

Due to connections with a cousin already in the organization, Qorsha was able to join Crimson Dawn. Qorsha accompanied Qi'ra, Myem and Eleera on a job to collect protection money from a business in Calda on Thorum. He talked to Myem about buying new blasters but she wanted to stick with what she was familiar with and save money. After collecting the money owed to Crimson Dawn, Qorsha and the rest of the group went to a shop that was delinquent in paying for three months in a row. He painted the Crimson Dawn symbol on the front window of the shop while Qi'ra set fire to a tree outside of it. The Rodian was paired with Drex during the mission to steal and sabotage the Hammer's fleet in order to force them out of competition with Crimson Dawn. He fell into a spike trap while on a mission to retrieve a Jedi artifact.

Personality and traits

Qorsha was more concerned with hardware and making credits than advancing up the ranks of Crimson Dawn.

Skills and abilities

Qorsha was able to speak Huttese.






