The Uzzu

The Uzzu was a club on the planet Coruscant that served drinks, food, and played loud music. In 230 BBY, the Coruscanti Alees June, Loran, Ellyt, and Sym, along with Jedi Padawan Amadeo Azzazzo, entered the Uzzu. June ordered a tall blue drink, while Azzazzo partook in a moonberry juice. They sat in a booth and conversed, but a former boyfriend of June's, Bing, burst in, thundering at June that she had not answered his calls. He lunged at her, but Azzazzo struck back. Bing quickly relented and shuffled off. Impressed, June thanked the Jedi, and Loran suggested that she ought to by him a drink.

The Uzzu appeared in "The Call of Coruscant," a short story written by Lydia Kang and published in the 2023 collection The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life.

Behind the scenes

The Uzzu appeared in "The Call of Coruscant," a short story written by Lydia Kang and published in the 2023 collection The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life.






