

During a briefing on how Crimson Dawn would deal with the Hammers, Olio raised the concern that they outnumbered the Crimson Dawn personnel on Thorum. He was paired with Myem to disable the security personnel stationed in the guard post and control room. After the heist, it was decided to send the Hammers a message about operating in Crimson Dawn territory. Olio was tasked to join the group as a low-level recruit and keep an eye on a list of targets. He and Thallia posed as newlyweds to make recruiting easier. Along with the rest of the Thorum crew, he returned to the First Light for training. During that time, he grew to resent Qi'ra for not intervening when Thallia was accused of leaking Crimson Dawn information to other criminal organizations and executed. Realizing he was a threat, Olio was framed by Qi'ra. He was executed by Dryden Vos who threw his petar through Olio's eye and into his brain, killing him instantly.

Personality and traits

Olio was well-muscled and could plan fights.






