Dai was killed by the Jedi Knight Cal Kestis, Gera led the raiders to the Mountain Observatory on Koboh to search for an Abyss compass.

The Bedlam Raiders with Imperial forces who were also searching for the compass on the observatory, but Gera personally selected Urgost to kill Kestis during the battle, as he knew the other Jedi would come looking for the compass. During the battle, the lieutenant encountered Kestis on one of the station's open-air walkways, killing an Imperial stormtrooper with his hammer as Kestsis emerged from a turbolift. Urgost tossed the stormtrooper's corpse over the edge of the walkway before attacking Kestis, taunting the Jedi as the pair fought. Kestis prevailed and killed Urgost before confronting Gera and slaying him as well.

Personality and traits

Instead of just a blunt tool, Urgost saw the electrohammer as the brush with which he painted his art, employing it as though it were an extension of his own arm. He was also very proud of his strength to be chosen by Dagan to be sent after Cal Kestis.


Urgost was heavily-clad with golden, white, and gray armor which he wore over white and gray clothing. His outfit included a golden helmet, white gloves, and gray boots. In combat he used a blue electrohammer.

Behind the scenes

Urgost appeared as a mandatory boss in the 2023 Respawn Entertainment video game, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.



