

During a dinner meeting on Thorum at the Crimson Dawn house, she talked to Cerveteri Slane about her last mission. Later, she joined Qi'ra, Qorsha and Eleera to collect some protection money from a business in Calda. During the walk, she talked to Qorsha about not replacing their blasters with newer models. The group arrived at the business and she was greeted by the owner. They collected the debt and left. Myem explained that Tobin was stuck because he had bad investments. Qi'ra suggested they perform another job and Myem supplied the group with a list of people who owed Crimson Dawn money. When Eleera asked if they could send a message to a shop that was late in paying for three months in a row, Myem indicated that they should. She checked the alley behind the shop while the rest of the group set fire to it. During the Crimson Dawn's mission to steal and sabotage the Hammer's fleet in order to force them out of competition with Crimson Dawn she was paired with Olio to disable the security personnel stationed in the guard post and control room. She was incinerated by a trap while on a mission to retrieve a Jedi artifact.

Personality and traits

Myem was more concerned with hardware and making credits than advancing up the ranks of Crimson Dawn.

Skills and abilities

Myem could speak Huttese.






