Unidentified Mizi (Crimson Dawn)

An unidentified Mizi female was part of Crimson Dawn. She travelled to Thorum after Qi'ra found out a local criminal organization had detailed maps of the Karthakk sector and was making moves into Crimson Dawn space. She took control from Cerveteri Slane and put together a plan to eliminate the leaders of the the Hammers. The Mizi assigned Thallia and Olio to infiltrate the group as low-level worker while Qi'ra would pose as a buyer and see if she could find out how the Hammers were able to gain information about Crimson Dawn operations. She had her slicer come up with a fake identity for Qi'ra and suggested that she get a haircut before assuming the new persona.

As the operation against the Hammers continued, the Mizi kept an updated map of the area with the locations of caches of credits and stock. At the end, she ordered the hit squads to take out their targets and waited at the Crimson Dawn base. Qi'ra returned and informed her that a Crimson Dawn source had told the Hammers about the Karthakk sector trade routes. The Mizi hoped to save some of them to interrogate, but was unable to stop the assassinations. Qi'ra told her that she had to take the information up the chain so that it wouldn't look like she was hiding anything. She told Qi'ra that she'd probably be suspected of being the leak and that she couldn't guarantee her safety. She asked Qi'ra how she found out about the leak and was told it came from Dennet Clyde's . Four months later, she was onboard the First Light and met with Qi'ra briefly before departing.






